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  She smiled; shook her hair a little forward over her face and peered at him from behind it。
  … Oh; … he said; … that's a little unfair; isn't it?
  … Yes。
  … Fine。
  … All right; … she said with a laugh; … you can ask me。 Might as well get it over with。 Better than have you call me Fenny all the time。
  … Presumably。。。 … said Arthur。
  … We've only got two tickets left; you see; and since you were so generous when I spoke to you before。。。
  … What? … snapped Arthur。
  The woman with the perm and the smile and the now nearly empty book of cloakroom tickets was now waving the two last ones under his nose。
  … I thought I'd give the opportunity to you; because the prizes are so nice。
  She wrinkled up he nose a little confidentially。
  … Very tasteful。 I know you'll like them。 And it is for Anjie's retirement present you see。 We want to give her。。。
  … A kidney machine; yes; … said Arthur。 … Here。
  He held out two more ten pence pieces to her; and took the tickets。
  A thought seemed to strike the woman。 It struck her very slowly。 You could watch it ing in like a long wave on a sandy beach。
  … Oh dear; … she said; … I'm not interrupting anything am I?
  She peered anxiously at both of them。
  … No it's fine; … said Arthur。 Everything that could possibly be fine; … he insisted; … is fine。
  … Thank you; … he added。
  … I say; … she said; in a delightful ecstasy of worry; … you're not。。。 in love; are you?
  … It's very hard to say; … said Arthur。 … We haven't had a chance to talk yet。
  He glanced at Fenchurch。 She was grinning。
  The woman nodded with knowing confidentiality。
  … I'll let you see the prizes in a minute; … she said; and left。
  Arthur turned; with a sigh; back to the girl that he found it hard to say whether he was in love with。
  … You were about to ask me; … she said; … a question。
  … Yes; … said Arthur。
  … We can do it together if you like; … said Fenchurch。 … Was I found。。。
  … 。。。in a handbag。。。 … joined in Arthur。
  … 。。。in the Left Luggage Office。。。 … they said together。
  … 。。。at Fenchurch street station; … they finished。
  … And the answer; … said Fenchurch; … is no。
  … Fine; … said Arthur。
  … I was conceived there。
  … What?
  … I was con。。。
  … In the Left Luggage Office? … hooted Arthur。
  … No; of course not。 Don't be silly。 What would my parents be doing in the Left Luggage Office? … she said; rather taken aback by the suggestion。
  … Well; I don't know; … spluttered Arthur; … or rather。。。
  … It was in the ticket queue。
  … The。。。
  … The ticket queue。 Or so they claim。 They refuse to elaborate。 They only say you wouldn't believe how bored it is possible to get in the ticket queue at Fenchurch Street Station。
  She sipped demurely at her tomato juice and looked at her watch。
  Arthur continued to gurgle for a moment or two。
  … I'm going to have to go in a minute or two; … said Fenchurch; … and you haven't begun to tell me whatever this terrifically extraordinary thing is that you were so keen to get off your chest。
  … Why don't you let me drive you to London? … said Arthur。 … It's Saturday; I've got nothing particular to do; I'd。。。
  … No; … said Fenchurch; … thank you; it's sweet of you; but no。 I need to be by myself for a couple of days。 … She smiled and shrugged。
  … But。。。
  … You can tell me another time。 I'll give you my number。
  Arthur's heart went boom boom churn churn as she scribbled seven figures in pencil on a scrap of paper and handed it to him。
  … Now we can relax; … she said with a slow smile which filled Arthur till he thought he would burst。
  … Fenchurch; … he said; enjoying the name as he said it。 … I。。。
  … A box; … said a trailing voice; … of cherry liqueurs; and also; and I know you'll like this; a gramophone record of Scottish bagpipe music。。。
  … Yes thank you; very nice; … insisted Arthur。
  … I just thought I'd let you have a look at them; … said the permed woman; … as you're down from London。。。
  She was holding them out proudly for Arthur too see。 He could see that they were indeed a box of cherry brandy liqueurs and a record of bagpipe music。 That was what they were。
  … I'll let you have your drink in peace now; … she said; patting Arthur lightly on his seething shoulder; … but I knew you'd like to see。
  Arthur re…engaged his eyes with Fenchurch's once again; and suddenly was at a loss for something to say。 A moment had e and gone between the two of them; but the whole rhythm of it had been wrecked by that stupid; blasted woman。
  … Don't worry; … said Fenchurch; looking at him steadily from over the top of her glass; … we will talk again。 … She took a sip。
  … Perhaps; … she added; … it wouldn't have gone so well if it wasn't for her。 … She gave a wry little smile and dropped her hair forward over her face again。
  It was perfectly true。
  He had to admit it was perfectly true。
   Chapter 13
  That night; at home; as he was prancing round the house pretending to be tripping through cornfields in slow motion and continually exploding with sudden laughter; Arthur thought he could even bear to listen to the album of bagpipe music he had won。 It was eight o'clock and he decided he would make himself; force himself; to listen to the whole record before he phoned her。 Maybe he should even leave it till tomorrow。 That would be the cool thing to do。 Or next week sometime。
  No。 No games。 He wanted her and didn't care who knew it。 He definitely and absolutely wanted her; adored her; longed for her; wanted to do more things than there were names for with her。
  He actually caught himself saying thinks like 〃Yippee〃 as he prances ridiculously round the house。 Her eyes; her hair; her voice; everything。。。
  He stopped。
  He would put on the record of bagpipe music。 Then he would call her。
  Would he; perhaps; call her first?
  No。 What he would do was this。 He would put on the record of bagpipe music。 He would listen to it; every last banshee wail of it。 Then he would call her。 That was the correct order。 That was what he would do。
  He was worried about touching things in case they blew up when he did so。
  He picked up the record。 It failed to blow up。 He slipped it out of its cover。 He opened the record player; he turned on the amp。 They both survived。 He giggled foolishly as he lowered the stylus on to the disc。
  He sat and listened solemnly to 〃A Scottish Soldier〃。
  He listened to 〃Amazing Grace〃。
  He listened to something about some glen or other。
  He thought about his miraculous lunchtime。
  They had just been on the point of leaving; when they were distracted by an awful outbreak of 〃yoo…hooing〃。 The appallingly permed woman was waving to them across the room like some stupid bird with a broken wing。 Everyone in the pub turned to them and seemed to be expecting some sort of response。
  They hadn't listened to the bit about how pleased and happy Anjie was going to be about the 4。30p everyone had helped to raise towards the cost of her kidney machine; had been vaguely aware that someone from the next table had won a 
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