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It was as if the almost…fatal pregnancy and the birth of Aurora had given Miriya a secret wealth of knowledge。

Baby Aurora was doing splendidly; just as she did everything; when she abruptly went as stiff as a board; like someone suffering a seizure; and keeled over。 Max and Miriya almost knocked heads; rushing to her。 To their immense relief; she was breathing again; and the seizure seemed to have passed。 But she gave no sign of hearing them。

Instead; she lay with eyes wide and focused on the ceiling。 They heard her tiny voice but it took a few repetitions to understand what she was saying。 And when they did; Miriya let out a cry of pain; as Max felt the hair on the back of his neck standing straight up。

〃Dana; the spores! Beware the spores! Dana; beware the spores!〃

〃Not very subtle; is he?〃 the Regent scoffed; looking into the screen。 〃Where's all this Evolved refinement we keep hearing about?〃

It was true: Tesla's battle plan lacked finesse。 Apparently; he thought the appearance of his force would in and of itself oblige the Regent to sue for peace。

〃Fool!〃 the Regent reflected; his nasal antennae flashing。 〃He doesn't realize the true strength of deevolution!〃

Outlying strongholds and defensive bases had been neutralized; and the central dome of the Home Hive itself was Tesla's straightforward objective。

The transports began sowing their crop of Terror Weapon dropships and skirmish fliers。 While these went on ahead; the transports descended to let forth rank after rank of Inorganic bipeds and packs of Hellcats。 The troopships fired in support of the assault but kept well back; since the hive's mammoth guns were shooting in answer。

The smaller invading craft and ground units advanced fearlessly; though。 Suicidal attacks by a number of Tesla's Terror Weapons resulted in awful losses but succeeded in knocking out most of the big cannon…something that would have been inconceivable in the days when the Home Hive was operating at full efficiency and power。

It was fratricide; carnage between identical twins; as Inorganic fought Inorganic。 As it turned out; on Spheris Tesla's soldiers had picked up tricks of battle concerning such duels that the Regent's fighters had never had occasion to learn。 That was one more thing in the challenger's favor。

In an infernal landscape of Protoculture blasts; dismembering hand…to…hand bat; and fanatic killing and dying; the outnumbered loyalist army was pushed back and back toward the hive。

When he thought that the time was right; the Regent turned to one of his toadies。 〃Release the Special Children at once。〃

He turned back to watch as they rose from forward positions in camouflaged bunkers。 Tesla's soldiers were caught off guard as new enemies burst into their very midst。

Though it infuriated him to think about it; the Regent's own scientists were very much the Regis's rejects。 She had wanted only those who were energized by her Great Work; the seeking of the Ultimate Invid Form。 Others; she banished from her presence。

Therefore the Regent's scientists…mostly culls…hadn't been able to fathom all the potentials and secrets of her Special Children。 Several savants had died before the Regent's fury。 The Invid monarch finally decided that he didn't need geniuses or great biogenetic artists; ESP savants or spiritual guides。 〃Give me living; breathing killing machines;〃 he manded。

And so it was。 The things that began hurling back the invaders' advance were bigger than any other mecha the Invid were ever to field。 They resembled the Enforcers that the Regis was later to develop on Earth; but were bigger and of greater brute strength; bearing heavier armor and firepower。

But like the Inorganics; the Special Children had multiple upper limbs。 These were provided with pincers; tentacles; great scythelike ripper…blades; weapons muzzles; and more。 The things could defend and fight on all sides。

They waded into Tesla's attack waves; slashing Inorganics in two and hurling the pieces in different directions; blasting them apart; tearing them limb from limb; or simply stomping them into the ground…up soil of Optera。 The advance was stopped; the lines breached; the Special Children spread out; visiting destruction upon everything in their path。

But Tesla; in the safety of his transport ship; breathed a sigh of relief。 Only in his Evolved state had he finally understood some of the things for which the Special Children were designed。 One of those functions was to absorb and store Protoculture energy。

Brought to term properly; the Children wouldn't have been particularly imposing specimens or doughty fighters; but they could have stopped Tesla cold by draining all energy from his soldiers。 The Regent; however; had approached the situation with exactly the devolved simple…mindedness Tesla had foreseen。

〃Second wave;〃 he ordered。

In his hive; the Regent shook the walls with his ire when twice again as many Inorganics were sent in by Tesla。 Again; the renegade was willing to suffer horrific losses in his drive to victory。 For every Inorganic that the Special Children slew; three more swarmed up at them。

The irreplaceable Special Children began to suffer losses; driven back toward the hive though they fought like demons every foot of the way。 One of the Invid's greatest genetic treasures was being spent; at a hellish rate and to no great effect; in a few minutes of a battle between equally unworthy leaders。

〃mit all reserves!〃 the Regent ordered。 〃And establish a direct link so that I may speak to Tesla face…to…face!〃

The defending lines wavered but held。 The last power of the hive was supercharging the Regent's fighters; and Tesla suffered more attrition。 But it didn't matter。

In his mand ship; he vowed; I will rule the Invid!

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