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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第20章

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  now 。

  I was pleased to discover that the rest of that first week wasn’t 
  much different than the first day。 On Friday; Emily and I met in the 
  stark white lobby again at sevenA 。M。; and this time she handed me 
  my own ID card; plete with a picture that I didn’t remember 

  “From the security camera;” she said when I stared at it。 “They’re 
  everywhere around here; just so you know。 They’ve had some major 
  problems with people stealing stuff; the clothes and jewelry called 
  in for shoots; it seems the messengers and sometimes even the 
  editors just help themselves。 So now they track everyone。” She slid 
  her card down the slot and the thick glass door clicked open。

  “Track? What exactly do you mean by ‘track’?”

  She moved quickly down the hallway toward our offices; her hips 
  swishing back and forth; back and forth in the skintight tan Seven 
  cords she was wearing。 She’d told me the day before that I should 
  seriously consider getting a pair or ten; as these were among the 
  only jeans or corduroys that Miranda would permit people to wear in 
  the office。 Those and the MJ’s were OK; but only on Friday; and only 
  if worn with high heels。 MJ’s? “Marc Jacobs;” she had said; 

  “Well; between the cameras and the cards; they kind of know what 
  everyone’s doing;” she said as she dropped her Gucci logo tote on 
  her desk。 She began unbuttoning her very fitted leather blazer; a 
  coat that looked supremely inadequate for the late…November weather。 
  “I don’t think they actually look at the cameras unless something’s 
  missing; but the cards tell everything。 Like; every time you swipe 
  it downstairs to get past the security counter or on the floor to 
  get in the door; they know where you are。 That’s how they tell if 
  people are at work; so if you have to be out—and you never will; but 
  just in case something really awful happens—you’ll just give me your 
  card and I’ll swipe it。 That way you’ll still get paid for all the 
  days you miss; even if you go over。 You’ll do the same for 
  me—everyone does it。”

  I was still reeling from the “and you never will” part; but she 
  continued her briefing。

  “And that’s how you’ll get food in the dining room also。 It’s a 
  debit card: just put on some money and it gets deducted at the 
  register。 Of course; that’s how they can tell what you’re eating;” 
  she said; unlocking Miranda’s office door and plopping herself on 
  the floor。 She immediately reached for a boxed bottle of wine and 
  began wrapping。

  “Do they care what you eat?” I asked; feeling as though I’d just 
  stepped directly into a scene fromSliver。

  “Um; I’m not sure。 Maybe? I just know they can tell。 And the gym; 
  too。 You have to use it there; and at the newsstand to buy books or 
  magazines。 I think it just helps them stay organized。”

  Stay organized? I was working for a pany who defined good 
  “organization” as knowing which floor each employee visited; whether 
  they preferred onion soup or Caesar salad for lunch; and just how 
  many minutes they could tolerate the elliptical machine? I was a 
  lucky; lucky girl。

  Exhausted from my fourth morning of waking up at five…thirty; it 
  took me another five full minutes to work up the energy to climb out 
  of my coat and settle down at my desk。 I thought about putting my 
  head down to rest for just a moment; but Emily cleared her throat。 

  “Um; you want to get in here and help me?” she asked; although it 
  was clearly no question。 “Here; wrap something。” She thrust a pile 
  of white paper my way and resumed her task。 Jewel blasted from the 
  extra speakers attached to her iMac。

  Cut; place; fold; tape:Emily and I worked steadily through the 
  morning; stopping only to call the downstairs messenger center each 
  time we’d finished with twenty…five boxes。 They’d hold them until we 
  gave the green light for them to be fanned out all over Manhattan in 
  mid…December。 We’d already pleted all of the out…of…town bottles 
  during my first two days; and those were piled in the Closet waiting 
  for DHL to pick them up。 Considering each and every one was set to 
  be sent first…day priority; arriving at their locations at the 
  earliest possible time the very next morning; I wasn’t sure what the 
  rush was—considering it was only the end of November—but I’d already 
  learned it was better not to ask questions。 We would be FedExing 
  about 150 bottles all over the world。 The Priestly bottles would 
  make it to Paris; Cannes; Bordeaux; Milan; Rome; Florence; 
  Barcelona; Geneva; Brugges; Stockholm; Amsterdam; and London。 Dozens 
  to London! FedEx would jet them to Beijing and Hong Kong and 
  Capetown and Tel Aviv and Dubai (Dubai!)。 They would be toasting 
  Miranda Priestly in Los Angeles; Honolulu; New Orleans; Charleston; 
  Houston; Bridgehampton; and Nantucket。 And those all before any went 
  out in New York—the city that contained all of Miranda’s friends; 
  doctors; maids; hair stylists; nannies; makeup artists; shrinks; 
  yoga instructors; personal trainers; drivers; and personal shoppers。 
  Of course; this was where most of the fashion…industry people were; 
  too: the designers; models; actors; editors; advertisers; PR folks; 
  and all…around style mavens would each receive a level…appropriate 
  bottle lovingly delivered by an Elias…Clark messenger。

  “How much do you think all of this costs?” I asked Emily; while 
  snipping what felt like the millionth piece of thick white paper。

  “I told you; I ordered twenty…five thousand dollars’ worth of 

  “No; no—how much do you think it costs altogether? I mean; to 
  overnight all these packages all over the world; well; I bet that in 
  some cases the shipping costs more than the bottle itself; 
  especially if they’re getting a nobody bottle。”

  She looked intrigued。 It was the first time I’d seen her look at me 
  with anything other than disgust; exasperation; or indifference。 
  “Well; let’s see。 If you figure that all the domestic FedExes are 
  somewhere in the twenty…dollar range; and all the international are 
  about 60; then that equals 9;000 for FedEx。 I think I heard 
  somewhere that the messengers charge eleven bucks a package; so 
  sending out 250 of those would be 2;750。 And our time; well; if it 
  takes us a full week to wrap everything; then added together; that’s 
  two full weeks of both our salaries; which is another four grand—”

  It was here I flinched inwardly; realizing that both of our salaries 
  together for an entire week’s work was by far the most insignificant 

  “Yeah; it es to around 16;000 in total。 Crazy; huh? But what 
  choice is there? She is Miranda Priestly; you know。”

  At about one Emily announced she was hungry and
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