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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第44章

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  believe they were disposable; and none of us knew how to tell her 
  otherwise。 Elias…Clark had paid a couple hundred dollars for each 
  one; but no matter: we handed them out to her as though they were 
  Kleenex。 At the rate she was going; in under two years; Miranda was 
  due to run out。

  I’d arranged the stiff orange boxes on the ready…to…distribute shelf 
  of the closet; where they never remained for very long。 Every third 
  or fourth day; she’d prepare to leave for lunch and sigh; 
  “Ahn…dre…ah; hand me a scarf。” I forted myself with the thought 
  that I’d be long gone by the time she ran out of them pletely。 
  Whoever was unlucky enough to be around would have to tell her that 
  there were no more white Hermès scarves; and that none could be 
  made; shipped; created; formed; mailed; ordered; or mandated。 The 
  mere thought was terrifying。

  Just as I got the closet and office opened; Uri called。

  “Andrea? Hello; hello。 It is Uri。 Could you e downstairs please? 
  I am on Fifty…eighth Street; closer to Park Avenue; right in front 
  of the New York sports Club。 I have things for you。”

  This call was a good although imperfect way of telling me that 
  Miranda would be arriving somewhat soon。 Maybe。 Most mornings she 
  sent Uri ahead to the office with her things; an assortment of dirty 
  clothes that needed dry cleaning; any copy she’d taken Home to read; 
  magazines; shoes or bags that needed to be fixed; and the Book。 This 
  way; she could have me meet the car and carry up all of these rather 
  mundane things ahead of schedule and deal with them before she 
  stepped into the office。 She tended to follow her stuff by about a 
  half hour; since Uri would drop off her things and then go pick her 
  up from wherever she might be hiding that morning。

  She herself could be anywhere; since; according to Emily; she never 
  slept。 I didn’t believe it until I started getting to the office 
  ahead of Emily and would be the first to listen to the voice mail。 
  Every night; without exception; Miranda would leave eight to ten 
  ambiguous messages for us between the hours of one and six in the 
  morning。 Things like; “Cassidy wants one of those nylon bags all the 
  little girls are carrying。 Order her one in the medium size and a 
  color she’d like;” and “I’ll be needing the address and phone number 
  of that antique store in the seventies; the one where I saw the 
  vintage dresser。” As though we knew which nylon bags were all the 
  rage among ten…year…olds or at which one of four hundred antique 
  stores in the seventies—east or west; by the way?—she happened to 
  spot something she liked at some point in the past fifteen years。 
  But each morning I faithfully listened to and transcribed those 
  messages; hitting “replay” over and over and over again; trying to 
  make sense of the accent and interpret the clues in order to avoid 
  asking Miranda directly for more information。

  Once; I made the mistake of suggesting that we actually ask Miranda 
  to provide a few more details; only to be met with one of Emily’s 
  withering looks。 Questioning Miranda was apparently off…limits。 
  Better to muddle through and wait to be told how off the mark our 
  results were。 To locate the vintage dresser that had caught 
  Miranda’s eye; I had spent two and a half days in a limo; cruising 
  around Manhattan; through the seventies on both sides of the park。 I 
  ruled out York Avenue (too residential) and proceeded up First; down 
  Second; up Third; down Lex。 I skipped Park (again; too residential) 
  but continued up Madison; and then repeated a similar process on the 
  West Side。 Pen poised; eyes peeled; phone book open in my lap; ready 
  to jump out at the first sight of a store that sold antiques。 I 
  graced every single antique store—and not a few regular furniture 
  stores—with a personal visit。 By store number four; I had it down to 
  an art form。

  “Hi; do you sell any vintage dressers?” I’d practically scream the 
  second they buzzed me inside。 By the sixth store I wasn’t even 
  bothering to move in from the doorway。 Some snotty salesperson 
  inevitably looked me up and down—I couldn’t escape it!—sizing me up 
  to decide if I was someone to be bothered with。 Most would notice 
  the waiting Town Car at this point and grudgingly provide me with a 
  yes or no answer; although some wanted detailed descriptions of the 
  dresser I was looking for。

  If they admitted to selling something that fit my two…word 
  requirement; I would immediately follow up with a curt “Has Miranda 
  Priestly been here recently?” If they hadn’t thought I was crazy at 
  this point; they now looked ready to call security。 A few had never 
  heard her name; which was fantastic both because it was rejuvenating 
  to see firsthand that there were still normally functioning human 
  beings whose lives weren’t dominated by her; and also because I 
  could promptly leave without further discussion。 The pathetic 
  majority who recognized the name became instantly curious。 Some 
  wondered which gossip column I wrote for。 But regardless of whatever 
  story I made up; no one had seen her in their shop (with the 
  exception of three stores who hadn’t “seen Ms。 Priestly in months; 
  and oh; how we miss her! Please do tell her that 
  Franck/Charlotte/Sarabeth sends his/her love!”)。

  When I hadn’t located the shop by noon of the third day; Emily 
  finally gave me the green light to e to the office and ask 
  Miranda for clarification。 I started sweating when the car pulled in 
  front of the building。 I threatened to climb over the turnstile if 
  Eduardo didn’t let me pass without a performance。 By the time I 
  reached our floor; the sweat had soaked through my shirt。 Hands 
  started shaking the moment I entered the office suite; and the 
  perfectly prepared speech (Hello; Miranda。 I’m fine; thanks so much 
  for asking。 How are you? Listen; I just wanted to let you know that 
  I’ve been trying very hard to locate the antique store you 
  described; but I haven’t had much luck。 Perhaps you could tell me 
  whether it’s on the east or west side of Manhattan? Or maybe you 
  even recall the name?) simply vanished into the fickle regions of my 
  very nervous brain。 Against all protocol; I didn’t post my question 
  on the Bulletin; I requested permission to approach her at her desk 
  and—probably because she was so shocked I’d had the nerve to speak 
  without being spoken to—she granted it。 To make a long story short; 
  Miranda sighed and patronized and condescended and insulted in every 
  delightful way of hers but finally opened her black leather Hermès 
  planner (tied shut inconveniently but chicly with a white Hermès 
  scarf) and produced 。 。 。 the Business card for the store。

  “I left this information on the recording for you; Ahn…dre
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