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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第68章

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  Also that girl from the Met to see when I can go over to make sure 
  everything is set up properly; and tell her to fax over the table 
  configurations so I may do seating charts。 That’s all for now。”

  She had rattled off that list without a single pause in her note 
  writing; and when she finished speaking she handed me her newly 
  crafted note to mail。 I finished scribbling on my pad; hoping I’d 
  understood everything correctly; which; considering the accent and 
  the rapid…fire cadence; wasn’t always simple。

  “OK;” I muttered and turned to go; bringing up my Total Miranda 
  Words to four。Maybe I won’t break fifty; I thought。 I could feel her 
  eyes examining the size of my butt as I walked back to my desk and 
  briefly considered whipping around to walk backward like a religious 
  Jew would do when leaving the Wailing Wall。 Instead; I tried to 
  glide toward the hidden safety of my desk while picturing thousands 
  and thousands ofHasidim in Prada black; walking backward circles 
  around Miranda Priestly。


  The blissful day I’d been waiting for; dreaming of; had finally; 
  finally arrived。 Miranda had not only departed the office; but she’d 
  left the country as well。 She’d jumped into her Concorde seat less 
  than an hour before to meet with a few of the European designers; 
  making me at present the indisputably happiest girl on the planet。 
  Emily kept trying to convince me that Miranda was even more 
  demanding when she was abroad; but I wasn’t buying it。 I was in the 
  middle of mapping out exactly how I was going to spend every 
  ecstatic moment of the next two weeks when I got an e…mail from 

  Hey babe; how are you? Hope your day is at least ok。 You must be 
  loving that she left; right? Enjoy it。 Anyway; just wanted to see if 
  you think you’ll be able to call me around three…thirty today。 I 
  have a free hour then before the reading program starts and I need 
  to talk to you。 Nothing major; but I would like to talk。 Love; A

  To which I immediately worried and replied to ask if everything was 
  OK; but he must have logged off right away because he never wrote 
  back again。 I made a mental note to call him at exactly 
  three…thirty; loving the feeling of freedom that es from knowing 
  that She wouldn’t be around to screw it up。 But just in case; I 
  pulled a piece ofRunway stationery from the pile and wrote CALL A; 
  3:30 P。M。 TODAY and taped it to the side of my monitor。 Just as I 
  was going to call back a friend from school who’d left a message on 
  my Home machine a week earlier; the phone rang。

  “Miranda Priestly’s office;” I all but sighed; figuring that there 
  wasn’t a single person on earth I wanted to speak with at that 

  “Emily? Is that you? Emily?” The unmistakable voice filled the phone 
  line and seemed to seep into the air in the office。 Even though she 
  couldn’t have possibly heard from across the suite; Emily looked up 
  at me。

  “Hello; Miranda。 This is Andrea。 May I help you with something?” How 
  on earth was this woman calling? I quickly checked the itinerary 
  that Emily had typed for everyone while Miranda was in Europe and 
  saw that her flight had taken off a mere six minutes before and she 
  was already calling from the seat phone。

  “Well; I should hope so。 I’ve looked at my itinerary and I just 
  noticed that hair and makeup for Thursday before dinner is not 

  “Um; well; Miranda; that’s because Monsieur Renaud wasn’t able to 
  get an absolute confirmation from the Thursday people; but he said 
  it was ninety…nine percent that they’d be able to and—”

  “Ahn…dre…ah; answer me this: Is ninety…nine percent the same as a 
  hundred? Is it the same asconfirmed ?” But before I could answer I 
  heard her tell someone; most likely a flight attendant; that she 
  wasn’t “particularly interested in the rules and regulations 
  regarding the use of electronics” and to “please bore someone else 
  with them。”

  “But ma’am; it’s against the rules; and I’m going to have to ask 
  that you disconnect your call until we’ve reached a cruising 
  altitude。 It’s simply unsafe;” she said beseechingly。

  “Ahn…dre…ah; can you hear me? Are you listening 。 。 。”

  “Ma’am; I’m going to have to insist。 Now please; hang up the phone。” 
  My mouth was starting to ache from smiling so widely—I could only 
  imagine how much Miranda was hating being addressed as “ma’am;” 
  which; as everyone knows; connotes old lady all the way。

  “Ahn…dre…ah; thestewardess is forcing me to end this call。 I’ll call 
  you back when thestewardess allows me to do so。 In the meantime; I 
  want hair and makeup confirmed; and I’d like you to begin 
  interviewing new girls for the nanny position。 That’s all。” It 
  clicked off; but not before I heard the flight attendant call her 
  “ma’am” one last time。

  “What did she want?” Emily asked; her forehead wrinkling in intense 

  “She called me the right name three times in a row;” I gloated; 
  happy to prolong her anticipation。 “Three times; do you believe it? 
  I think that means we’re best friends; doesn’t it? Who would’ve 
  thought? Andrea Sachs and Miranda Priestly; BFF。”

  “Andrea; what did she say?”

  “Well; she wants the Thursday hair and makeup confirmed because 
  clearly ninety…nine percent isn’t reassuring enough。 Oh; and she 
  said something about interviewing for a new nanny? I must’ve 
  misunderstood that one。 Whatever—she’ll call back in thirty 

  Emily took a deep breath and willed herself to endure my stupidity 
  with grace and style。 It clearly wasn’t easy for her。 “No; I don’t 
  think you misunderstood at all。 Cara is no longer with Miranda; so 
  obviously she’ll be needing a new nanny。”

  “What? What do you mean no longer ‘with Miranda’? If she’s no longer 
  ‘with Miranda;’ then where the hell is she?” I found it really hard 
  to believe Cara wouldn’t have told me about her abrupt departure。

  “Miranda thought Cara might be happier working for someone else;” 
  Emily said in what I’m sure was much more diplomatic phrasing than 
  Miranda herself had used。 As if Miranda had ever been attuned to 
  other people’s Happiness!

  “Emily; please。 Please tell me what really happened。”

  “I gathered from Caroline that Cara had grounded the girls in their 
  rooms after they talked back to her the other day。 Miranda didn’t 
  feel it was appropriate for Cara to be making these decisions。 And I 
  agree。 I mean; Cara is not these girls’ mother; you know?”

  So Cara had gotten fired because she made two little girls sit in 
  their bedrooms after they’d surely given her attitude? “Yeah; I see 
  your point。 It’s definitely not a nanny’s job to look out for the 
  well…being of her ch
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