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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第5章

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  couch。 You will not throw up。 “Why yes; I’d love to work at 
  Reaction!Well; sure; I supposeThe Buzzwould be suitable。 Oh; what? I 
  may have my pick? Well; I’ll need the night to decide between there 
  and Maison Vous。Delightful!”

  Moments later I was sporting a rather unflattering “guest” sticker 
  on my rather unflattering pseudosuit (not soon enough; I discovered 
  that guests in the know simply stuck these passes on their bags; or; 
  even better; discarded them immediately—only the most uncouth losers 
  actuallywore them) and heading toward the elevators。 And then 。 。 。 
  I boarded。 Up; up; up and away; hurtling through space and time and 
  infinite sexiness en route to 。 。 。 human resources。

  I allowed myself to relax for a moment or two during that swift; 
  quiet ride。 Deep; pouty perfumes mixed with the smell of fresh 
  leather to turn those elevators from the merely functional to the 
  almost erotic。 We whisked between floors; stopping to let out the 
  beauties atChic; Mantra; The Buzz; andCoquette 。 The doors opened 
  silently; reverently; to stark white reception areas。 Chic furniture 
  with clean; simple lines dared people to sit; ready to scream out in 
  agony if anyone—horror!—spilled。 The magazines’ names rested in bold 
  black and identifiable; individual typeface along the walls that 
  flanked the lobby。 Thick; opaque glass doors protected the titles。 
  They’re names the average American recognizes but never imagines to 
  be turning and churning and spinning under one very high city roof。

  While I’d admittedly never held a job more impressive than frozen 
  yogurt scooper; I’d heard enough stories from my newly minted 
  professional friends to know that corporate life just didn’t look 
  like this。 Not even close。 Absent were the nauseating fluorescent 
  lights; the never…shows…dirt carpeting。 Where dowdy secretaries 
  should have been ensconced; polished young girls with prominent 
  cheekbones and power suits presided。 Office supplies didn’t exist! 
  Those basic necessities like organizers; garbage cans; and books 
  were simply not present。 I watched as six floors disappeared in 
  swirls of white perfection before I felt the venom and heard the 

  “She。 Is。 Such。 A。 Bitch! Icannot deal with her anymore。 Who does 
  that? I mean; really—WHO DOES THAT?” hissed a twenty…something girl 
  in a snakeskin skirt and a very mini tank top; looking more suited 
  for a late night at Bungalow 8 than a day at the office。

  “I know。 Iknooooooow。 Like; what do you think I’ve had to put up 
  with for the past six months? Total bitch。 And terrible taste; too;” 
  agreed her friend; with an emphatic shake of her adorable bob。

  Mercifully; I arrived at my floor and the elevator slid 
  open。Interesting; I thought。 If you’re paring this potential work 
  environment to an average day in the life of a cliquey junior high 
  girl; it might even be better。 Stimulating? Well; maybe not。 Kind; 
  sweet; nurturing? No; not exactly。 The kind of place that just makes 
  you want to smile and do a great job? No; OK? No! But if you’re 
  looking for fast; thin; sophisticated; impossibly hip; and 
  heart…wrenchingly stylish; Elias…Clark is mecca。

  The gorgeous jewelry and impeccable makeup of the human resources 
  receptionist did nothing to allay my overwhelming feelings of 
  inadequacy。 She told me to sit and “feel free to look over some of 
  our titles。” Instead; I tried frantically to memorize the names of 
  all the editors in chief of the pany’s titles—as if they were 
  going to actually quiz me on them。 Ha! I already knew Stephen 
  Alexander; of course; forReaction magazine; and it wasn’t too hard 
  to rememberThe Buzz ’s Tanner Michel。 Those were really the only 
  interesting things they published anyway; I figured。 I’d do fine。

  A short; svelte woman introduced herself as Sharon。 “So; dear; 
  you’re looking to break into magazines; are you?” she asked as she 
  led me past a string of long…legged model look…alikes to her stark; 
  cold office。 “It’s a tough thing to do right out of college; you 
  know。 Lots and lots of petition out there for very few jobs。 And 
  the few jobs that are available; well! They’re not exactly 
  high…paying; if you know what I mean。”

  I looked down at my cheap; mismatched suit and very wrong shoes and 
  wondered why I’d even bothered。 Already deep in thought over how I 
  was going to crawl back to that sofa bed with enough Cheez…Its and 
  cigarettes to last a fortnight; I barely noticed when she almost 
  whispered; “But I have to say; there’s an amazing opportunity open 
  right now; and it’s going to go fast!”

  Hmm。 My antennae perked up as I tried to force her to make eye 
  contact with me。 Opportunity? Go fast? My mind was racing。 She 
  wanted to help me? She liked me? Why; I hadn’t even opened my mouth 
  yet—how could shelike me? And why exactly was she starting to sound 
  like a car salesman?

  “Dear; can you tell me the name of the editor in chief ofRunway ?” 
  she asked; looking pointedly at me for the first time since I’d sat 

  Blank。 pletely and totally blank; I couldn’t remember a thing。 I 
  couldn’t believe she wasquizzing me! I’d never read an issue 
  ofRunway in my life—she wasn’t allowed to ask me aboutthat one。 No 
  one cared aboutRunway 。 It was afashion magazine; for chrissake; one 
  I wasn’t even sure contained any writing; just lots of 
  hungry…looking models and glossy ads。 I stammered for a moment or 
  two; while the different names of editors I’d just before forced my 
  brain to remember all swirled inside my head; dancing together in 
  mismatched pairs。 Somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind; I was 
  sure I knew her name—after all; who didn’t? But it wouldn’t gel in 
  my addled brain。

  “Uh; well; it seems I can’t recall her name right now。 But I know I 
  know it; of course I know it。 Everyone knows who she is! I just; 
  well; don’t; uh; seem to know it right now。”

  She peered at me for a moment; her large brown eyes finally fixated 
  on my now perspiring face。 “Miranda Priestly;” she near…whispered; 
  with a mixture of reverence and fear。 “Her name is Miranda 

  Silence ensued。 For what felt like a full minute; neither of us said 
  a word; but then Sharon must have made the decision to overlook my 
  crucial misstep。 I didn’t know then that she was desperate to hire 
  another assistant for Miranda; couldn’t know that she was desperate 
  to stop this woman from calling her day and night; grilling her 
  about potential candidates。 Desperate to find someone; anyone; whom 
  Miranda wouldn’t reject。 And if I might—however unlikely—stand even 
  the smallest chance of getting hired and thereby relieve her; well; 
  then attention must be paid。

  Sharon smiled terse
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