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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第95章

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  “Ah…hah。 I’m guessing Freudian Boy didn’t take that well?”

  “Not so much。 Whatever。 Easy e; easy go; right?” She 
  scampered off to the kitchen with her empty glass and I saw 
  her pour from a half…full bottle of Ketel One。 A very small 
  splash of soda; and she was back on the couch。

  I was just about to inquire as gently as possible why she was 
  inhaling vodka when she had an article due the next day; but 
  the buzzer rang from downstairs。

  “Who’s there?” I called to John by holding down the button。

  “Mr。 Fineman is here to see Ms。 Sachs;” he announced formally; 
  all Business now that other people were around。

  “Really? Um; great。 Send him up。”

  Lily looked at me and raised her eyebrows; and I realized that 
  once again we weren’t going to have this conversation。 “You 
  look psyched;” she said with obvious sarcasm。 “Not exactly 
  thrilled that your boyfriend is surprising you; are you?”

  “Of course I am;” I said defensively; and we both knew I was 
  lying。 Things with Alex had been strained the past few weeks。 
  Really strained。 We went through all the motions of being 
  together and we did it well: after almost four years; we 
  certainly knew what the other wanted to hear or needed to do。 
  But he’d pensated for all the time I spent at work by being 
  even more angelic at school—volunteering to coach; tutor; 
  mentor; and chair just about every activity someone could 
  think up—and the time we did actually see each other was about 
  as exciting as if we’d been married for thirty years。 We had 
  an unspoken understanding that we’d just wait things out until 
  my year of servitude was over; but I wouldn’t let myself think 
  about where the relationship might be headed then。

  But still。 That made two close people in my life—first Jill 
  (who’d called me out on the miserable state of affairs on the 
  phone the other night); and now Lily—who’d pointed out that 
  Alex and I were less than adorable together lately; and I had 
  to admit that Lily had; in her buzzed but nonetheless 
  perceptive way; noticed that I was not happy to hear that Alex 
  had arrived。 I was dreading telling him that I had to go to 
  Europe; dreading the inevitable fight that would ensue; a 
  fight I very much would have liked to put off for a few more 
  days。 Ideally; not until I was in Europe。 But no such luck; as 
  he was currently knocking on my door。

  “Hi!” I said a bit too enthusiastically as I pulled open the 
  door and threw my arms around his neck。 “What a great 

  “You don’t mind that I just stopped by; do you? I met Max for 
  a drink right around the corner and I thought I’d say hi。”

  “Of course I don’t mind; silly! I’m thrilled。 e in; e 
  in。” I knew I sounded positively manic; but any armchair 
  shrink could easily point out that my outward enthusiasm was 
  meant to overpensate for all that was lacking inwardly。

  He grabbed a beer and kissed Lily on the cheek and settled 
  into the bright orange armchair my parents had saved from the 
  seventies; just knowing that one day they could bestow it 
  proudly on one of their offspring。 “So; what’s going on here?” 
  he asked; nodding toward the stereo; where a positively 
  heart…wrenching version of “Hallelujah” was blaring。

  Lily shrugged。 “Procrastinating。 What else?”

  “Well; I have some news;” I said; trying to sound enthusiastic 
  to convince both myself and Alex that this was; in fact; a 
  positive development。 He’d been so excited about arranging all 
  the plans for our Homeing weekend—and I’d been so pushy in 
  getting him to do it—that it seemed downright cruel to be 
  canceling on him less than a week and a half before we were 
  going。 We’d spent an entire night figuring out whom we wanted 
  to invite to our big Sunday brunch; and even knew exactly 
  where and with whom we’d be tailgating before the 
  Brown–Dartmouth game on Saturday。

  They both looked at me; not a little warily; until Alex 
  finally managed; “Yeah? What’s up?”

  “Well! I just got the call—I’m going to Paris for a week!” I 
  said this with the exuberance of telling an infertile couple 
  that they were having twins。

  “You’re going where?” Lily asked; looking puzzled and 
  distracted; not entirely interested。

  “You’re goingwhy ?” Alex asked at the exact same moment; 
  looking about as pleased as if I’d just announced that I had 
  tested positive for syphilis。

  “Emily just found out she has mono; and Miranda wants me to 
  acpany her to the shows。 Isn’t that awesome?” I said; a 
  chipper smile on my face。 This was exhausting。 I was dreading 
  having to go myself; but it made it ten times worse to have to 
  convince him that it was actually a really great opportunity。

  “I don’t understand。 Doesn’t she go to the shows like a 
  thousand times a year?” he asked。 I nodded。 “So why does she 
  all of a sudden need you to go with her now?”

  Lily had tuned out at this point and seemed to be engrossed in 
  flipping through an old issue ofThe New Yorker 。 I’d saved 
  every copy from the past five years。

  “She throws this massive party at the spring shows in Paris 
  and just likes to have one of her American assistants be 
  there。 She’ll go to Milan first and then we’ll meet in Paris。 
  To; you know; oversee everything。”

  “And that American assistant has to be you; and it has to mean 
  you’ll be missing Homeing;” he said flatly。

  “Well; it’s not normally the way it works。 Since it’s 
  considered a huge privilege; usually the senior assistant is 
  the only one who gets to go; but since Emily is sick; then; 
  yes; now I will be going。 I have to leave next Tuesday; so I 
  can’t go to Providence that weekend。 I’m really; really 
  sorry。” I moved off my chair and went to sit closer to him on 
  the couch; but he immediately stiffened。

  “So it’s just that simple; right? You know; I already paid for 
  the entire room to guarantee the rate。 Never mind the fact 
  thatI rearrangedmy whole schedule to go with you that weekend。 
  I told my mom she had to find a sitter becauseyou wanted to 
  go。 Not a big deal; though; right? Just anotherRunway 
  obligation。” In all the years we’d spent together; I’d never 
  seen him so angry。 Even Lily looked up from her magazine long 
  enough to excuse herself and get the hell out of the room 
  before this turned into an all…out war。

  I tried to curl up on his lap; but he crossed his legs and 
  waved his hand。 “Seriously; Andrea—” He called me that only 
  when he was really annoyed。 “Is all of this really worth it? 
  Be honest with me for a second。 Is it worth it to you?”

  “All of what? Is missing a Homeing weekend when there will 
  be dozens more worth it to do something I’m required to do
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