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Much disagreement had arisen as to how Tesla should actually make his appearance on Spheris。 bat drops and mando insertions would produce the wrong effect; he insisted。 In the end; Veidt took him down in one of the cone…shape Haydonite fliers; with Burak; Jack; and Gnea acting as retinue and security。

At Lisa's insistence; Tesla's jeweled bib had been wired up with explosives again; to prevent any double…crosses。 Jack Baker carried one firing switch; and there was another on the bridge of the Ark Angel; which still lay hidden from enemy detection。

On the approach; Tesla considered putting Veidt under his mental control; too。 But the Haydonite's mind powers were strong; and Tesla would need all available power to take over the garrison below。 He therefore settled for masking his dominance over Baker and the others。

As the flier descended; the thin atmosphere began to buffet it slightly。 Spheris lay like an imperial orb; heavy with gems and wrapped in the cotton of clouds; below。 The dazzle of it was intense; Human; Praxian; and Perytonian were wearing wraparound sun visors; as most of the Sentinels would have to do on Spheris during daylight hours。

The passengers shifted their feet on the thick; resilient padding that carpeted the passenger partment。 〃What if they fire?〃 Veidt wondered calmly。

〃They will not fire;〃 Tesla parried。 〃I have willed it so。〃 Jack and Gnea smiled at one another conspiratorially。 Burak glowered at them。

The surface drew near。 A shining city appeared below; like a masterpiece of Venetian glass。 Tesla; looming over the others; manded that munications links be established; and Veidt's apparatus did it instantly。

〃Loyal hordes of the Invid race! Hear my voice; a voice you know!〃 Many figures in the city seemed to freeze; looking up。 Jack could spy Inorganics; Enforcers; and Hellcats。

As Tesla ordered; Veidt brought the flier down by a landing platform near the garrison's main hive; a megastructure out of place amid the delicate beauty of the city。 Tesla emerged radiating a rainbow aura; and the Invid there stood transfixed。

〃I e to save you from the aimless strife and the privation of your long exile。 Too long have the Invid fought wars for no reason; too long have you wandered in search of a new Garden of the Flower of Life。 I e to lead you…〃

He spread his arms wide; as tall as a tree; gorgeous in his robes and glimmering collar。 〃…to Paradise!〃

The city seemed to ring with a wordless; reverent sound the Invid made in unison。 Mecha bowed their heads or dropped to one knee; holding fists and weapons aloft to salute him。 Hellcats roared their worship; touching foreheads to the high…gloss pavement。

It was as Tesla had foreseen。 The brain that controlled the planet's garrison was of lesser power and he had managed to subvert its authority through his evolved mental force。 He broadcast a thought…impulse; voicing it aloud as well。

〃e to me; my children! Gather and do homage; that I may see you and you may heed my mands; to prepare for your joyous new life on a new Optera!〃

The things began making their way toward him from the hive and from all over the city。 〃As soon as we have secured the city;〃 Tesla said; 〃we will proceed to the Protoculture orchid in the hive and secure the local Fruit of the Flower。〃

The Invid were already gathering below the landing platform; a swelling lake of them promising to bee an ocean。 They looked unusual in that they were armed not with the usual Protoculture weapons; but rather with projectile and chemical devices。 The Invid; too; valued Spheris…primarily for its production of unequaled nutrient fluid…and had no wish to inflict unnecessary damage to it。

Veidt objected。 〃There was nothing in the plan about you ingesting Fruit of the Flower。 Keep to the agreed…upon timetable; or I notify the Sentinels!〃

Tesla didn't respond; busy basking in the glory as the Invid mob began hailing him with un…Human sounds。 Veidt turned to Gnea。 〃Stop him! He's betraying us; I can sense it now!〃

But she spared him only a sinister smile。 Veidt turned to the control panels of his flier; sending out mental signals。 A munication device lit up; preparing to send Veidt's warning to the Ark Angel。

Gnea turned her Badger assault pistol on it and blasted the apparatus; explosive bullets were about as good as Protoculture bolts for a job like that。 Then she shot up the rest of the controls; disabling the craft。 Jack and Burak did not seem to notice; showing the same adoration for Tesla that the Inorganics did。

Tesla was radiant in his triumph; but the moment was short…lived。 A Terror ship threw its shadow across the scene。 Tesla howled a curse; the Brain wasn't so feeble that it couldn't exert influence of its own。

The dropship landed nearby and its landing ramps descended。 Officers emerged by the dozen; leading troops whose loyalty Tesla couldn't bend to his will。 He was already extended to his limits with the many he had taken over; and in addition found that the more highly evolved Officers put up too much resistance to the subjugated。

Since Gnea had destroyed the flier; his path of retreat was cut off; but that mattered little。 Tesla hadn't e to Spheris to retreat or be beaten。 He still had most of the city's garrison…a major part of the entire planet's plement of Invid…under his sway。 He sent out the order to his loyal host; 〃Slay the unfaithful! Cut them down! In the name…of Tesla!〃

They turned to do just that; the two waves of mecha closing with each other。 Tesla spared a moment to snap; 〃Baker! Burak! Go; and fetch me the Fruit at once! Gnea; keep watch on Veidt!〃

The two males dashed away; on a roundabout path; guided by his unspoken directions。 Veidt looked at Gnea and knew it was no use trying to reason with her。 As for Tesla; the scientist's now…uncloaked powers were astounding; strong enough to resist anything Veidt could muster against it。

Helpless; Veidt watched with Tesla and Gnea as Invid closed in mortal bat with Invid。

〃There's fighting below on a large scale; Captain;〃 a bridge crewmember told Lisa。 〃It's some kind of Invid civil war; apparently。〃

Lisa had more than half hoped it would be some sign of treachery by Tesla; especially after contact with Veidt's flier was lost。 That would give her all the justification she needed to throw the switch and trigger the charge in Tesla's collar and blow his damned head away。

〃I guess Tesla can't fool all of the Invid all of the time;〃 Rick mused。 〃I'll say this for him; though: he's created a diversion。〃

〃But we don't know how long it'll last;〃 Bela said; fists planted on girded hips。 〃The time to move is now!〃

The leadership came to a quick decision; Rick could see that his once…cautious wife was in accord with the amazon way of thinking now。 Orders went out for the bat drop operations to begin。

Perhaps the conventional weapons with which the Inorganics on Spheris had been armed couldn't produce the planet…rending effects Protoculture firearms did; but the ruin they spread in the gorgeous capital city of Beroth was appalling enough。 Explosive shells; armor…piercing rockets; and the mecha's own brute strength shattered buildings and sculptures; stately co
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