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  … Oh; not to worry。 Thought it was probably something like that。 Happens here all the time。 How soon can we expect you?
  … When do hedgehogs stop hibernating?
  … Sometime in spring I think。
  … I'll be in shortly after that。
  … Rightyho。
  He flipped through the Yellow Pages and made a short list of numbers to try。
  … Oh hello; is that the Old Elms Hospital? Yes; I was just phoning to see if I could have a word with Fenella; er。。。 Fenella … Good Lord; silly me; I'll forget my own name next; er; Fenella … isn't this ridiculous? Patient of yours; dark haired girl; came in last night。。。
  … I'm afraid we don't have any patients called Fenella。
  … Oh; don't you? I mean Fiona of course; we just call her Fen。。。
  … I'm sorry; goodbye。
  Six conversations along these lines began to take their toll on his mood of vigorous; dynamic optimism; and he decided that before it deserted him entirely he would take it down to the pub and parade it a little。
  He had had the perfect idea for explaining away every inexplicable weirdness about himself at a stroke; and he whistled to himself as he pushed open the door which had so daunted him last night。
  … Arthur!!!!
  He grinned cheerfully at the boggling eyes that stared at him from all corners of the pub; and told them all what a wonderful time he'd had in Southern California。
   Chapter 9
  He accepted another pint and took a pull at it。
  … Of course; I had my own personal alchemist too。
  … You what?
  He was getting silly and he knew it。 Exuberance and Hall and Woodhouse best bitter was a mixture to be wary of; but one of the first effects it had is to stop you being wary of things; and the point at which Arthur should have stopped and explained no more was the point at which he started instead to get inventive。
  … Oh yes; … he insisted with a happy glazed smile。 … It's why I've lost so much weight。
  … What? … said his audience。
  … Oh yes; … he said again。 … The Californians have rediscovered alchemy。 Oh yes。
  He smiled again。
  … Only; … he said; … it's in a much more useful form than that which in。。。 … He paused thoughtfully to let a little grammar assemble in his head。 … In which the ancients used to practise it。 Or at least; … he added; … failed to practise it。 They couldn't get it to work you know。 Nostradamus and that lot。 Couldn't cut it。
  … Nostradamus? … said one of his audience。
  … I didn't think he was an alchemist; … said another。
  … I thought; … said a third; … he was a seer。
  … He became a seer; … said Arthur to his audience; the ponent parts of which were beginning to bob and blur a little; … because he was such a lousy alchemist。 You should know that。
  He took another pull at his beer。 It was something he had not tasted for eight years。 He tasted it and tasted it。
  … What has alchemy got to do; … asked a bit of the audience; … with losing weight?
  … I'm glad you asked that; … said Arthur。 … Very glad。 And I will now tell you what the connection is between。。。 … He paused。 … Between those two things。 The things you mentioned。 I'll tell you。
  He paused and manoeuvred his thoughts。 It was like watching oil tankers doing three…point turns in the English Channel。
  … They've discovered how to turn excess body fat into gold; … he said; in a sudden blur of coherence。
  … You're kidding。
  … Oh yes; … he said; … no; … he corrected himself; … they have。
  He rounded on the doubting part of his audience; which was all of it; and so it took a little while to round on it pletely。
  … Have you been to California? … he demanded。 … Do you know the sort of stuff they do there?
  Three members of his audience said they had and that he was talking nonsense。
  … You haven't seen anything; … insisted Arthur。 … Oh yes; … he added; because someone was offering to buy another round。
  … The evidence; … he said; pointing at himself; and not missing by more than a couple of inches; … is before your eyes。 Fourteen hours in a trance; … he said; … in a tank。 In a trance。 I was in a tank。 I think; … he added after a thoughtful pause; … I already said that。
  He waited patiently while the next round was duly distributed。 He posed the next bit of his story in his mind; which was going to be something about the tank needing to be orientated along a line dropped perpendicularly from the Pole Star to a baseline drawn between Mars and Venus; and was about to start trying to say it when he decided to give it a miss。
  … Long time; … he said instead; … in a tank。 In a trance。 … He looked round severely at his audience; to make sure it was all following attentively。
  He resumed。
  … Where was I? … he said。
  … In a trance; … said one。
  … In a tank; … said another。
  … Oh yes; … said Arthur。 … Thank you。 And slowly; … he said pressing onwards; … slowly; slowly slowly; all your excess body fat。。。 turns。。。 to。。。 … he paused for effect; … subcoo。。。 subyoo。。。 subtoocay。。。 … he paused for breath … subcutaneous gold; which you can have surgically removed。 Getting out of the tank is hell。 What did you say?
  … I was just clearing my throat。
  … I think you doubt me。
  … I was clearing my throat。
  … She was clearing her throat; … confirmed a significant part of the audience in a low rumble。
  … Oh yes; … said Arthur; … all right。 And you then split the proceeds。。。 … he paused again for a maths break; … fifty…fifty with the alchemist。 Make a lot of money!
  He looked swayingly around at his audience; and could not help but be aware of an air of scepticism about their jumbled faces。
  He felt very affronted by this。
  … How else; … he demanded; … could I afford to have my face dropped?
  Friendly arms began to help him home。
  … Listen; … he protested; as the cold February breeze brushed his face; … looking lived…in is all the rage in California at the moment。 You've got to look as if you've seen the Galaxy。 Life; I mean。 You've got to look as if you've seen life。 That's what I got。 A face drop。 Give me eight years; I said。 I hope being thirty doesn't e back into fashion or I've wasted a lot of money。
  He lapsed into silence for a while as the friendly arms continued to help him along the lane to his house。
  … Got in yesterday; … he mumbled。 … I'm very happy to be home。 Or somewhere very like it。。。
  … Jet lag; … muttered one of his friends。 … Long trip from California。 Really mucks you up for a couple of days。
  … I don't think he's been there at all; … muttered another。 … I wonder where he has been。 And what's happened to him。
  After a little sleep Arthur got up and pottered round the house a bit。 He felt woozy and a little low; still disoriented by the journey。 He wondered how he was going to find Fenny。
  He sat and looked at the fish bowl。 He tapped it again; and despite being full of water and a small yellow Babel fish which was gulping its way around rather dejectedly; it still chimed its deep and resonant chime as clearly and mesmerically as before。
  Someone is trying to thank me; he thought to himself。 He wondered who; and for what。
   Chapter 10
  … At th
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