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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第7章

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  I had the distinct impression I could fall asleep; pick my nose; or 
  simply leave and she wouldn’t necessarily notice。

  When she finally wrapped things up and went to go notify yet another 
  interviewer; I nearly collapsed on the unweling reception…area 
  sofas。 It was all happening so fast; spiraling out of control; and 
  yet I was excited。 So what if I didn’t know who Miranda Priestly 
  was? Everyone else certainly seemed impressed enough。 Yeah; so it’s 
  a fashion magazine and not something a little more interesting; but 
  it’s a hell of a lot better to work atRunway than some horrible 
  trade publication somewhere; right? The prestige of havingRunway on 
  my résumé was sure to give me even more credibility when I 
  eventually applied to work atThe New Yorker than; say; havingPopular 
  Mechanics there。 Besides; I’m sure a million girlswould die for this 

  After a half hour of such ruminations; another tall and impossibly 
  thin girl came to the reception area。 She told me her name but I 
  couldn’t focus on anything except her body。 She wore a tight; 
  shredded denim skirt; a see…through white button…down; and strappy 
  silver sandals。 She was also perfectly tanned and manicured and 
  exposed in such a way that normal people are not when there’s snow 
  on the ground。 It wasn’t until she actually motioned for me to 
  follow her back through the glass doors and I had to stand up that I 
  became acutely aware of my own horrendously inappropriate suit; limp 
  hair; and utter lack of accessories; jewelry; and grooming。 To this 
  day; the thought of what I wore—and that I carried something 
  resembling abriefcase —continues to haunt me。 I can feel my face 
  flame red as I remember how very; very awkward I was among the most 
  toned and stylish women in New York City。 I didn’t know until later; 
  until I hovered on the periphery of being one of them; just how much 
  they had laughed at me between the rounds of the interview。

  After the requisite look…over; Knockout Girl led me to Cheryl 
  Kerston’s office;Runway ’s executive editor and all…around lovable 
  lunatic。 She; too; talked at me for what seemed like hours; but this 
  time I actually listened。 I listened because she seemed to love her 
  job; speaking excitedly about the “words” aspect of the magazine; 
  the wonderful copy she reads and writers she manages and editors she 

  “I have absolutely nothing to do with the fashion side of this 
  place;” she declared proudly; “so it’s best to save those questions 
  for someone else。”

  When I told her that it was really her job that sounded appealing; 
  that I had no particular interest or background in fashion; her 
  smile broadened to a genuine grin。 “Well; in that case; Andrea; you 
  might be just what we need around here。 I think it’s time for you to 
  meet Miranda。 And if I may offer a piece of advice? Look her 
  straight in the eye and sell yourself。 Sell yourself hard and she’ll 
  respect it。”

  As if on cue; Knockout Girl swept in to escort me to Miranda’s 
  office。 It was only a thirty…second walk; but I could sense that all 
  eyes were on me。 They peered at me from behind the frosted glass of 
  the editor’s office and from the open space of the assistants’ 
  cubicles。 A beauty at the copier turned to check me out; and so did 
  an absolutely magnificent man; although he was obviously gay and 
  intent on examining only my outfit。 Just as I was about to walk 
  through the doorway that would lead me to the assistants’ suite 
  outside of Miranda’s office; Emily grabbed my briefcase and tossed 
  it under her desk。 It took only a moment for me to realize that the 
  message wasCarry that; lose all credibility。 And then I was standing 
  in her office; a wide…open space of huge windows and streaming 
  bright light。 No other details about the space made an impression 
  that day; I couldn’t take my eyes off of her。

  Since I’d never seen so much as a picture of Miranda Priestly; I was 
  shocked to see howskinny she was。 The hand she held out was 
  small…boned; feminine; soft。 She had to turn her head upward to look 
  me in the eye; although she did not stand to greet me。 Her expertly 
  dyed blond hair was pulled back in a chic knot; deliberately loose 
  enough to look casual but still supremely neat; and while she did 
  not smile; she did not appear particularly intimidating。 She seemed 
  rather gentle and somewhat shrunken behind her ominous black desk; 
  and although she did not invite me to sit; I felt fortable enough 
  to claim one of the unfortable black chairs that faced her。 And 
  it was then I noticed: she was watching me intently; mentally noting 
  my attempts at grace and propriety with what seemed like amusement。 
  Condescending and awkward; yes; but not; I decided; particularly 
  mean…spirited。 She spoke first。

  “What brings you toRunway; Ahn…dre…ah?” she asked in her upper…crust 
  British accent; never taking her eyes away from mine。

  “Well; I interviewed with Sharon; and she told me that you’re 
  looking for an assistant;” I started; my voice a little shaky。 When 
  she nodded; my confidence increased slightly。 “And now; after 
  meeting with Emily; Allison; and Cheryl; I feel like I have a clear 
  understanding of the kind of person you’re looking for; and I’m 
  confident I’d be perfect for the job;” I said; remembering Cheryl’s 
  words。 She looked amused for a moment but seemed unfazed。

  It was at this point that I began to want the job most desperately; 
  in the way people yearn for things they consider unattainable。 It 
  might not be akin to getting into law school or having an essay 
  published in a campus journal; but it was; in my starved…for…success 
  mind; a real challenge—a challenge because I was an imposter; and 
  not a very good one at that。 I had known the minute I stepped on 
  theRunway floor that I didn’t belong。 My clothes and hair were wrong 
  for sure; but more glaringly out of place was my attitude。 I didn’t 
  know anything about fashion and I didn’tcare 。 At all。 And 
  therefore; I had to have it。 Besides; a million girls would die for 
  this job。

  I continued to answer her questions about myself with a 
  forthrightness and confidence that surprised me。 There wasn’t time 
  to be intimidated。 After all; she seemed pleasant enough and I; 
  amazingly; knew nothing to the contrary。 We stumbled a bit when she 
  inquired about any foreign languages I spoke。 When I told her I knew 
  Hebrew; she paused; pushed her palms flat on her desk and said 
  icily; “Hebrew? I was hoping for French; or at least something 
  moreuseful 。” I almost apologized; but stopped myself。

  “Unfortunately; I don’t speak a word of French; but I’m confident it 
  won’t be a problem。” She clasped her hands back together。

  “It says 
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