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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第116章

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  “e on;” she said; grabbing the crutches that were propped 
  against the wall everywhere she went。 “They’re all leaving 
  today; so maybe we’ll get a decent night’s sleep tonight。”

  “She’s not going to stop screaming until we go down there; is 
  she?” I mumbled; holding her elbow to help her to her feet。 
  The cast around her right ankle had been signed by my entire 
  family; and Kyle had even drawn annoying little messages from 
  Isaac all over it。

  “Not a chance。”

  My sister appeared in the doorway; cradling the baby; who 
  currently had drool halfway down his chubby chin but was now 
  giggling contentedly。 “Look who I have;” she cooed in baby 
  talk; bouncing the happy boy up and down in her arms。 “Isaac; 
  tell your auntie Andy not to be such a tremendous bitch; since 
  we’re all leaving real; real soon。 Can you do that for mommy; 
  honey? Can you?”

  Isaac sneezed a very cute baby sneeze in response; and Jill 
  looked as though he’d just risen up from her arms a full…grown 
  man and recited a few Shakespearean sonnets。 “Did you see 
  that; Andy? Did youhear that? Oh; my little guy is just the 
  cutest thing ever!”

  “Good morning;” I said; kissing her on the cheek。 “You know I 
  don’t want you to leave; right? And Isaac’s wele to stay as 
  long as he can figure out how to sleep between the hours of 
  midnight and tenA 。M。 Hell; even Kyle can stick around if he 
  promises not to talk。 See? We’re easy here。”

  Lily had managed to hobble down the stairs and greet my 
  parents; who were both dressed for work and saying their 
  good…byes to Kyle。

  I made my bed and tucked Lily’s back underneath; making sure 
  to fluff her pillow before sticking it in my closet for the 
  day。 She’d e out of the a before I even got off the 
  plane from Paris; and after Alex I was the first one to see 
  her awake。 They ran a million tests on every conceivable body 
  part; but with the exception of some stitches on her face; 
  neck; and chest; and the broken ankle; she was perfectly 
  healthy。 Looked like hell; of course—exactly what you’d expect 
  for someone who’d danced with an oning vehicle—but she was 
  moving around just fine and even seemed almost annoyingly 
  upbeat for someone who’d just lived through what she did。

  It was my dad’s idea that we sublet our apartment for November 
  and December and move in with them。 Although the idea had been 
  less than appealing to me; my zero…sum salary left me with few 
  arguments。 And besides; Lily seemed to wele the chance to 
  get out of the city for a little while and leave behind all 
  the questions and gossip that she’d have to face as soon as 
  she saw anyone she knew again。 We’d listed the place 
  oncraigslist as a perfect “holiday rental” to enjoy all 
  the sights of New York; and to both our shock and amazement; 
  an older Swedish couple whose children were all living in the 
  city paid our full asking price—six hundred dollars more per 
  month than we ourselves paid。 The three hundred bucks a month 
  was more than enough for each of us to live on; especially 
  considering my parents ped us food; laundry; and the use of 
  a beat…up Camry。 The Swedes were leaving the week after New 
  Year’s; just in time for Lily to start her semester over again 
  and for me to; well; do something。

  Emily had been the one who officially fired me。 Not that I’d 
  had any lingering doubts as to my employment status after my 
  little foul…mouthed temper tantrum; but I suppose Miranda had 
  been livid enough to drive Home one last dig。 The whole thing 
  had taken only three or four minutes and had unfolded with the 
  ruthlessRunway efficiency that I loved so much。

  I’d just managed to hail a cab and pry the left boot from my 
  pulsating foot when the phone rang。 Of course my heart 
  instinctively lurched forward; but when I remembered that I’d 
  just told Miranda what she could do with herYou remind me of 
  myself when I was your age; I realized it couldn’t be her。 I 
  did a quick tabulation of the minutes that had passed: one for 
  Miranda to shut her gaping mouth and recover her cool for all 
  the Clackers who were watching; another for her to locate her 
  Cell Phone and call Emily at Home; a third to convey the 
  sordid details of my unprecedented outburst; and a final one 
  for Emily to reassure Miranda that she herself would “see to 
  it that everything was taken care of。” Yes; although the 
  caller ID simply said “unavailable” on international phone 
  calls; there wasn’t a doubt in the world who was ringing。

  “Hi; Em; how are you?” I practically sang while rubbing my 
  bare foot and trying not to let it touch the filthy taxi 

  She seemed to be caught off…guard by my downright chipper 
  tone。 “Andrea?”

  “Hey; it’s me; I’m right here。 What’s up? I’m kind of in a 
  hurry; so 。 。 。” I thought about asking her directly if she’d 
  called to fire me but decided to give her a break for once。 I 
  braced myself for the verbal tirade she was sure to let loose 
  on me—how could you let her down; me down;Runway down; the 
  wide world of fashion; blah; blah; blah—but it never came。

  “Oh yeah; of course。 So; I just spoke to Miranda 。 。 。” Her 
  voice trailed off as though she was hoping I’d continue and 
  explain that the whole thing had been a big mistake and not to 
  worry because I’d managed to fix it in the last four minutes。

  “And you heard what happened; I’m assuming?”

  “Um; yeah! Andy; what’s going on?”

  “I should probably be asking you that; right?”

  There was silence。

  “Listen; Em; I have a feeling that you called to fire me。 It’s 
  OK if you did; I know it’s not your decision。 So; did she tell 
  you to call and get rid of me?” Even though I felt lighter 
  than I had in many months; I still found myself holding my 
  breath; wondering if maybe; through some dumb stroke of luck 
  or misfortune; Miranda had respected my telling her to fuck 
  off instead of been appalled by it。

  “Yes。 She asked me to let you know that you have been 
  terminated; effective immediately; and she would like you to 
  be checked out of the Ritz before she returns from the show。” 
  She said this softly and with a trace of regret。 Perhaps it 
  was for the many hours and days and weeks she was now facing 
  of finding and training someone all over again; but there 
  sounded like there might be something even more behind it。

  “You’re going to miss me; aren’t you; Em? Go on; say it。 It’s 
  OK; I won’t tell anyone。 As far as I’m concerned; this 
  conversation never happened。 You don’t want me to go; do you?”

  Miracle of miracles; she laughed。 “What did you say to her? 
  She just kept repeating that you were crass and unlady…like。 I 
  couldn’t get anything more 
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