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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第21章

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  choice is there? She is Miranda Priestly; you know。”

  At about one Emily announced she was hungry and was heading 
  downstairs to get some lunch with a few of the girls in accessories。 
  I assumed she meant she would pick up her lunch; since that’s what 
  we’d been doing all week; so I waited for ten minutes; fifteen 
  minutes; twenty; but she never reappeared with her food。 Neither of 
  us had actually eaten in the dining room since I’d started in case 
  Miranda called; but this was ridiculous。 Two o’clock came and then 
  two…thirty and then three; and all I could think about was how 
  hungry I was。 I tried calling Emily’s Cell Phone; but it went 
  directly to voice mail。 Could she have died in the dining room? I 
  wondered。 Choked on some plain lettuce; or simply slumped over after 
  downing a smoothie? I thought about asking someone to pick something 
  up for me; but it seemed too prima donna–ish to ask a perfect 
  stranger to fetch me lunch。 After all;I was supposed to be the 
  lunch…fetcher:Oh; yes; darling; I’m simply too important to abandon 
  my post here wrapping presents; so I was wondering if you might pick 
  me up a turkey and brie croissant? Lovely 。 I just couldn’t do it。 
  So when four o’clock rolled around and there was still no sign of 
  Emily and no call from Miranda; I did the unthinkable: I left the 
  office unattended。

  After peeking down the hall and confirming that Emily was nowhere in 
  sight; I literally ran to the reception area and pushed the down 
  button twenty times。 Sophy; the gorgeous Asian receptionist; raised 
  her eyebrows and looked away; and I wasn’t sure if it was my 
  impatience or her knowledge that Miranda’s office was abandoned that 
  made her look at me that way。 No time to figure it out。 The elevator 
  finally arrived; and I was able to throw myself onboard even as a 
  sneering; heroin…thin guy with spiky hair and lime green Pumas was 
  pushing “Door Close。” No one moved aside to give me room even though 
  there was plenty of space。 And while this would’ve normally driven 
  me crazy; all I could concentrate on was getting food and getting 
  back; ASAP。

  The entrance to the all…glass…and…granite dining room was blocked by 
  a group of Clackers…in…training; all leaning in and whispering; 
  examining each group of people who got off the elevator。 Friends of 
  Elias employees; I immediately recalled from Emily’s description of 
  such groups; obvious from their unmasked excitement to be standing 
  at the center of it all。 Lily had already begged me to take her to 
  the dining room since it’d been written up in nearly every Manhattan 
  newspaper and magazine for its incredible food quality and 
  selection—not to mention its gaggle of gorgeous people—but I wasn’t 
  ready for that yet。 Besides; due to the plex office…sitting 
  schedule Emily and I negotiated each day so far; I’d yet to spend 
  more time there than the two and a half minutes it took to choose 
  and pay for my food; and I wasn’t sure I ever would。

  I pushed my way past the girls and felt them turn to see if I was 
  anyone important。 Negative。 Weaving quickly; intently; I bypassed 
  gorgeous racks of lamb and veal marsala in the entrees section and; 
  with a push of willpower; cruised right past the sundried tomato and 
  goat cheese pizza special (which resided on a small table banished 
  to the sidelines that everyone referred to as “Carb Corner”)。 It 
  wasn’t as easy to navigate around thepièce de résistance of the 
  room; the salad bar (also known just as “Greens;” as in “I’ll meet 
  you at Greens”); which was as long as an airport landing strip and 
  accessible from four different directions; but the hordes let me 
  pass when I loudly assured them that I wasn’t going after the last 
  of the tofu cubes。 All the way in the back; directly behind the 
  panini stand that actually resembled a makeup counter; was the 
  single; lone soup station。 Lone because the soup chef was the only 
  one in the entire dining room who refused to make a single one of 
  his offerings low fat; reduced fat; fat…free; low sodium; or low 
  carb。 He simply refused。 As a result; his was the single table in 
  the entire room without a line; and I sprinted directly toward him 
  every day。 Since it appeared that I was the only one in the entire 
  pany who actually bought soup—and I’d only been there a week—the 
  higher…ups had slashed his menu to a solitary soup per day。 I prayed 
  for tomato cheddar。 Instead; he ladled out a giant cup of New 
  England clam chowder; proudly declaring it was made with heavy 
  cream。 Three people at Greens turned to stare。 The only obstacle 
  left was dodging the crowds around the chef’s table; where a 
  visiting chef in full whites was arranging large chunks of sashimi 
  for what appeared to be adoring fans。 I read the nametag on his 
  starched white collar: Nobu Matsuhisa。 I made a mental note to look 
  him up when I got upstairs; since I seemed to be the only employee 
  in the place who wasn’t fawning all over him。 Was it worse to have 
  never heard of Mr。 Matsuhisa or Miranda Priestly?

  The petite cashier looked first at the soup and then at my hips when 
  she rang me up。 Or had she? I’d already grown accustomed to being 
  looked up and down every time I went anywhere; and I could’ve sworn 
  she was looking at me with the same expression I would’ve given a 
  five…hundred…pound person with eight Big Macs arrayed in from of 
  him: the eyes raised just enough as if to ask; “Do youreally need 
  that?” But I brushed my paranoia aside and reminded myself that the 
  woman was simply a cashier in a cafeteria; not a Weight Watchers 
  counselor。 Or a fashion editor。

  “So。 Not many people buying the soup these days;” she said quietly; 
  punching numbers on the register。

  “Yeah; I guess not that many people like New England clam chowder;” 
  I mumbled; swiping my card and willing her hands to move faster; 

  She stopped and turned her narrowed brown eyes directly toward mine。 
  “No; I think it’s because the soup chef insists on making these 
  really fattening things—do you have any idea how many calories are 
  in that? Do you have any idea how fattening that little cup of soup 
  is? I’m just saying is; someone could put on ten pounds from just 
  looking at it—”And you’re not one who could afford to gain ten 
  pounds; she implied。

  Ouch。 As if it hadn’t been hard enough convincing myself that I was 
  a normal weight for a normal height as all the tall; willowyRunway 
  blondes had openly examined me; now thecashier was—for all intents 
  and purposes—telling me I was fat? I snatched my takeout bag and 
  pushed past the people; and walked into the bathroom that was 
  conveniently located directly outside the dining room; where one 
  could purge any
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