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马基雅维里 君主论英文prince-第19章

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for his old age; he was overthrown at the very beginning of his

administration。 And here it should be noted that hatred is acquired as

much by good works as by bad ones; therefore; as I said before; a prince

wishing to keep his state is very often forced to do evil; for when that

body is corrupt whom you think you have need of to maintain yourself 

it may be either the people or the soldiers or the nobles  you have to

submit to its humours and to gratify them; and then good works will do

you harm。

But let us e to Alexander; who was a man of such great goodness; that

among the other praises which are accorded him is this; that in the

fourteen years he held the empire no one was ever put to death by him

unjudged; nevertheless; being considered effeminate and a man who

allowed himself to be governed by his mother; he became despised; the

army conspired against him; and murdered him。

Turning now to the opposite characters of modus; Severus; Antoninus

Caracalla; and Maximinus; you will find them all cruel and rapacious 

men who; to satisfy their soldiers; did not hesitate to mit every

kind of iniquity against the people; and all; except Severus; came to a

bad end; but in Severus there was so much valour that; keeping the

soldiers friendly; although the people were oppressed by him; he reigned

successfully; for his valour made him so much admired in the sight of

the soldiers and people that the latter were kept in a way astonished

and awed and the former respectful and satisfied。 And because the

actions of this man; as a new prince; were great; I wish to show briefly

that he knew well how to counterfeit the fox and the lion; which

natures; as I said above; it is necessary for a prince to imitate。

Knowing the sloth of the Emperor Julian; he persuaded the army in

Sclavonia; of which he was captain; that it would be right to go to Rome

and avenge the death of Pertinax; who had been killed by the praetorian

soldiers; and under this pretext; without appearing to aspire to the

throne; he moved the army on Rome; and reached Italy before it was known

that he had started。 On his arrival at Rome; the Senate; through fear;

elected him emperor and killed Julian。 After this there remained for

Severus; who wished to make himself master of the whole empire; two

difficulties; one in Asia; where Niger; head of the Asiatic army; had

caused himself to be proclaimed emperor; the other in the west where

Albinus was; who also aspired to the throne。 And as he considered it

dangerous to declare himself hostile to both; he decided to attack Niger

and to deceive Albinus。 To the latter he wrote that; being elected

emperor by the Senate; he was willing to share that dignity with him and

sent him the title of Caesar; and; moreover; that the Senate had made

Albinus his colleague; which things were accepted by Albinus as true。

But after Severus had conquered and killed Niger; and settled oriental

affairs; he returned to Rome and plained to the Senate that Albinus;

little recognizing the benefits that he had received from him; had by

treachery sought to murder him; and for this ingratitude he was

pelled to punish him。 Afterwards he sought him out in France; and

took from him his government and life。 He who will; therefore; carefully

examine the actions of this man will find him a most valiant lion and a

most cunning fox; he will find him feared and respected by every one;

and not hated by the army; and it need not be wondered at that he; the

new man; well; because his supreme renown always protected him from that

hatred which the people might have conceived against him for his


But his son Antoninus was a most eminent man; and had very excellent

qualities; which made him admirable in the sight of the people and

acceptable to the soldiers; for he was a warlike man; most enduring of

fatigue; a despiser of all delicate food and other luxuries; which

caused him to be beloved by the armies。 Nevertheless; his ferocity and

cruelties were so great and so unheard of that; after endless single

murders; he killed a large number of the people of Rome and all those of

Alexandria。 He became hated by the whole world; and also feared by those

he had around him; to such an extent that he was murdered in the midst

of his army by a centurion。 And here it must be noted that such…like

deaths; which are deliberately inflicted with a resolved and desperate

courage; cannot be avoided by princes; because any one who does not fear

to die can inflict them; but a prince may fear them the less because

they are very rare; he has only to be careful not to do any grave injury

to those whom he employs or has around him in the service of the state。

Antoninus had not taken this care; but had contumeliously killed a

brother of that centurion; whom also he daily threatened; yet retained

in his bodyguard; which; as it turned out; was a rash thing to do; and

proved the emperor's ruin。

But let us e to modus; to whom it should have been very easy to

hold the empire; for; being the son of Marcus; he had inherited it; and

he had only to follow in the footsteps of his father to please his

people and soldiers; but; being by nature cruel and brutal; he gave

himself up to amusing the soldiers and corrupting them; so that he might

indulge his rapacity upon the people; on the other hand; not maintaining

his dignity; often descending to the theatre to pete with gladiators;

and doing other vile things; little worthy of the imperial majesty; he

fell into contempt with the soldiers; and being hated by one party and

despised by the other; he was conspired against and killed。

It remains to discuss the character of Maximinus。 He was a very warlike

man; and the armies; being disgusted with the effeminacy of Alexander;

of whom I have already spoken; killed him and elected Maximinus to the

throne。 This he did not possess for long; for two things made him hated

and despised; the one; his having kept sheep in Thrace; which brought

him into contempt (it being well known to all; and considered a great

indignity by every one); and the other; his having at the accession to

his dominions deferred going to Rome and taking possession of the

imperial seat; he had also gained a reputation for the utmost ferocity

by having; through his prefects in Rome and elsewhere in the empire;

practised many cruelties; so that the whole world was moved to anger at

the meanness of his birth and to fear at his barbarity。 First Africa

rebelled; then the Senate with all the people of Rome; and all Italy

conspired against him; to which may be added his own army: this latter;

besieging Aquileia and meeting with difficulties in taking it; were

disgusted with his cruelties; and fearing him less when they found so

many against him; murdered him。

I do not wish to discuss Heliogabalus; Macrinus; or Julian; who; being

thoroughly contemptible; were quickly wiped out; but I will bring this

discourse to a conclusion by saying 
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