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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第14章

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  I met dozens of people that first morning; everyone flashing 
  enormous; toothy white smiles and appearing genuinely interested in 
  meeting me。

  The men were all flamboyantly gay; adorning themselves in 
  second…skin leather pants and ribbed T’s that stretched over bulging 
  biceps and perfect pecs。 The art director; an older man sporting 
  champagne blond; thinning hair; who looked like he dedicated his 
  life to emulating Elton John; was turned out in rabbit…fur loafers 
  and eyeliner。 No one batted an eye。 We’d had gay groups on campus; 
  and I had a few friends who’d e out the past few years; but none 
  of them looked like this。 It was like being surrounded by the entire 
  cast and crew ofRent —with better costumes; of course。

  The women; or rather the girls; were individually beautiful。 
  Collectively; they were mind…blowing。 Most appeared to be about 
  twenty…five; and few looked a day older than thirty。 While nearly 
  all of them had enormous; glimmering diamonds on their ring fingers; 
  it seemed impossible that any had actually given birth yet—or ever 
  would。 In and out; in and out they walked gracefully on four…inch 
  skinny heels; sashaying over to my desk to extend milky…white hands 
  with long; manicured fingers; calling themselves “Jocelyn who works 
  with Hope;” “Nicole from fashion;” and “Stef who oversees 
  accessories。” Only one; Shayna; was shorter than five…nine; but she 
  was so petite it seemed impossible for her to carry another inch of 
  height。 All weighed less than 110 pounds。

  As I sat in my swivel chair; trying to remember everyone’s name; the 
  prettiest girl I’d seen all day swooped in。 She wore a rose…colored 
  cashmere sweater that looked like it was spun from pink clouds。 The 
  most amazing; white hair swirled down her back。 Her six…one frame 
  looked as though it carried only enough weight to keep her upright; 
  but she moved with the surprising grace of a dancer。 Her cheeks 
  glowed; and her multi…carat; flawless diamond engagement ring 
  emanated an incredible lightness。 I thought she’d caught me staring 
  at it; since she flung her hand under my nose。

  “I created it;” she announced; smiling at her hand and looking at 
  me。 I looked to Emily for an explanation; a hint as to who this 
  might be; but she was on the phone again。 I thought the girl was 
  referring to the ring; meant that she had actually designed it; but 
  then she said; “Isn’t it a gorgeous color? It’s one coat Marshmallow 
  and one coat Ballet Slipper。 Actually; Ballet Slipper came first; 
  and then a topcoat to finish it off。 It’s perfect—light colored 
  without looking like you painted your nails with White Out。 I think 
  I’ll use this every time I get a manicure!” And she turned on her 
  heels and walked out。Ah; yes; a pleasure to meet you; too; I 
  mentally directed toward her back as she strutted away。

  I’d been enjoying meeting all my coworkers; everyone seemed kind and 
  sweet and; except for the beautiful weirdo with the nail polish 
  fetish; they all appeared interested in getting to know me。 Emily 
  hadn’t left my side yet; seizing every opportunity to teach me 
  something。 She provided running mentary on who was really 
  important; whom not to piss off; whom it was beneficial to befriend 
  because they threw the best parties。 When I described Manicure Girl; 
  Emily’s face lit up。

  “Oh!” she breathed; more excited than I’d heard her about anyone 
  else yet。 “Isn’t she just amazing?”

  “Um; yeah; she seemed nice。 We didn’t really get a chance to talk; 
  she was just; you know; showing me her nail polish。”

  Emily smiled widely; proudly。 “Yes; well; you do know who she is; 
  don’t you?”

  I wracked my brain; trying to remember if she looked like any movie 
  stars or singers or models; but I couldn’t place her。 So; she was 
  famous! Maybe that’s why she hadn’t introduced herself—I was 
  supposed to recognize her。 But I didn’t。 “No; actually; I don’t。 Is 
  she famous?”

  The stare I received in response was part disbelief; part disgust。 
  “Um;yeah; ” Emily said; emphasizing the “yeah” and squinting her 
  eyes as if to say;You total fucking idiot 。 “That is Jessica 
  Duchamps。” She waited。 I waited。 Nothing。 “You do know who that is; 
  right?” Again; I ran lists through my mind; trying to connect 
  something with this new information; but I was quite sure I’d never; 
  ever heard of her。 Besides; this game was getting old。

  “Emily; I’ve never seen her before; and her name doesn’t sound 
  familiar。 Would you please tell me who she is?” I asked; struggling 
  to remain calm。 The ironic part was that I didn’t even care who she 
  was; but Emily was clearly not going to give this up until she’d 
  made me look like a plete and total loser。

  Her smile this time was patronizing。 “Of course。 You just had to say 
  so。 Jessica Duchamps is; well; a Duchamps! You know; as in the most 
  successful French restaurant in the city! Her parents own it—isn’t 
  that crazy? They are so unbelievably rich。”

  “Oh; really?” I said; feigning enthusiasm for the fact that this 
  super…pretty girl was worth knowing because her parents were 
  restaurateurs。 “That’s great。”

  I answered a few phone calls with the requisite “Miranda Priestly’s 
  office;” although both Emily and I were worried that Miranda herself 
  would call and I wouldn’t know what to do。 Panic set in during a 
  call when an unidentified woman barked something incoherent in a 
  strong British accent; and I threw the phone to Emily without 
  thinking to put it on hold first。

  “It’s her;” I whispered urgently。 “Take it。”

  Emily gave me my first viewing of her specialty look。 Never one to 
  mince emotions; she could raise her eyebrows and drop her chin in a 
  way that clearly conveyed equal parts disgust and pity。

  “Miranda? It’s Emily;” she said; a bright smile lighting up her face 
  as if Miranda might be able to seep through the phone and see her。 
  Silence。 A frown。 “Oh; Mimi; so sorry! The new girl thought you were 
  Miranda! I know; how funny。 I guess we have to work onnot thinking 
  every British accent is necessarily our boss! ” She looked at me 
  pointedly; her overtweezed eyebrows arching even higher。

  She chatted a bit longer while I continued to answer the phone and 
  take messages for Emily; who would then call the people back—with 
  nonstop narration on their order of importance; if any; in Miranda’s 
  life。 About noon; just as the first hunger pangs were beginning; I 
  picked up a call and heard a British accent on the other end。

  “Hello? Allison; is that you?” asked the icy…sounding but regal 
  voice。 “I’ll be needing a skirt。”

  I cupped my hand over the receiver and felt my eyes open wide。 
  “Emily; it’s her; it’s definitely her;
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