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In the meantime; sensing the deployment of the Sentinels and the manner in which the battle was taking shape; he began a series of strategic withdrawals; in order to shift the burden of the fighting over to his former captors。 He would need his own troops for other things。

On Optera the Regent; still dripping from nutrient immersion; viewed a recording of the brief fragment of message that his Spheris garrison had managed to send。

〃Under attack by…〃

Then the screen went blank; because the main munications installation had been the first thing against which Tesla directed his troops' fire。

But the Regent could hardly know that。 He could only quake with rage and fright; that an enemy could so suddenly overwhelm his most important remaining stronghold outside of Optera。

Burak barely survived his landing; crumpling the Guardian's powerful leg under it with a creaking of metal; and stoving in the radome。

〃Can you fly it?〃 Tesla demanded of Gnea。

She shook her head somewhat groggily; leakage from Tesla's mind let bits and pieces of the fierce battle through into her own。 〃Not without a helmet。〃

Tesla roared and reached out to swat her like a bug; she never even flinched。 But he stopped himself; realizing that she might be of some further use。 Burak emerged from the keeled…over Guardian hobbling; somehow contriving to carry the bundled Fruit。 The ring of flashing…eyed troops that Tesla had drawn around the area to protect himself opened for Burak。

By the time the Perytonian was dragging himself up the ramp to join him on the landing platform; Tesla was already issuing new marching orders to his usurped army。

Just then a contact signal came from the municator on Gnea's belt。 It was Lisa Hunter's voice over the mand freq。 〃Tesla; get your eastern and northern elements going in a pincer movement; do you read me? What they're doing now is worse than useless!〃

Tesla took the set in his now…dexterous hand。 〃Oh yes! I read you; female; have no fear。〃

He broke the contact; but continued what he was doing。 His objective now was the troopships on the other side of the city; the Brain was too well guarded; and he had sworn never to go back into Human captivity。

The VTs the Sentinels had been able to field had already hit some of the tanker ships in port; sending tidal waves of nutrient fluid washing outward。 But the troopships stationed there in long…term ground positions were; in accordance with military procedure; camouflaged against space attack…just as the Terror Weapons on Tirol had been。 They were still there awaiting Tesla's pleasure。

〃And then on to Optera!〃 he cried; shaking his fist at the sky。

〃No!〃 It was Burak; limping toward Tesla with a wild look on his face and Jack's blood still glistening darkly on his horns。 He dropped the bundles of Fruit and stepped back from them。

〃Not Optera; Peryton! You promised!〃

Tesla; furious; sent out a mental bolt that almost flattened Burak。 How the Perytonian had slipped his mental leash; Tesla had no idea; except that Tesla's concentration was divided among so many things。

But Burak withstood the bolt somehow and held up Jack Baker's set。 His thumb was on its special switch; the one that would trigger the charge in Tesla's resplendent collar。 〃Pery。。。ton;〃 Burak got out between locked teeth。

Tesla felt immense amusement and savage wrath at the same time。 〃Is that so? Behold!〃

Suddenly the unpickable locks that clasped the collar around his neck clicked open。 At the same time; Burak found that he couldn't move; not so much as the thumb that rested on the deadly button。

Tesla took the collar and hurled it far from him; there would be more of such baubles than he could count once he had taken his rightful place。 He reached out to push Burak's thumb; there was a loud report from the exploding bib; down somewhere in the lower levels of the landing platform area。

Tesla still had three valuable hostages; an army of Inorganics; and his newfound powers。 He had no doubt now that he would prevail。

〃Very well; all of you; we're going to…〃

But as he turned; he let out an enraged bellow。 Veidt was gone。 Gnea was befuddled; swearing that he had been there; with her Badger trained on him; only seconds before。 From where he had floated; cornered; Veidt could only have plunged over the edge of the platform and down into the darkened levels far below。

Only; who knew what such a fall meant to a Haydonite? No time to wonder now。 Tesla issued a mental order; and Gnea and Burak gathered up the Fruit; then closed ranks behind him。 Together; they descended to fall in behind a flying wedge of Inorganics; to battle their way toward the spaceport。

Odeons lifted them up and carried them swiftly。

The Invid had thought the arms room a place safe from Spherisian intrusion…firstly; because it held Protoculture weapons the locals dreaded; secondly; because it was an enclosure cut off from the Crystal Highways。

The invaders never thought to consider their own thick bundles of fiber…optic filaments…thick cables of silicon…based strands。 That same system was accessible elsewhere。

In one corner of the room; two cables swelled and swelled; expanding; drawing in more material from floors above and below; until at last the insulation around them was blown away in shreds。 The filaments curled and fused; taking on humanoid form。

This time; Baldan found himself all but transparent; the light shifting within him as if he were a fortune…teller's ball e alive。 Teal was now posed of the same clear stuff; though her body was still unmistakably female。

He shook his head to clear it of the ringing。 The last stretch; through the Invid cable system; had been resonant with their inprehensible battle signals rather than with the songs of the Highways。

〃Why are we here; Baldan? And where are we?〃

He set off among the rearing racks of outsize Invid weapons。 〃We're here because it isn't right that Spherisians let others do their fighting and dying for them。 It isn't just。 It cheapens freedom。〃

He's not using Baldan II's voice; Teal told herself。 Those are his father's words; and no mistaking it。

He came at last to what he was searching for: a row of heavy Enforcer rifles。 They weren't even locked up。 He lifted one; making sure that its charge was full。 As heavy as it was; he handled it easily; his structure was stronger than that of ordinary flesh and blood。 Teal saw that he was drawing on Baldan I's memories as much as he was upon the training Bela and the others had given him。

He heard a quiet clicking and turned to see Teal checking over a second rifle。 〃No!〃 he said softly。 〃Where I go from here you cannot follow。〃

She held the rifle resolutely。 〃You plain because Spherisians won't fight; and now you lose your posure because one wants to! Make up your mind; young man。〃

The features of his face slid around into a wry look; then straightened again。 〃Keep your head down; Mother。〃

They stole out along Invid…style corridors; through the great hive。 They were near the innermost sanctum; having bypassed ring upon ring of sentries and guardposts and surveillance by means of the Crystal Highways。 In moments they hung back in the sh
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