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ir boost to his own Hovertank Battloid's back thrusters。 It was a near thing; but he managed to grab the aft section of Valivarre without being roasted by its thrusters; and drag himself to an airlock。

〃Wele aboard;〃 Breetai said dryly over the inter。

Edwards refused to stand and fight; and wouldn't even answer their transmissions。 〃It's a drag race now;〃 as one Human officer put it。 Both ships increased velocity toward lightspeed; but bit by bit the SDF…7 pulled away。 And; once superluminal; she could multiply her lead many times。

〃We're losing him;〃 Breetai said in his bulkhead…shaking basso。 Valivarre had never even gotten within weapons or VT…strike range。

Wolff; standing near on one of; the high catwalks Humans used for face…to…face conversations with the giants; begged; 〃At least let me try a mo channel with him one more time! He'll talk to me; I know!〃

Breetai hid his pity behind a stern military mien; but ordered that it be done。 The colonel said; 〃Edwards; this is Wolff。 Answer me! Edwards; I challenge you to answer me!〃

He was about to give up in despair; the SDF widening its lead on the Zentraedi ship。 But to everyone's surprise Edwards's contemptuous smile appeared on the main screen。

〃Jonathan; old man! Sorry I can't dawdle; but tempus fugit; and so must I。 You understand。〃

〃I challenge you;〃 Wolff said again。 〃One on one。 VTs; Hovertanks; bare hands…name it。〃

The Zentraedi on duty on the bridge grunted a certain grudging respect for Wolff then; even though he had shown certain weaknesses; this was a challenge worthy of a Zentraedi!

But Edwards shook his head in mock exasperation。 〃Still the romantic; eh; Jonathan? Well; I'm afraid I haven't got time to play black knight to your Galahad。 I've other things to do; as you can see。〃

The camera angle shifted to a long shot; and Wolff moaned。

He and the others in Valivarre were staring at the most outlandish wedding scene conceivable。 Inorganics formed a guard of honor。 Ghost Riders stood in ranks in a 〃chapel〃 that was a vacant hold。 The altar appeared to be the unadorned spacefold mountings; presided over by Benson; one of Edwards's aides。

The pickup followed Edwards as he went to the altar。 Waiting for him there was Minmei; still wearing the clothes she had worn in her cell but with the addition of a veil improvised from gossamer antivermin netting。

The pickup zoomed in on Minmei。 She seemed a little pale; but her eyes were bright and adoring as she took the general's hand。 She turned to the camera for a moment。

〃Good…bye; Jonathan。 I've found happiness at last。 I do really think it's time you go home to the family you deserted and try to make amends to them; don't you?〃

Then she and Edwards knelt before Benson; as he raised his arms to the crowd and intoned; 〃My fellow Edwardsian warriors; we are gathered here…〃

The mo link was broken at the SDF's end。

Wolff was sobbing and shaking his head。 〃It's a trick! It's a phony tape; or he's got her drugged!〃

〃Intel officer?〃 Breetai snapped crisply; turning to his staff。

〃Voice…stress and imagery…interpretation puters confirm authenticity;〃 a giant tech officer answered。 〃No indications of coercion or chemical manipulation。〃

〃That can't be!〃 Wolff howled; then put his face in his hands。 Some of the other Humans got him off the bridge。

Breetai's eyes stayed with his instruments in the vain hope that a power failure or a change of mind would put Edwards back within his grasp。 He castigated himself for not giving in to one of his hundred impulses to kill the man; despite his Zentraedi oath of fealty to the REF。

And he felt a pang of sorrow for Wolff。 Breetai; as much as anybody; knew what hurt the love of Minmei could inflict。

The Crann; Scrim; and Odeon watching the wedding service hadn't the vaguest idea what it meant; so they weren't surprised when the bride went berserk; just as the soft music began to play。

The Humans did understand; but tried to ignore her rising shriek as she leapt up from her kneeling position and turned on Edwards; trying to claw out his good eye。 Edwards hissed out a few perfunctory vulgar words as he fended her off。 The two Hellcats flanking the altar backed away; spitting。

He had e so close。 Experimenting with the power of the Invid Brain he now controlled; he had learned how to bend Minmei to him。 The effort had taken the major part of his will…to the point where the Inorganics were little more than awkward puppets…because somewhere deep inside; Minmei was fighting him every inch of the way。

It had almost been perfect; his Living puter control of her made it almost seem as if she really loved him。

It was that damned music! Song had always been her unique power; and when the bland strains played over the PA system; the innermost part of her began to sing along。 With that; she had thrown off his hold over her in moments。 He fought to reassert it; but something told him that she would never be vulnerable to that particular kind of domination ever again。 Not while the voice within her lived。

Edwards lost patience and swung his fist。 Minmei dropped; senseless。 He tried to insinuate his mind into hers; greedy to have her as his living puppet again。 But the song was still there; he was shut out of her mind and her love forever。

Minmei came to blearily in disfort and pain。 She felt like vomiting as she blinked her eyes open。 It took seconds to realize where she was and what had happened to her。

She was shackled to a crudely hewn wooden X that had been erected on the bridge of Edwards's stolen starship。 Before her were the screens and consoles; and loyal Ghost Riders who ignored her moans。

Edwards; noticing that she had e around; left his mand chair to put his hand under her chin。 〃I want you to enjoy the ride; darling;〃 he said; showing his teeth。 〃After all; you're my most important passenger。〃

The soul…song that protected her from him had made him remember how her voice played a pivotal role in Earth's victory in the Robotech War。 Undeniably; Fate had been working in his favor when he fought to take her with him on Tirol。 In addition to the SDF; his own loyal troops; the Brain; and the Inorganics; he had the secret weapon that had won the war!

Now the problem was how to use it。 〃My beloved;〃 he added; kissing her cheek; tasting the salt tears there。

Deep within; her newfound patience settled in again; so that she could wait however long it took; bear whatever she had to; until she could kill him。

〃We asked you here; mander Grant;〃 Lang said; 〃because we require your opinion。 Despite the setback of Edwards's mutiny; we shall be ready soon to send an expedition back to Earth。 The new ships will be quite space…worthy within weeks。〃

〃But…the fold drives…〃 Vince objected。

Exedore tut…tutted。 〃They are already pleted; as in fact was the one for the ship Edwards pirated。 The drives are all in safekeeping here in Dr。 Lang's plex。〃

Strolling along in the middle of Lang's Robotech wonderland; Vince rumbled with laughter。 Good old Lang; one jump ahead all the way!

But a sudden thought stopped Vince。 〃I hope you gentlemen aren't about to ask me to volunteer。〃 Much as he ached to go home to his s
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