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;life has everything in store for you察dorian。 there is nothing that you察with your extraordinary good looks察will not be able to do。;

;but suppose察harry察i became haggard察and old察and wrinkled拭what then拭

;ah察then察─said lord henry察rising to go察 then察my dear dorian察you would have to fight for your victories。 as it is察they are brought to you。 no察you must keep your good looks。 we live in an age that reads too much to be wise察and that thinks too much to be beautiful。 we cannot spare you。 and now you had better dress and drive down to the club。 we are rather late察as it is。;

;i think i shall join you at the opera察harry。 i feel too tired to eat anything。 what is the number of your sisters box拭

;twenty´seven察i believe。 it is on the grand tier。 you will see her name on the door。 but i am sorry you wont e and dine。;

;i dont feel up to it察─said dorian listlessly。 ;but i am awfully obliged to you for all that you have said to me。 you are certainly my best friend。 no one has ever understood me as you have。;

;we are only at the beginning of our friendship察dorian察─answered lord henry察shaking him by the hand。 ;good´bye。 i shall see you before nine´thirty察i hope。 remember察patti is singing。;

as he closed the door behind him察dorian gray touched the bell察and in a few minutes victor appeared with the lamps and drew the blinds down。 he waited impatiently for him to go。 the man seemed to take an interminable time over everything。

as soon as he had left察he rushed to the screen and drew it back。 no察there was no further change in the picture。 it had received the news of sibyl vanes death before he had known of it himself。 it was conscious of the events of life as they occurred。 the vicious cruelty that marred the fine lines of the mouth had察no doubt察appeared at the very moment that the girl had drunk the poison察whatever it was。 or was it indifferent to results拭did it merely take cognizance of what passed within the soul拭he wondered察and hoped that some day he would see the change taking place before his very eyes察shuddering as he hoped it。

poor sibyl what a romance it had all been she had often mimicked death on the stage。 then death himself had touched her and taken her with him。 how had she played that dreadful last scene拭had she cursed him察as she died拭no察she had died for love of him察and love would always be a sacrament to him now。 she had atoned for everything by the sacrifice she had made of her life。 he would not think any more of what she had made him go through察on that horrible night at the theatre。 when he thought of her察it would be as a wonderful tragic figure sent on to the worlds stage to show the supreme reality of love。 a wonderful tragic figure拭tears came to his eyes as he remembered her childlike look察and winsome fanciful ways察and shy tremulous grace。 he brushed them away hastily and looked again at the picture。

he felt that the time had really e for making his choice。 or had his choice already been made拭yes察life had decided that for himlife察and his own infinite curiosity about life。 eternal youth察infinite passion察pleasures subtle and secret察wild joys and wilder sinshe was to have all these things。 the portrait was to bear the burden of his shame此that was all。

a feeling of pain crept over him as he thought of the desecration that was in store for the fair face on the canvas。 once察in boyish mockery of narcissus察he had kissed察or feigned to kiss察those painted lips that now smiled so cruelly at him。 morning after morning he had sat before the portrait wondering at its beauty察almost enamoured of it察as it seemed to him at times。 was it to alter now with every mood to which he yielded拭was it to bee a monstrous and loathsome thing察to be hidden away in a locked room察to be shut out from the sunlight that had so often touched to brighter gold the waving wonder of its hair拭the pity of it the pity of it

for a moment察he thought of praying that the horrible sympathy that existed between him and the picture might cease。 it had changed in answer to a prayer察perhaps in answer to a prayer it might remain unchanged。 and yet察who察that knew anything about life察would surrender the chance of remaining always young察however fantastic that chance might be察or with what fateful consequences it might be fraught拭besides察was it really under his control拭had it indeed been prayer that had produced the substitution拭might there not be some curious scientific reason for it all拭if thought could exercise its influence upon a living organism察might not thought exercise an influence upon dead and inorganic things拭nay察without thought or conscious desire察might not things external to ourselves vibrate in unison with our moods and passions察atom calling to atom in secret love or strange affinity拭but the reason was of no importance。 he would never again tempt by a prayer any terrible power。 if the picture was to alter察it was to alter。 that was all。 why inquire too closely into it

for there would be a real pleasure in watching it。 he would be able to follow his mind into its secret places。 this portrait would be to him the most magical of mirrors。 as it had revealed to him his own body察so it would reveal to him his own soul。 and when winter came upon it察he would still be standing where spring trembles on the verge of summer。 when the blood crept from its face察and left behind a pallid mask of chalk with leaden eyes察he would keep the glamour of boyhood。 not one blossom of his loveliness would ever fade。 not one pulse of his life would ever weaken。 like the gods of the greeks察he would be strong察and fleet察and joyous。 what did it matter what happened to the coloured image on the canvas拭he would be safe。 that was everything。

he drew the screen back into its former place in front of the picture察smiling as he did so察and passed into his bedroom察where his valet was already waiting for him。 an hour later he was at the opera察and lord henry was leaning over his chair。 


Chapter 9

鐔絨鐚莚t xt鐚鐚紊鐚
chapter 9

as he was sitting at breakfast next morning察basil hallward was shown into the room。

;i am so glad i have found you察dorian察─he said gravely。 ;i called last night察and they told me you were at the opera。 of course察i knew that was impossible。 but i wish you had left word where you had really gone to。 i passed a dreadful evening察half afraid that one tragedy might be followed by another。 i think you might have telegraphed for me when you heard of it first。 i read of it quite by chance in a late edition of the globe that i picked up at the club。 i came here at once and was miserable at not finding you。 i cant tell you how heart´broken i am about the whole thing。 i know what you must suffer。 but where were you拭did you go down and see the girls mother拭for a moment i thought of following you there。 they gave the address in the paper。 somewhere in the euston road察isnt it拭but i was afraid of intruding upon a sorrow that i could not lighten。 poor woman what a state she must be in and her only child察too what did she say about it all拭

;my dear basil察how do i know拭─murmured dorian gray察sipping some pale´yellow wine from a d
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