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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第64章

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  dishwasher and washer…dryer; and three bedrooms and two bathrooms?” 
  she pointed out; as if she were the first to make this realization。 
  For 2;280 you could get a beachfront townhouse in LA; a three…story 
  condo on a tree…lined street in Chicago; a four…bedroom split…level 
  in Miami; or a goddamn castle with a moat in Cleveland。 Yes; we knew 

  “And two parking spots; access to the golf course; gym; and pool;” I 
  added helpfully。 “Yeah; I know。 But believe it or not; this is a 
  great deal。 I think we’ll be very happy here。”

  She hugged me。 “I think you will be; too。 As long as you don’t work 
  too hard to enjoy it;” she said lightly。

  My dad walked in and opened the duffel bag that he’d been dragging 
  around all day; one I’d assumed held racquetball clothes for his 
  game later。 But he pulled out a maroon box emblazoned with “Limited 
  Edition!” across the front。 Scrabble。 The collector’s edition; where 
  the board came mounted on its own lazy Susan and the squares had 
  little raised borders so the letters didn’t slide around。 We’d been 
  admiring them together in specialty game stores for the past ten 
  years; but no occasion had ever warranted purchasing one。

  “Oh; Dad。 You shouldn’t have!” I knew the board cost well over two 
  hundred dollars。 “Oh! I just love it!”

  “Use it in good health;” he said; hugging me back。 “Or better yet; 
  to kick your old man’s ass; as I know you will。 I remember when I 
  used to let you win。 I had to; or you’d stomp around the house; 
  sulking all night。 And now! Well; now my old brain cells are fried 
  and I couldn’t beat you if I tried。 Not that I won’t;” he added。

  I was about to tell him that I’d learned from the best; but Alex had 
  walked in。 And he didn’t look happy。

  “What’s wrong?” I immediately asked as he fidgeted with his 

  “Oh; nothing at all;” he lied while glancing in the direction of my 
  parents。 He shot me a “just hold on a sec” look and said; “Here; I 
  brought a box。”

  “Let’s go get a few more;” my dad said to my mom; moving toward the 
  door。 “Maybe Mr。 Fisher has some sort of cart。 We could bring a 
  bunch up at once。 Be right back。”

  I looked at Alex; and we both waited until we’d heard the elevator 
  open and close。

  “So; I just talked to Lily;” he said slowly。

  “She’s not still mad at me; is she? She’s been so weird all week。”

  “No; I don’t think it’s that。”

  “So what is it?”

  “Well; she wasn’t at Home 。 。 。”

  “So where is she? Some guy’s apartment? I can’t believe she’s late 
  for her own moving day。” I yanked open one of the windows in the 
  converted bedroom to let some of the cold air dissipate the smell of 
  new paint。

  “No; she was actually at a police precinct in midtown。” He looked at 
  his shoes。

  “She was where? Is she OK? Ohmigod! Was she mugged or raped? I have 
  to go to her right away。”

  “Andy; she’s fine。 She was arrested。” He said it quietly; as if he 
  were breaking the news to a parent that their child wasn’t going to 
  pass fourth grade。

  “Arrested? She was arrested?” I tried to stay calm; but I realized 
  too late that I was screaming。 My dad walked in; pulling a giant 
  cart that looked ready to topple under the weight of unevenly 
  stacked boxes。

  “Who was arrested?” he asked off…handedly。 “Mr。 Fisher brought all 
  this stuff up for us。”

  I was racking my brain for a lie; but Alex stepped in before I could 
  think of anything remotely plausible。 “Oh; I was just telling Andy 
  that I saw on VH…1 last night that one of the girls from TLC was 
  arrested on drug charges。 And she always seemed like one of the 
  straighter ones 。 。 。”

  My dad shook his head and surveyed the room; only half listening and 
  probably wondering when exactly Alex or myself had bee so 
  interested in female pop stars that we actually discussed it。 “I’m 
  thinking that the only real place your bed can go is with the head 
  against the far wall;” he said。 “Speaking of which; I better go see 
  how they’re doing。”

  I literally flung my body in front of Alex the minute the apartment 
  door closed。

  “Quickly! Tell me what happened。 What happened?”

  “Andy; you’re shrieking。 It’s not so bad。 Actually; it’s kind of 
  funny。” His eyes crinkled as he laughed; and for a brief second he 
  looked just like Eduardo。 Ew。

  “Alex Fineman; you better fucking tell me right now what happened 
  with my best friend—”

  “OK; OK; relax。” He was clearly enjoying this。 “She was out with 
  some guy last night that she referred to as Tongue Ring Boy—do we 
  know who that is?”

  I stared at him。

  “Anyway; they went out for dinner and Tongue Ring Boy was walking 
  her Home; and she thought it’d be fun to flash him; right there on 
  the street outside the restaurant。 ‘Sexy;’ she said。 To get him 

  I envisioned Lily unwrapping a dinner mint and strolling outside 
  after a romantic meal; only to pull away and yank up her shirt for a 
  guy who’d paid to have someone ram a post through his tongue。 Jesus。

  “Oh no。 She didn’t 。 。 。”

  Alex nodded somberly; trying not to laugh。

  “You’re telling me my friend got arrested for showing her breasts? 
  That’s ridiculous。 This is New York。 I see women every day who are 
  practically topless—and that’s in the workplace!” I was shrieking 
  again; but I couldn’t help it。

  “Her bottom。” He was looking at his shoes again; and his face was so 
  red; I couldn’t tell if he was embarrassed or hysterical。

  “Her what?”

  “Not her breasts。 Her bottom。 Her lower half。 Like; all of it。 Front 
  and back。” An ear…to…ear grin had finally broken out; and he looked 
  so delighted that I thought he might wet himself。

  “Oh; say it isn’t true;” I moaned; wondering what my friend had 
  gotten herself into now。 “And a cop saw her and arrested her?”

  “No; evidently two little kids saw her do it and pointed it out to 
  their mother 。 。 。”

  “Oh; god。”

  “So; the mother asked her to pull her pants back up; and Lily loudly 
  told her what she could do with her opinions; and the woman went and 
  found a cop standing on the next street over。”

  “Oh; stop。 Oh; please; just stop。”

  “It gets better。 By the time the woman and the cop came back; Lily 
  and Tongue Ring Boy were going at it on the street; pretty hot and 
  heavy from what she said。”

  “Who is this? This is my friend Lily Goodwin? My sweet; adorable 
  best friend from eighth grade now gets naked and hooks up on street 
  corners? With guys who have tongue rings?”

  “Andy; calm down。 Really; she’s fine。 The only reason the cop 
  actually arrested her was because she gave him the finger when he 
  asked if she had; in 
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