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时尚女魔头 穿普拉达的恶魔 英文原版-第102章

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  observant Jew; and I was; of course; herShabbes goy 。

  A pretty; uniformed maid opened the door and ushered me 
  inside; her sad eyes moist and staring directly at the floor。

  “Ahn…dre…ah!” I heard from somewhere in the deep recesses of 
  the most magnificent living room I’d ever seen。 “Ahn…dre…ah; 
  I’ll need my Chanel suit pressed for tonight; since it was 
  practically ruined with wrinkles on the flight over。 You’d 
  think the Concorde would know how to handle luggage; but my 
  things look dreadful。 Also; call Horace Mann and confirm that 
  the girls made it to school。 You’ll be doing that every day—I 
  just don’t trust that Annabelle。 Make sure you speak to both 
  Caroline and Cassidy each night and write out a list of their 
  Homework assignments and uping exams。 I’ll expect a written 
  report in the morning; right before breakfast。 Oh; and get 
  Senator Schumer on the phone immediately。 It’s urgent。 Lastly; 
  I need you to contact that idiot Renuad and tell him I expect 
  him to supply me with petent staff during my stay; and if 
  that’s too difficult I’m sure the general manager would be 
  able to assist me。 That dumb girl he sent me is mentally 

  My eyes swiveled to the sorrowful girl who was currently 
  cowering in the foyer; looking as fearful as a cornered 
  hamster as she trembled and tried not to cry。 I had to assume 
  she understood English; so I shot her my best sympathetic 
  look; but she just continued to shake。 I looked around the 
  room and tried desperately to remember everything Miranda had 
  just rattled off。

  “Will do;” I called in the general direction of her voice; 
  past the baby grand piano and the seventeen separate flower 
  arrangements that had been lovingly placed around the 
  house…size suite。 “I’ll be back in just a moment with 
  everything you’ve asked for。” I quietly berated myself for 
  ending a sentence with a preposition and took one last look 
  around the magnificent room。 It was; undoubtedly; the 
  plushest; most luxurious place I’d ever seen; with its brocade 
  curtains; thick; cream…colored carpeting; richly woven damask 
  bedspread on the king…size bed; and gold painted figurines 
  tucked discreetly on mahogany shelves and tables。 Only a 
  flat…screen TV and a sleek; silver stereo system gave any 
  indication that the entire place hadn’t been created and 
  designed in the previous century by highly skilled craftsmen 
  plying their trade。

  I ducked past the quaking maid and into the hallway。 The 
  terrified bellman had reappeared。

  “Could you show me to my room; please?” I asked as kindly as I 
  could; but he clearly thought that I would be abusing him as 
  well; and so once again he scurried ahead of me。

  “Here; mademoiselle; I hope this is acceptable。”

  About twenty yards down the hall was a door without a separate 
  number on it。 It opened to a minisuite; nearly an exact 
  replica of Miranda’s but with a smaller living room and a 
  queen…size bed instead of a king。 A large mahogany desk 
  outfitted with a multiline corporate…style phone; sleek 
  desktop puter; laser printer; scanner; and fax machine had 
  taken the place of the baby grand piano; but otherwise the 
  rooms were remarkably similar in their rich; soothing décor。

  “Miss; this door leads to the private hallway connecting your 
  room and Ms。 Priestly’s;” he explained as he moved to open the 

  “No! It’s fine; I don’t need to see it。 Just knowing it’s 
  there is good enough。” I glanced at the engraved nametag 
  placed discreetly on the pocket of his well…pressed uniform 
  shirt。 “Thank you; uh; Stephan。” I rooted around in my bag for 
  cash to tip him but realized that I’d never thought to change 
  my American dollars to euros and hadn’t yet stopped at an ATM。 
  “Oh; I’m sorry; I; uh; only have American dollars。 Is that 

  His face flushed crimson and he began apologizing profusely。 
  “Oh; no; miss; please do not worry about such things。 Ms。 
  Priestly takes care of these details when she departs。 
  However; since you will be needing local currency when you 
  leave the hotel; allow me to show you this。” He walked over to 
  the behemoth of a desk; slid open the top drawer; and handed 
  me an envelope with FrenchRunway ’s logo on it。 Inside was a 
  pile of euro bills; about 4;000 American dollars’ worth in 
  all。 The note; scribbled by Briget Jardin; the editor in chief 
  who’d borne the brunt of planning and scheduling for both this 
  trip and Miranda’s uping party; read:

  Andrea; darling; delighted to have you join us! Please find 
  enclosed euros for your use while in Paris。 I’ve spoken with 
  Monsieur Renaud and he will be on call for Miranda twenty…four 
  hours a day。 See below for a listing of his work and personal 
  numbers; as well as the numbers for the hotel’s chef; physical 
  fitness trainer; director of transportation; and; of course; 
  the general manager。 They are all familiar with Miranda’s 
  stays during the shows and so there should be no problems。 Of 
  course; I may always be reached at work or; if necessary; by 
  cell; Home phone; fax; or pager if either of you requires 
  anything at all。 If I don’t see you before Saturday’s big 
  soiree; I’ll look forward to meeting you there。 Lots of Love; 

  Folded on a sheet ofRunway stationery and tucked underneath 
  the cash was a list of nearly a hundred phone numbers; 
  enpassing everything one could need in Paris; from a chic 
  florist to an emergency surgeon。 These same numbers were 
  repeated on the last page of the detailed itinerary I’d 
  created for Miranda using information Briget had updated daily 
  and faxed over; so as of this moment there didn’t appear to be 
  a single contingency—short of an all…out world war—that would 
  prevent Miranda Priestly from viewing the spring line with the 
  least possible amount of stress; anxiety; and concern。

  “Thank you so much; Stephan。 This is most helpful。” I peeled 
  off a few bills for him anyway; but he courteously pretended 
  not to see it and ducked back into the hallway。 I was pleased 
  to see that he appeared significantly less terrorized than he 
  had just a few moments earlier。

  I somehow managed to find the people she had asked for and 
  figured I had a few minutes to rest my head on the 
  four…hundred…thread…count pillowcase; but the phone rang the 
  moment I closed my eyes。

  “Ahn…dre…ah; e to my room immediately;” she barked before 
  slamming down the phone。

  “Yes; of course; Miranda; thank you for asking so nicely。 It’d 
  be my pleasure;” I said to absolutely nobody。 I heaved my 
  jet…lagged body off the bed and concentrated on not getting a 
  heel stuck in the carpeted hallway that connected my room to 
  hers。 Once again;
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