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She led the way toward an ascending path a yard or so wide which connected to a network that spiraled around and up and down the stupendous cavern。 Awed; the rest began falling in automatically。

Except for Jack; who took one look at that corkscrew webbing of trails and knew he could never make it。 In fact; he was already feeling a twinge in his mending middle from the activity; the nurses had made him promise to sit in the flier and not move at all; and he had already disobeyed them。

Karen was about to help Jack to Veidt's flier; but Gnea intervened。 〃I've been here once already; Sister。 I'll give him a hand。〃

The others were already wending up the steep pathway except for Burak; who was still immobile before the clay Haydon。 Karen nodded and let go of Jack's arm; then hurried after。 Jack hobbled along; more or less leaning on Gnea; letting go a blissful breath as she helped him into his chair again。

〃I'm not an invalid anymore; Gnea。 You can go on with the others; I'll be all right。〃

She eased into a chair next to him and patted his forearm。 〃No problem; bucko。 Are you hungry?〃

〃No; I…〃

〃Well; I am!〃

〃Well; you're a growing amazon;〃 Jack pointed out。


Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the Regent…Tesla conflict is one that cannot be verified but was a persistent rumor among the Invid。
It was alleged in various quarters that the count of Special Children eggs left behind by the Regis upon her departure was one short。 Further rumor had it that she'd chosen to raise one of the select brood as a secret experiment; telling no one about it; not even the Special Child…and that she raised it as a Scientist。
Perhaps Tesla's crimes were; like something out of Greek drama; even more enormous than he imagined。
Lemuel Thicka; Temple of Flames: A History of the Invid Regent

The pilgrims to Haydon's shrine became separated; going off along various paths that wound the cavern walls; to view the stupendous icon from assorted angles and distances。 Karen was walking alone when Baldan emerged from the glittering wall to stand before her。

He was as tentative as any adolescent male approaching an attractive older female。 〃There is…something I thought you might like to see;〃 he began hesitantly。 〃I'd like to show it to you…to thank you for helping teach me the fighting skills。〃

She came with him into a passageway that reminded her of a cut and polished ice cave。 It led to a sort of domed gallery or rotunda; where objects were set near the chamber's walls。 The things he had brought her to see were like nothing so much as diamond footballs; or stylized Easter eggs; as big as a small groundcar。 They were perrate pedestals that were aligned along a plex celestial design in the window…clear floor。

Baldan led Karen over to one。 〃Stand on that spot; so; and look into the Microcosm。〃

She took her place; and the egg before her lowered itself a bit so that its tip was level with her eyes。 It was wondrously crosshatched with lights and colors even though it was clear; but she saw nothing coherent。 She was about to ask Baldan if she was doing something wrong when the world seemed to fall away on all sides。

She found herself looking at a place that had been ravaged worse than Tirol or even Spheris。 Yet; somehow she knew that it had once been a thriving scene。 She shuddered at the windswept tors; bleak wastelands; and dank; treacherous bogs。 Off in the middle distance; though; something began to e into focus。

It was an Invid hive; far larger than any she had ever seen。 Its central dome alone was bigger than Glike; Beroth; and Monument City put together。 It; and the satellite structures connected to it and one another by a network that shone as red as canals of lava; covered much of one continent。

〃Optera;〃 she heard Baldan say。 〃And the Home Hive of the Invid。〃

She backed away and the vision faded。 〃Baldan; what are these?〃

〃They are our fenestella…mental looking…glasses for viewing other worlds。 Seeing the Invid hive has upset you; hasn't it? I'm sorry; stupid of me to begin with that one…〃

〃No; no!〃 She laid a hand on his arm。 〃It was amazing! Was I actually seeing what's going on at this moment on Optera?〃 The G…2 intelligence staff would go wild over this!

But Baldan was shaking his head。 〃These are representations…depictions。 And there are more pleasant ones: Garuda and Karbarra and others the Sentinels have never visited。 Let me show them to you。〃

〃I'd like that。〃

As they went; he talked about the different worlds and their histories。 She could tell that Baldan I was ing more and more to the fore in him。

揟o the Regent and Tesla and their folk; Optera is a beautiful world;〃 he told her; 〃even though it's not the paradise it was。 Part of the purpose of this place is to remind us that Spheris is only part of a much greater scheme of things。〃

He spoke like a person with an old soul; as she had once heard someone put it。 〃I think you're a very wise man; Baldan;〃 she told him。

He looked subdued。 〃Baldan I was in many ways the sum of our race。 He was slated for great things; great acplishments; before the Invid came。 His death was a very untimely blow to all Spherisians。 So I have a very great deal to live up to; you see。〃

Gloom had settled on him。 Karen slipped her arm through his and pressed her lips to the glassy; strangely warm cheek。 〃You're going to do just fine; I know it。 Now c'mon; show me some more!〃

Aboard Ark Angel; Rem bent to his studies。 Cabell would expect him to sift through as much of the data gained on this voyage as possible; and to have furthered his own studies as well。

There was a tone from his quarters' hatch signal。 When he gave it leave to open; Janice Em stepped into the room。

She was wearing the guise of the Human; as she usually did with him…and around most crewmembers; to put them at ease。 Even so; there were many who kept their distance from her now that they knew she was an Artificial Person。

Rem himself had no such prejudices; one reason was that he had been on the receiving end too many times。 But there was another; far better one。

〃It's late;〃 she said。 〃Haven't you studied enough for one evening?〃

She turned out the light over his work station and took his hand; kissing his neck and lips as he kissed hers。 Together they went to his bed。

Max Sterling fought the urge to hang onto Aurora; to see to it that she didn't hurt herself。 But his daughter was screaming bloody murder; eager to practice her walking there on the carpeted floor of his quarters。

He tried to keep from dwelling on how crazy it all was。 Here she was; only weeks old; taking her first steps。 Max let go; and Aurora tottered toward Miriya; who knelt a few yards away。

The changes in Miriya were more subtle than the ones taking place in Aurora with every passing minute; but they were unmistakable。 The peerless champion of the Quadronos no longer seemed the least bit interested in getting back on flight status or resuming her military career in any fashion whatsoever。 Whenever Max brought up the subject; she simply gave him a serene smile and changed it。

It was as if the almost…fatal pregnancy and the birth of Aurora had given 
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