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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第87章

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  concerned; checking out the situation。 “Andy; why don’t you get in 
  the shower and let me take care of this; OK?” Although no one could 
  call him a big guy; he looked like a pro wrestler pared to the 
  emaciated mess that was currently nuzzling his facial metal against 
  my best friend’s bare back。

  “I。 WANT。 HIM。”—I pointed here; just to be clear。—“OUT。 OF。 MY。 

  “I know you do; and I think he’s about ready to leave; too; aren’t 
  you; buddy?” Alex asked in the kind of soothing voice you’d use with 
  a rabid…looking dog you were frightened of upsetting。

  “Duuuuuuude;no issues here。 Just havin’ a little fun with Lily is 
  all。 She was all over me last night at Au Bar—ask anyone; they’ll 
  tell you。 Fuckin’ begged me to e back with her。”

  “I don’t doubt that;” Alex said soothingly。 “She’s a really friendly 
  girl when she wants to be; but sometimes she gets too drunk to know 
  what she’s doing。 So as her friend; I’m going to have to ask you to 
  leave now。”

  The freak mashed his cigarette out and made a big show of throwing 
  up his hands in mock surrender。 “Dude; no problem whatsoever。 I’ll 
  just take a quick shower and give m’little Lily here a proper 
  good…bye; and then I’ll be on m’way。” He swung his legs over the 
  side of the bed and reached for the towel that hung next to her 

  Alex moved forward; swiftly removed the towel from his hands; and 
  looked him directly in the eye。 “No。 I think you should leave now。 
  Right now。” And in a way that I’d never seen him do in the almost 
  three years I’d known him; he placed himself squarely in front of 
  Freak Boy and allowed his height to insinuate the threat that was 
  clearly intended。

  “Dude; no worries。 I’m outta here;” he crooned after taking one look 
  at Alex and realizing he had to crane his neck to look at his face。 
  “Just get m’self dressed and out the door。” He picked up his jeans 
  from the floor and located his ripped…up T…shirt from underneath 
  Lily’s still exposed body。 She moved when he pulled it out from 
  under her; and a few seconds later her eyes managed to open。

  “Cover her!” Alex manded gruffly; now clearly enjoying his new 
  role as threatening…man…in…charge。 And without ment; Freak Boy 
  pulled the cover over her shoulders so that only a tangle of her 
  black curls was visible。

  “What’s going on?” Lily croaked while willing her eyes to stay open。 
  She turned to see me trembling in anger in her doorway; Alex hulking 
  about doing manly poses; and Freak Boy scrambling to tie his blue 
  and canary yellow Diadoras and get the hell out before things got 
  really ugly。 Too late。 Her gaze stopped on Freak Boy。

  “Who the hell are you?” she asked him; bolting upright without even 
  realizing that she was now pletely naked。 Alex and I 
  instinctively turned away while she pulled the covers up; looking 
  shocked; but Freak Boy grinned lecherously and ogled her breasts。

  “Baby; you tellin’ me you don’t remember who I am?” he asked; his 
  thick Australian accent being less adorable with every passing 
  second。 “You sure knew who I was last night。” He walked over to her 
  and looked like he was about to sit down on the bed; but Alex had 
  already grabbed his arm and pulled him upright。

  “Out。 Now。 Or I’m going to have to carry you myself;” he manded; 
  looking tough and very cute and not a little proud of himself。

  Freak Boy threw up his hands and made clucking noises。 “I’m outta 
  here。 Call me sometime; Lily。 You were great last night。” He moved 
  quickly through the bedroom door toward the living room with Alex in 
  pursuit。 “Man; she sure as hell is a feisty one;” I heard him say to 
  Alex right before the front door slammed shut; but it didn’t appear 
  that Lily had heard。 She had pulled on a T…shirt and managed to pull 
  herself out of bed。

  “Lily; who the hell was that? He was the biggest jerk I’ve ever met; 
  not to mention absolutelydisgusting 。”

  She shook her head slowly and appeared to be concentrating very 
  hard; trying to remember where he’d entered her life。 “Disgusting。 
  You’re right; he is absolutely disgusting; and I have no idea what 
  happened。 I remember you leaving last night and talking to some 
  really nice guy in a suit—we were doing shots of Jaeger; for some 
  reason—and that’s it。”

  “Lily; just imagine how drunk you had to be to agree to not only 
  have sex with someone who looks like that; but to bring him back to 
  our apartment!” I thought I was pointing out the obvious; but her 
  eyes widened into surprised realization。

  “You think I had sex with him?” she asked softly; refusing to 
  acknowledge what seemed certain。

  Alex’s words from a few months before came back to me: Lily did 
  drink more than was normal—all the signs were there。 She was missing 
  classes regularly; had gotten arrested; and now had dragged Home the 
  scariest…looking mutant of a guy I’d ever laid eyes on。 I also 
  remembered the message one of her professors had left on our machine 
  right after finals; something to the effect that while Lily’s final 
  paper had been stellar; she’d missed too many classes and handed 
  things in too late to give her the “A” she deserved。 I decided to 
  tread carefully。 “Lil; sweetie; I don’t think the problem is the 
  guy。 I think it’s the drinking that’s causing it。”

  She had begun brushing her hair; and it wasn’t until now that I 
  realized it was already six o’clock on a Friday night and she was 
  just getting out of bed。 She wasn’t protesting; so I continued。

  “It’s not that I have any issue with drinking;” I said; trying to 
  keep the conversation relatively peaceful。 “Clearly; I’m not 
  antidrinking。 I just wonder if it’s gotten a little bit out of 
  control lately; you know? Has everything been OK at school?”

  She opened her mouth to say something; but Alex popped his head in 
  the door and handed me my shrieking Cell Phone。 “It’s her;” he said 
  and left again。Argghhh! The woman had a very special gift for 
  wrecking my life。

  “Sorry;” I said to Lily; looking at the phone warily as the display 
  screamed MP CELL over and over again。 “It usually only takes a 
  second for her to humiliate or reprimand me; so hold that thought。” 
  Lily set down her brush and watched me answer。

  “Miran—” Again; I’d almost answered the line as though it were her 
  own。 “This is Andrea;” I corrected; bracing for the barrage。

  “Andrea; you know I expect you there at six…thirty tonight; do you 
  not?” she barked into the phone without a greeting or identification 
  of any sort。

  “Oh; um; you had said seven o’clock earlier。 I still need to—”

  “I said six…thirty before and I’m saying it again 
  now。Siiiiix…thiiiiirty 。 Get it?”
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