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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第22章

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  conveniently located directly outside the dining room; where one 
  could purge any earlier bingeing problems。 And even though I knew 
  that the mirror would reveal nothing more or less than it had that 
  morning; I turned to face it head on。 A twisted; angry face stared 
  back at me。

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Emily all but shouted at my 
  reflection。 I whipped around in time to see her hanging her leather 
  blazer through the handle of the Gucci logo tote; as she pushed her 
  sunglasses on top of her head。 It occurred to me that Emily had 
  meant what she’d said three and a half hours before quite literally: 
  she’d gone out for lunch。 As in; outside。 As in; left me all alone 
  for three straight hours with no warning; practically tethered to a 
  phone line with no hopes of food or bathroom breaks。 As in; none of 
  that mattered because I still knew I was wrong to leave and I was 
  about to get screamed at for it by someone my own age。 Blessedly; 
  the door swung open and the editor in chief ofCoquette strode in。 
  She looked us both up and down as Emily grabbed my arm and steered 
  me out of the bathroom and toward the elevator。 We stood like that 
  together; her clutching my arm and me feeling as though I’d just wet 
  the bed。 We were living one of those scenes where the kidnapper puts 
  a gun to a woman’s back in broad daylight and quietly threatens her 
  as he leads her to his basement of torture。

  “How could you do this to me?” she hissed as she pushed me 
  throughRunway ’s reception…area doors and we hurtled together back 
  to our desks。 “As the senior assistant; I am responsible for what 
  goes on in our office。 I know you’re new; but I’ve told you from the 
  very first day: we do not leave Miranda unattended。”

  “But Miranda’s not here。” It came out as a squeak。

  “But she could’ve called while you were gone and no one would’ve 
  been here to answer the goddamn phone!” she screamed as she slammed 
  the door to our suite。 “Our first priority—our only priority—is 
  Miranda Priestly。 Period。 And if you can’t deal with that; just 
  remember that there are millions of girls who would die for your 
  job。 Now check your voice mail。 If she called; we’re dead。You’re 

  I wanted to crawl inside my iMac and die。 How could I have screwed 
  up so badly during my very first week? Miranda wasn’t even in the 
  office and I’d already let her down。 So what if I was hungry? It 
  could wait。 There were genuinely important people trying to get 
  things done around here; people who depended on me; and I’d let them 
  down。 I dialed my mailbox。

  “Hi; Andy; it’s me。” Alex。 “Where are you? I’ve never heard you not 
  answer。 Can’t wait for dinner tonight—we’re still on; right? 
  Anywhere you want; your pick。 Call me when you get this; I’ll be in 
  the faculty lounge anytime after four。 Love you。” I immediately felt 
  guilty; because I’d already decided after the whole lunch debacle 
  that I’d rather reschedule。 My first week had been so crazy that 
  we’d barely seen each other; and we’d made a special plan to have 
  dinner that night; just the two of us。 But I knew I wouldn’t be any 
  fun if I fell asleep in my wine; and I kind of wanted a night to 
  unwind and be alone。 I’d have to remember to call and see if we 
  could do it the next night。

  Emily was standing over me; having already checked her own voice 
  mail。 From her relatively calm face; I guessed that Miranda had not 
  left her any death threats。 I shook my head to indicate that I 
  hadn’t gotten one from her yet。

  “Hi; Andrea; it’s Cara。” Miranda’s nanny。 “So; Miranda called here a 
  little while ago”—heart stoppage—“and said she’s tried the office 
  and no one was picking up。 I figured something was going on down 
  there; so I told her that I’d spoken to both you and Emily just a 
  minute before; but don’t worry about it。 She wanted aWomen’s Wear 
  Daily faxed to her; and I had a copy right here。 Already confirmed 
  that she got it; too; so don’t stress。 Just wanted to let you know。 
  Anyway; have a good weekend。 I’ll talk to you later。 ’Bye。”

  lifesaver。 The girl was an absolute saint。 It was hard to believe 
  I’d only known her a week—and not even in person; only over the 
  phone—because I thought I was in love with her。 She was the opposite 
  of Emily in every regard: calm; grounded; and entirely 
  fashion…oblivious。 She recognized Miranda’s absurdity but didn’t 
  begrudge her it; she had that rare; charming quality of being able 
  to laugh at herself and everyone else。

  “Nope; not her;” I told Emily; lying sort of but not really; smiling 
  triumphantly。 “We’re in the clear。”

  “You’rein the clear; this time;” she said flatly。 “Just remember 
  that we’re in this together; but I am in charge。 You’ll cover for me 
  if I want to go out to lunch once in a while—I’m entitled。 This will 
  never happen again; right?”

  I bit back the urge to say something nasty。 “Right;” I said。 

  We’d managed to finish wrapping the rest of the bottles and get them 
  all to the messengers by seven that night; and Emily didn’t mention 
  the office…abandonment issue again。 I finally fell into a taxi (just 
  this one time) at eight; and was spread…eagle; still fully dressed; 
  on top of my covers at ten。 And I still hadn’t eaten because I 
  couldn’t bear the thought of going out in search of food and getting 
  lost again; as I had the past four nights; in my own neighborhood。 I 
  called Lily to plain on my brand…new Bang and Olufsen phone。

  “Hi! I thought you and Alex had a date tonight;” she said。

  “Yeah; we did; but I’m dead。 He’s fine with doing it tomorrow night; 
  and I think I’ll just order。 Whatever。 How was your day?”

  “I have one word: screwed up。 OK; so that was two。 You’ll never 
  imagine what happened。 Well; of course you will; it happens all 

  “Cut to it; Lil。 I’m going to pass out any minute。”

  “OK。 Cutest guy ever came to my reading today。 Sat through the whole 
  thing looking absolutely fascinated; and waited for me afterward。 
  Asked if he could take me for a drink and hear all about the thesis 
  I had published at Brown; which he’d already read。”

  “Sounds great。 What was he?” Lily went out with different guys 
  almost every night after getting off work; but had yet to plete 
  her fraction。 She had founded the Scale of Fractional Love one night 
  after listening to a few of our guy friends rate the girls they were 
  dating on their own invention; the Ten…Ten Scale。 “She’s a six; 
  eight; B…plus;” Jake would declare of the advertising assistant he’d 
  been set up with the night before。 It was assumed everyone knew that 
  it was a ten…point scale; with face always being the first numerical 
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