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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第66章

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  I’d already introduced myself to a thousand curious callers。

  “Ah; Miranda’s new assistant;” the strange female voice roared。 
  “Aren’t you the luckiest girl in the w…w…w…world! How are you 
  finding your tenure with supreme evil thus far?”

  I perked up。 This was new。 In all the days I’d worked atRunway; I’d 
  never met a single person who dared to badmouth Miranda so boldly。 
  Was she serious? Could she be baiting me?

  “Um; well; working atRunway has been a really great learning 
  experience;” I heard myself stutter。 “It’s a job a million girls 
  would die for; of course。” Did I just say that?

  There was a moment of silence; followed by a hyena…like howl。 “Oh; 
  that’s just f…f…f…fucking perfect!” she screeched; doing some sort 
  of simultaneous laugh…choke。 “Does she lock you in your West Village 
  studio apartment and deprive you of all things G…g…g…gucci until 
  you’re brainwashed enough to actually say shit like that? 
  F…f…f…fantastic! That woman is really a piece of work! Well; Miss 
  Learning Experience; I’d heard through the grapevine that Miranda 
  had actually hired herself a thinking l…l…l…l…lackey this time 
  around; but I see that the grapevine; as usual; is wrong。 You like 
  Michael Kors t…t…twinsets and all the pretty fur coats at J。 
  Mendel’s? Yes; sweetie; you’ll do just fine。 Now put that skinny…ass 
  boss of yours on the phone。”

  I was conflicted。 My first impulse was to tell her to fuck off; tell 
  her she didn’t know me; that it’s easy to see she tries to 
  pensate for her stuttering with a major attitude problem。 More 
  than that; though; I wanted to press the phone close to my lips and 
  urgently whisper; “I am a prisoner; more than you can 
  imagine—please; oh; please; e and rescue me from this brainwash 
  hell。 You’re right; it’s just the way you describe; but I’m 
  different!” But I didn’t get the chance to do either; because it 
  finally occurred to me that I had no idea who owned the raspy; 
  stuttering voice on the other end of the phone。

  I sucked in my breath and decided to hit her point for point—on 
  every subject but Miranda。 “Well; I do adore Michael Kors; of 
  course; but I must tell you that it’s certainly not because of 
  histwinsets 。 Furs from J。 Mendel’s are wonderful; of course; but a 
  realRunway girl—that is; someone with discriminating and impeccable 
  taste—would probably prefer something custom made from Pologeorgis 
  on Twenty…ninth Street。 Oh; and for the future; I’d prefer if you 
  used the more casual ‘hired help’ instead of something as stiff and 
  unforgiving as ‘lackey。’ Now; of course; I’ll be happy to correct 
  any more incorrect assumptions you’d care to make; but maybe I could 
  ask with whom am I speaking first?”

  “Touché; Miranda’s new assistant; touché。 You and I m…m…may be 
  friends after all。 I d…d…d…don’t much like the usual robots she 
  hires; but it’s fitting because I don’t much like her。 My name is 
  Judith Mason; and in c…c…case you aren’t aware; I author your travel 
  articles each m…m…m…month。 Now; tell me this; since you’re still 
  relatively new now: Is the h…h…honeymoon over?”

  I was silent。 What did she mean by this? It was like talking to a 
  ticking bomb。

  “Well? You’re in that fascinating window of time w…w…w…where you’ve 
  been there long enough for everyone to know your name; but not long 
  enough that they uncover and exploit all your weaknesses。 It’s a 
  really sweet feeling when th…th…th…that happens; trust me。 You’re 
  working in a really special place。”

  But before I could respond; she said; “Enough f…f…f…flirting for 
  now; my new friend。 Don’t b…b…b…bother telling her it’s me; because 
  she never takes my c…c…calls anyway。 Stuttering pisses her off; I 
  think。 Just be sure to put my n…n…n…name down on the Bulletin so she 
  can make someone else call me back。 Thanks; l…l…love。” Click。

  I hung up the phone; dumbfounded; and started to laugh。 Emily looked 
  up from one of Miranda’s expense reports and asked who it was。 When 
  I told her it was Judith; she rolled her eyes so deeply they almost 
  didn’t resurface and whined; “She’s such a supreme bitch。 I have; 
  like; no idea how Miranda even speaks to her。 She won’t take her 
  calls; though; so you don’t even have to tell her she’s on the 
  phone。 Just put her on the Bulletin and Miranda will have someone 
  else call her back。” It seems Judith understood the inner workings 
  of our office better than I。

  I double…clicked on the icon on my sleek turquoise iMac called 
  “Bulletin” and glanced over its contents so far。 The Bulletin was 
  thepièce de résistance of Miranda Priestly’s office and; as far as I 
  could see; her sole reason for living。 Developed many years before 
  by some high…strung; pulsive assistant; the Bulletin was simply a 
  Word document that lived in a shared folder both Emily and I could 
  access。 Only one of us could open it at a time and add a new 
  message; thought; or question to the itemized list。 Then we’d print 
  out the updated version and place it on the clipboard that sat on 
  the shelf over my desk; removing the old ones as we went。 Miranda 
  would examine it every few minutes throughout the day as Emily and I 
  struggled to type; print; and clip as quickly as the calls came in。 
  Often we’d hiss at each other to close the Bulletin so the other 
  could access it and write a message。 We’d print to our separate 
  printers simultaneously and dive for the clipboard; not knowing 
  whose was the most recent until we were face to face。

  “Judith’s the latest message on mine;” I said; exhausted from the 
  pressure of trying to finish it before Miranda entered the suite。 
  Eduardo had called from the security desk downstairs to warn us that 
  she was on her way upstairs。 We hadn’t gotten a call from Sophy yet; 
  but we knew it’d be only seconds。

  “I have the concierge from the Ritz Paris after Judith;” Emily 
  near…shouted; triumphantly; while clipping her sheet to the Lucite 
  clipboard。 I took my four…second outdated Bulletin back to the desk 
  and glanced over it。 Dashes in phone numbers were not permissible; 
  only periods。 There were to be no colons in the time; only periods。 
  Times must be rounded up or down to the nearest quarter…hour。 
  Call…back phone numbers always got their own lines to make them 
  easier to distinguish。 A time listed indicated that someone had 
  called in。 The word “note” was something that Emily or I had to tell 
  her (since addressing her without being first addressed was out of 
  the question; all relevant info went on the Bulletin)。 “Reminder” 
  was something Miranda had most likely left on one of our voice mails 
  sometime between one and fiveA 。M。 the previous night; knowing that 
  once it was recorded for us; it
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