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  He heaved a sigh and shoved down a gear。
  The hill was beginning to steepen and his lorry was heavy with Danish thermostatic radiator controls。
  It wasn't that he was naturally predisposed to be so surly; at least he hoped not。 It was just the rain which got him down; always the rain。
  It was raining now; just for a change。
  It was a particular type of rain he particularly disliked; particularly when he was driving。 He had a number for it。 It was rain type 17。
  He had read somewhere that the Eskimos had over two hundred different words for snow; without which their conversation would probably have got very monotonous。 So they would distinguish between thin snow and thick snow; light snow and heavy snow; sludgy snow; brittle snow; snow that came in flurries; snow that came in drifts; snow that came in on the bottom of your neighbour's boots all over your nice clean igloo floor; the snows of winter; the snows of spring; the snows you remember from your childhood that were so much better than any of your modern snow; fine snow; feathery snow; hill snow; valley snow; snow that falls in the morning; snow that falls at night; snow that falls all of a sudden just when you were going out fishing; and snow that despite all your efforts to train them; the huskies have pissed on。
  Rob McKeena had two hundred and thirty…one different types of rain entered in his little book; and he didn't like any of them。
  He shifted down another gear and the lorry heaved its revs up。 It grumbled in a fortable sort of way about all the Danish thermostatic radiator controls it was carrying。
  Since he had left Denmark the previous afternoon; he had been through types 33 (light pricking drizzle which made the roads slippery); 39 (heavy spotting); 47 to 51 (vertical light drizzle through to sharply slanting light to moderate drizzle freshening); 87 and 88 (two finely distinguished varieties of vertical torrential downpour); 100 (post…downpour squalling; cold); all the seastorm types between 192 and 213 at once; 123; 124; 126; 127 (mild and intermediate cold gusting; regular and syncopated cab…drumming); 11 (breezy droplets); and now his least favourite of all; 17。
  Rain type 17 was a dirty blatter battering against his windscreen so hard that it didn't make much odds whether he had his wipers on or off。
  He tested this theory by turning them off briefly; but as it turned out the visibility did get quite a lot worse。 It just failed to get better again when he turned them back on。
  In fact one of the wiper blades began to flap off。
  Swish swish swish flop swish flop swish swish flop swish flop swish flop flop flop scrape。
  He pounded his steering wheel; kicked the floor; thumped his cassette player till it suddenly started playing Barry Manilow; thumped it again till it stopped; and swore and swore and swore and swore and swore。
  It was at the very moment that his fury was peaking that there loomed swimmingly in his headlights; hardly visible through the blatter; a figure by the roadside。
  A poor bedraggled figure; strangely attired; wetter than an otter in a washing machine; and hitching。
  … Poor miserable sod; … thought Rob McKeena to himself; realizing that here was somebody with a better right to feel hard done by than himself; … must be chilled to the bone。 Stupid to be out hitching on a filthy night like this。 All you get is cold; wet; and lorries driving through puddles at you。
  He shook his head grimly; heaved another sigh; gave the wheel a turn and hit a large sheet of water square on。
  … See what I mean? … he thought to himself as he ploughed swiftly through it。 … You get some right bastards on the road。
  Splattered in his rear mirror a couple of seconds later was the reflection of the hitch…hiker; drenched by the roadside。
  For a moment he felt good about this。 A moment or two later he felt bad about feeling good about it。 Then he felt good about feeling bad about feeling good about it and; satisfied; drove on into the night。
  At least it made up for having been finally overtaken by that Porsche he had been diligently blocking for the last twenty miles。
  And as he drove on; the rainclouds dragged down the sky after him; for; though he did not know it; Rob McKeena was a Rain God。 All he knew was that his working days were miserable and he had a succession of lousy holidays。 All the clouds knew was that they loved him and wanted to be near him; to cherish him; and to water him。
   Chapter 3
  The next two lorries were not driven by Rain Gods; but they did exactly the same thing。
  The figure trudged; or rather sloshed; onwards till the hill resumed and the treacherous sheet of water was left behind。
  After a while the rain began to ease and the moon put in a brief appearance from behind the clouds。
  A Renault drove by; and its driver made frantic and plex signals to the trudging figure to indicate that he would have been delighted to give the figure a lift; only he couldn't this time because he wasn't going in the direction that the figure wanted to go; whatever direction that might be; and he was sure the figure would understand。 He concluded the signalling with a cheery thumbs…up sign; as if to say that he hoped the figure felt really fine about being cold and almost terminally wet; and he would catch him the next time around。
  The figure trudged on。 A Fiat passed and did exactly the same as the Renault。
  A Maxi passed on the other side of the road and flashed its lights at the slowly plodding figure; though whether this was meant to convey a 〃Hello〃 or a 〃Sorry we're going the other way〃 or a 〃Hey look; there's someone in the rain; what a jerk〃 was entirely unclear。 A green strip across the top of the windscreen indicated that whatever the message was; it came from Steve and Carola。
  The storm had now definitely abated; and what thunder there was now grumbled over more distant hills; like a man saying 〃And another thing。。。〃 twenty minutes after admitting he's lost the argument。
  The air was clearer now; the night cold。 Sound travelled rather well。 The lost figure; shivering desperately; presently reached a junction; where a side road turned off to the left。 Opposite the turning stood a signpost which the figure suddenly hurried to and studied with feverish curiosity; only twisting away from it as another car passed suddenly。
  And another。
  The first whisked by with plete disregard; the second flashed meaninglessly。 A Ford Cortina passed and put on its brakes。
  Lurching with surprise; the figure bundled his bag to his chest and hurried forward towards the car; but at the last moment the Cortina span its wheels in the wet and carreered off up the road rather amusingly。
  The figure slowed to a stop and stood there; lost and dejected。
  As it chanced; the following day the driver of the Cortina went into hospital to have his appendix out; only due to a rather amusing mix up the surgeon removed his leg in error; and before the appendectomy could be rescheduled; the appendicitis plicated into an entertainingly serious case of peritonitis and justice; in its way; was served。
  The figure trudged on。
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