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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第13章

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  on to work blue…collar jobs like their father; with little time to 
  do anything but pray and work; a couple managed to get themselves 
  into and through the university; only to marry young and begin 
  having large families of their own。 Miriam was the single exception 
  to the family tradition。

  After saving the small bills her older siblings would slip her 
  whenever they were able; Miriam promptly dropped out of high school 
  upon turning seventeen—a mere three months shy of graduation—to take 
  a job as an assistant to an up…and…ing British designer; helping 
  him put together his shows each season。 After a few years of making 
  a name for herself as one of the darlings of London’s burgeoning 
  fashion world and studying French at night; she scored a job as a 
  junior editor at the FrenchChic magazine in Paris。 By this time; she 
  had little to do with her family: they didn’t understand her life or 
  ambitions; and she was embarrassed by their old…fashioned piety and 
  overwhelming lack of sophistication。 The alienation from her family 
  was pleted shortly after joining FrenchChic when; at twenty…four 
  years old; Miriam Princhek became Miranda Priestly; shedding her 
  undeniably ethnic name for one with more panache。 Her rough; 
  cockney…girl British accent was soon replaced by a carefully 
  cultivated; educated one; and by her late twenties; Miriam’s 
  transformation from Jewish peasant to secular socialite was 
  plete。 She rose quickly; ruthlessly; through the ranks of the 
  magazine world。

  She spent ten years at the helm of FrenchRunway before Elias 
  transferred her to the number…one spot at AmericanRunway; the 
  ultimate achievement。 She moved her two daughters and her rock…star 
  then husband (himself eager to gain more exposure in America) to a 
  penthouse apartment on Fifth Avenue at 76th Street and began a new 
  era atRunway magazine: the Priestly years; the sixth of which we 
  were nearing as I began my first day。

  By some stroke of dumb luck; I would be working for nearly a month 
  before Miranda was back in the office。 She took her vacation every 
  year starting a week before Thanksgiving until right after New 
  Year’s。 Typically; she’d spend a few weeks at the flat she kept in 
  London; but this year; I was told; she had dragged her husband and 
  daughters to Oscar de la Renta’s estate in the Dominican Republic 
  for two weeks before spending Christmas and New Year’s at the Ritz 
  in Paris。 I’d also been forewarned that even though she was 
  technically “on vacation;” she’d still be fully reachable and 
  working at all times; and therefore; so should every single other 
  person on staff。 I was to be appropriately prepped and trained 
  without her highness present。 That way; Miranda wouldn’t have to 
  suffer my inevitable mistakes while I learned the job。 Sounded good 
  to me。 So at 7:00A 。M。 on the dot; I signed my name into Eduardo’s 
  book and was buzzed through the turnstiles for the very first time。 
  “Strike a pose!” Eduardo called after me; just before the elevator 
  doors swept shut。

  Emily; looking remarkably haggard and sloppy in a fitted but 
  wrinkled sheer white T…shirt and hypertrendy cargo pants was waiting 
  for me in the reception area; clutching a cup of Starbucks and 
  flipping though the new December issue。 Her high heels were placed 
  firmly on the glass coffee table; and a black lacy bra showed 
  obviously through the pletely transparent cotton of her shirt。 
  Lipstick; smeared a bit around her mouth by the Coffee cup; and 
  unbed; wavy red hair that spilled down over her shoulders made 
  her look as though she’d spent the last seventy…two hours in bed。

  “Hey; wele;” she muttered; giving me my first official up…down 
  look…over by someone other than the security guard。 “Nice boots。”

  My heart surged。 Was she serious? Or sarcastic? Her tone made it 
  impossible to tell。 My arches ached already and my toes were jammed 
  up against the front; but if I’d actually been plimented on an 
  item of my outfit by aRunway …er; it might be worth the pain。

  Emily looked at me a moment longer and then swung her legs off the 
  table; sighing dramatically。 “Well; let’s get to it。 It’sreally 
  lucky for you that she’s not here;” she said。 “Not that she’s not 
  great; of course; because she is;” she added in what I would soon 
  recognize—and e to adopt myself—as the classicRunway Paranoid 
  Turnaround。 Just when something negative about Miranda slips out 
  from a Clacker’s lips—however justified—paranoia that Miranda will 
  find out overwhelms the speaker and inspires an about…face。 One of 
  my favorite workday pastimes became watching my colleagues scramble 
  to negate whatever blasphemy they’d uttered。

  Emily slid her card through the electronic reader; and we walked 
  side by side; in silence; through the winding hallways to the center 
  of the floor; where Miranda’s office suite was located。 I watched as 
  she opened the suite’s French doors and tossed her bag and coat on 
  one of the desks that sat directly outside Miranda’s cavernous 
  office。 “This is your desk; obviously;” she motioned to a smooth; 
  wooden; L…shaped Formica slab that sat directly opposite hers。 It 
  had a brand…new turquoise iMac puter; a phone; and some filing 
  trays; and there were already pens and paper clips and some 
  notebooks in the drawers。 “I left most of my stuff for you。 It’s 
  easier if I just order the new stuff for myself。”

  Emily had just been promoted to the position of senior assistant; 
  leaving the junior assistant position open for me。 She explained 
  that she would spend two years as Miranda’s senior assistant; after 
  which she’d be skyrocketed to an amazing fashion position atRunway 。 
  The three…year assistant program she’d be pleting was the 
  ultimate guarantee of going places in the fashion world; but I was 
  clinging to the belief that my one…year sentence would suffice 
  forThe New Yorker 。 Allison had already left Miranda’s office area 
  for her new post in the beauty department; where she’d be 
  responsible for testing new makeup; moisturizers; and hair products 
  and writing them up。 I wasn’t sure how being Miranda’s assistant had 
  prepared her for this task; but I was impressed nonetheless。 The 
  promises were true: people who worked for Miranda got places。

  The rest of the staff began streaming in around ten; about fifty in 
  all of editorial。 The biggest department was fashion; of course; 
  with close to thirty people; including all the accessories 
  assistants。 Features; beauty; and art rounded out the mix。 Nearly 
  everyone stopped by Miranda’s office to schmooze with Emily; 
  overhear any gossip concerning her boss; and check out the new girl。 
  I met dozens of people that first morning; everyone flashing 
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