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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第115章

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  acmodate—regardless of how much she barked or demanded or 
  intimidated; it was not happening。You remind me of myself when 
  I was your age 。

  Fuck her。 Fuck Paris and fashion shows and marathon games of 
  “I’m so fat。” Fuck all the people who believed that Miranda’s 
  behavior was justified because she could pair a talented 
  photographer with some expensive clothes and walk away with 
  some pretty magazine pages。 Fuck her for even thinking that I 
  was anything like her。 And most of all; fuck her for being 
  right。 What the hell was I standing here for; getting abused 
  and belittled and humiliated by this joyless she…devil? So 
  maybe; just maybe; I; too; could be sitting at this very same 
  event thirty years from now; acpanied only by an assistant 
  who loathes me; surrounded by armies of people who pretend 
  they like me because they have to。

  I yanked out my Cell Phone and punched in a number and watched 
  as Miranda became increasingly more livid。

  “Ahn…dre…ah!” she hissed; much too ladylike to ever make a 
  scene。 “What do you think you’re doing? I’m telling you that 
  my daughters need passports immediately; and you decide it’s a 
  good time to chat on your phone? Are you under the very 
  mistaken impression that’s why I brought you to Paris?”

  My mother picked up on the third ring; but I didn’t even say 

  “Mom; I’m getting on the next flight I can。 I’ll call you when 
  I get to JFK。 I’m ing Home。” I clicked the phone shut 
  before she could respond and looked up to see Miranda; who 
  appeared genuinely surprised。 I felt a smile break through the 
  headache and nausea when I realized that I’d rendered her 
  momentarily speechless。 Unfortunately; she recovered quickly。 
  There’s a small chance I wouldn’t have gotten fired if I’d 
  immediately pleaded and explained and lost the defiant 
  attitude; but I couldn’t seem to muster one single; tiny shred 
  of self…control。

  “Ahn…dre…ah; you realize what you’re doing; do you not? You do 
  know that if you simply leave here like this; I’m going to be 

  “Fuck you; Miranda。Fuck you 。”

  She gasped audibly while her hand flew to her mouth in shock; 
  and I felt not a few Clackers turn to see what the motion 
  was。 They’d begun pointing and whispering; themselves as 
  shocked as Miranda that some nobody assistant had just said 
  that—and none too quietly—to one of the great living fashion 

  “Ahn…dre…ah!” She grabbed my upper arm with her clawlike hand; 
  but I wrenched it out of her grip and plastered on an enormous 
  smile。 I also figured it’d be an appropriate time to stop 
  whispering and let everyone in on our little secret。

  “So sorry; Miranda;” I announced in a normal voice that for 
  the first time since I’d landed in Paris wasn’t shaking 
  uncontrollably; “but I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to 
  the party tomorrow。 You understand don’t you? I’m sure it’ll 
  be lovely; so please do enjoy it。 That’s all。” And before she 
  could respond; I hitched my bag higher up on my shoulder; 
  ignored the pain that was searing from heel to toe; and 
  strutted outside to hail a cab。 I couldn’t remember feeling 
  better than that particular moment。 I was going Home。


  “Jill; stop shouting for your sister!” my mother screamed 
  unhelpfully。 “I think she’s still sleeping。” And then; a voice 
  came even louder from the bottom of the stairs。

  “Andy; are you still sleeping?” she screamed in the general 
  direction of my room。

  I pried open an eye and checked the clock。 Quarter after eight 
  in the morning。 Dear god; what were these peoplethinking ?

  It took a few times of rocking from side to side before I 
  could muster enough strength to pull myself to sit; and when I 
  finally did; my whole body pleaded for more sleep; just a 
  little more sleep。

  “Morning;” Lily smiled; her face ing within inches of my 
  own when she turned to face me。 “They sure do get up early 
  around here。” Since Jill and Kyle and the baby were Home for 
  Thanksgiving; Lily had been forced to vacate Jill’s old room 
  and move onto the lower half of my childhood trundle bed; 
  which was currently pulled out and nearly level with my own 
  twin…size bed。

  “What are you plaining about? You look psyched to be awake 
  right now; and I’m not sure why。” She was propped up on one 
  elbow; reading a newspaper and sipping a cup of Coffee she 
  kept picking up and placing down on the floor next to the bed。

  “I’ve been up forever listening to Isaac cry。”

  “He’s been crying? Really?”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t hear him。 It’s been incessant 
  since about six…thirty。 Cute kid; Andy; but that whole 
  early…morning thing has got to go。”

  “Girls!” my mother screamed again。 “Is anyone awake up there? 
  Anyone? I don’t care if you’re still sleeping; just please 
  tell me one way or the other so I know how many waffles to 

  “Please tell her one way or the other? I’m going to kill her; 
  Lil。” And then toward my still closed door: “We’re still 
  sleeping; can’t you tell? Fast asleep; probably for hours 
  more。 We don’t hear the baby or you screaming; or anything 
  else!” I shouted back; collapsing backward on the bed。 Lily 

  “Relax;” she said in a very un…Lily…like way。 “They’re just 
  happy you’re Home; and I; for one; am happy to be here。 
  Besides; it’s only a couple more months; and we’ve got each 
  other。 It’s really not so bad。”

  “A couple more months? It’s only been one so far; and I’m 
  ready to put a bullet in my head。” I yanked my nightshirt over 
  my head—one of Alex’s old workout ones—and put on a 
  sweatshirt。 The same jeans I’d been wearing every day for the 
  past few weeks lay rumpled in a ball near my closet; when I 
  pulled them over my hips; I noticed that were feeling snugger。 
  Now that I no longer had to resort to gulping down a bowl of 
  soup or subsisting on cigarettes and Starbucks alone; my body 
  had adjusted itself accordingly and gained back the ten pounds 
  I’d lost while working atRunway 。 And it didn’t even make me 
  cringe; Ibelieved it when Lily and my parents told me I looked 
  healthy; not fat。

  Lily slipped on a pair of sweatpants over the boxers she’d 
  slept in and tied a bandana over her frizzed…out curls。 With 
  her hair pulled off her face; the angry red marks where her 
  forehead had met shards of the windshield were more 
  noticeable; but the stitches had already e out and the 
  doctor promised that there’d be minimal; if any; scarring。 
  “e on;” she said; grabbing the crutches that were propped 
  against the wall everywhere she went。 “They’re all leavi
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