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nd guardposts and surveillance by means of the Crystal Highways。 In moments they hung back in the shadows of a structure like a huge fibroblast; looking out at the Invid Brain that held sway over most of the occupying army。

It was pulsing and emitting strange sounds; so agitated and apprehensive that even the two intruders could sense it clearly。 The battle wasn't going well。

There was a handpicked elite of Officers and Enforcers around the Brain; conferring in low tones and attending it。 Baldan looked to his mother; raising his chin and brows inquiringly。

What misplaced practical joke of the Protoculture brought me here? she carped to herself。 All she had ever wanted to do was enjoy life and the attentions of admirers; to let her beauty speak for itself and languish in the adulation that everyone seemed eager to accord her。

But she nodded to her son that she was ready。 The two leapt out to either side of the cover; rifle muzzles at waist level; firing Protoculture blasts。


Tesla was very troubled in the last hours before the attack。 When I asked him about it; I expected one of his evasive numbers or egomaniacal silences。
But he seemed to need to talk to someone。 He was psychotic by then; I think; the lab people conjecture that he'd actually been increasing his chromosome numbers。
At any rate; he said; 〃I have had a recurring dream lately。 A great phoenix of mind…force rises from a small blue…white world and soars away to another plane of existence。 It fills me with apprehension。〃
Lisa Hayes Hunter; Recollections

Karen had seen to Jack's wounds as best she could; but he went into shock; still losing blood。 It came down to a simple choice of leaving him there and going for help; or staying with him and watching him die。

Then the decision was taken away from her。 A Hellcat bounded into sight at the bunker's entrance; showing its glowing fangs。 Its eyes were flashing rhythmically; it was one of Tesla's。

Three had originally been dispatched by Tesla to keep Karen and Jack from getting word of his treachery back to the Sentinels。 But an ambush by the Brain's forces had cut down the other two 'Cats。

Tesla had picked the feline…shape for the job because it was smaller and more limber than the biped Inorganics。 Now; it slunk into the entranceway of the bunker on all fours; belly scraping sparks from the gleaming floor; yeowling at its prey。

Karen was already trying to drag Jack back to safety; but the side doors were all secured。 So at last she wound up crouched; with Jack; against the dead end of the entrance…way's rear wall。 The Robobeast edged nearer; its strobing eyes lighting the darkness; claws gouging the quartz…hard floor。

Karen raised Jack's pistol and her own side…by…side and opened fire。 The 'Cat screamed and lowered its head; shielding its eyes; but kept ing; it had little to fear from a conventional handgun。 One paw reached out to slice her wide open。

But it missed because it was being yanked backward。 It turned to grapple with something Karen couldn't see; unable to get any fighting room in the confinement of the entranceway。

Then it was gone; dragged into the open; and there was a monstrous clash going on outside。 Karen rushed to the entrance; looking for Skull colors; nothing short of a mecha could have jerked the Hellcat out of the bunker tail…first。

She was right。 It was an Odeon; rolling with and slugging the smaller 'Cat。 Another Odeon joined it; its nose…tentacle flickering out to ensnare the Hellcat。 In another moment; they were socking and kicking the thing; dismembering it。 Their optical sensors were not flashing。

Karen thought about making a dash for it; but she couldn't leave Jack behind。 The Odeons were rising from their savage battle and turning their attention to her。

She backed into the shadows once more; they closed in。 But as the nasal whips curled and snapped at her; a stream of depleted…transuranic slugs the size of candlepins hit them。

Karen spun and threw herself headlong; shielding her face。 The Odeons; holed through and through; leaked green nutrient fluid for a moment as their systemry fizzled; then they collapsed; smoke and flame belching from their split seams。 They ruptured open with explosions that mingled with the sounds of a descending Alpha's thrusters。

Karen had sat up again; face smudged and pallid。 The VT was in Guardian mode; its canopy raised now as the pilot stood。 Blaze's light reflected off a well…remembered flight helmet; one cast in the image of a Praxian war helm。

〃Well; well! Maybe when we get a moment; you can tell me why two enemy slugs killed & friendly 'Cat that was in turn just about to eat a Sentinel!〃

It was Bela。

〃Tesla! Ark Angel to Tesla!〃

〃Still no acknowledgment; Captain;〃 the Human mo officer told Lisa。

〃Keep trying anyway;〃 she said。 To the mike; she repeated; 〃Your troops' lines are collapsing in all sectors! You must get them to stand fast!〃

She switched off her mike and told the officer; 〃Keep on trying to raise him。〃 Then she switched to ship's net。 〃Rick; he's not answering。 I think it's a double…cross。〃 She looked intently at the duplicate trigger; on her mand console; for the explosives in Tesla's collar。

〃All right; make another approach;〃 he answered from the drop bay。 〃I'm taking in the last of the reserves; to get our troops back out。〃

It was on her lips to object; but she held it in。 The lessons of the Praxians had subsumed those of the Academy。 Of course you don't leave your buddies in deep trouble; no matter what the cost。 She knew it as well as he。 It was just that she wished she could make the assault with him and the other units。

She brought the ship onto a new heading; bearing down on Beroth at low altitude and steady helm; ing to dead…slow。 Luckily; the Invid had used up most of their missiles; and their conventional cannonfire and smaller rockets weren't powerful enough to do more than dent the starship's armor and blow away noncritical superstructural features。

Ark Angel nudged over or smashed a lot of local architecture on its touchdown; lying almost smack in the middle of Beroth。 At Rick's mand the bat teams charged out to provide fire support for the Sentinels elements still trying to disengage; now that Tesla's forces had abandoned them。

Lisa saw from the tactical displays that it looked very grim。 It was clear that Tesla was leaving them in the lurch; having some plan of his own; but there was little the Sentinels could do about it; the Brain's Inorganics were after them now。

At that moment even the shaky timetable of the withdrawal was set aside。 There were sounds of Protoculture weapons fire in the city。 Spheris itself cried out in torment。

Baldan and Teal hosed the Brain and its attendants with steady streams of riflefire; cutting Officers and Enforcers down and leaving streaks of blackening tissue across the sides of the heaving Invid monstrosity。

The attack had e so suddenly that all opposition was mowed down before there was any chance for the Invid to return fire。 With wild elation Baldan thought; We've taken them by surprise。 We can kill the Brain and end the battle here!

But even as he thought that; the fl
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