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 continued on his way。 There were a few sniggers from the sidelines。 Karen spun to face the onlookers。

〃What're the bunch of ya doing standing around leering! Haven't you perverts got sex lives of your own?〃

Her temper was well known。 In five seconds she had the whole passageway to herself。

My god! Maybe we should shoot him right now; before it's too late! That was Rick Hunter's first thought when Tesla appeared before the Sentinels' leadership。

The scientist was now fully as tall as the Regent; but more strongly resembled the Regis。 He reminded Lisa of a store mannequin or an ancient statue; his bodily structure and face now clearly defined along Human lines but still devoid of any real identity。

Tesla had had robes made for him…by Baker and Gnea; Rick supposed; the two were doing all his stepping and fetching in alarmingly devoted fashion these days…robes like those of the Invid monarch himself。 He even wore the jeweled collar Lisa had once fastened around his throat; but now; Rick assumed; the Tango…niner explosive charges had been removed。 Tesla looked。。。godlike。

What Rick couldn't figure out was how the big grub was doing all this evolving。 There had to be a technique or medicine or something; but no one had a clue as to what it might be。 Of course; Burak and Jack and Gnea might know; but they were now over in Tesla's camp; and weren't talking。

The Invid spread his huge five…fingered hands and spoke from his new mouth in a saintly voice。 〃I'm here for just one reason; my friends: to bring an end to these unfortunate hostilities between your races and mine。 I propose to begin my great mission by alleviating the suffering and oppression down there on Spheris。〃

〃And how will you do that?〃 Rem asked in clipped; precise tones。 More and more; he found himself a sort of moderator among the Sentinels; since he had a certain diligent impartiality and a need to repair the damage done by his species。

Tesla raised a single; Human…looking forefinger dramatically。 〃The Invid were a peaceful race; since time out of mind; we didn't know the meaning of war until our Flower of Life was stolen from us。

〃We can go back to our peaceful ways again! For us; it would be like the Humans returning to the Garden of Eden。 But for that to happen; the old leaders must pass away。〃

He pressed on before anybody could raise an objection。 〃Self…actuated changes lie at the heart of the Invid psyche; this is well known。 That is the form of existence the Flower decreed for us。 Now; I am already more highly evolved than the Regent himself。 I therefore intend to go to the garrison on Spheris and mand the officers and Inorganics there to lay down their arms。〃

〃Just like that;〃 Lisa heard Janice Em mutter。 The Artificial Person wore the aspect of a human female just about constantly nowadays; yet something of the cold android logic bestowed on her by Lang had informed her persona。

Tesla had caught it。 〃Yes; Miss Em; just like that。 Think of the lives saved and the suffering and damage that world will be spared!〃

〃What if it doesn't work?〃 Kami of Garuda said; inhaling through his special breathing mask。 〃What if you fail?〃

Tesla's wax…museum face turned toward him。 〃Then; proceed with the battle plan that Teal and Baldan II are prosecuting。 And remember me with what passion you can spare; for I shall be dead。〃

That had people talking to each other; and Crysta; banging the gavel she manned as current chairbeing of the leadership; was some time in silencing it。

〃I don't trust 'im;' Rick said out of the side of his mouth to his wife。 He was looking at Burak and Gnea and Jack Baker; who stood behind Tesla and gave every indication of rooting for him。

〃Whatever Baker and the rest've caught; I hope it's not contagious;〃 Lisa agreed。

〃And what are the alternatives?〃 Tesla forged on。 〃Fighting the battle and suffering the casualties you'd planned on anyway? Give me a chance to make up for what my people have done! That's all I ask of you! This can still be a galaxy of peace and mutual understanding!〃

Not a dry eye in the house; Rick thought sourly; with a feeling he knew which way the voting was going to go。

As for Tesla; he felt a spreading warmth within him as he sensed victory。 How did the line from that Human story go? Don't throw me into dot briar patch!

Or in this case; into the midst of an Inorganic garrison he could mandeer。 Into a Protoculture garden where new varieties of the Fruit of the Flower of Life waited to speed Tesla's unprecedented evolution。 Into a power base from which he would launch his campaign to dominate the entire universe。

Once; an age ago; realizing that his star was on the ascendent; the Regis had asked him; 〃Tesla; why are you so wicked??

And he had answered with a bored mental yawn; 〃Mistress; only mediocre intellects can endure the tedium of being good。〃

Contacted deep within Spheris; Baldan II and his people agreed to try Tesla's plan。 The carnage that had acpanied previous battles with the Invid was well known now; and any idea that might prevent such ruin on Spheris was worth a try。

Teal was wary of it; though; once reassured that others would take up the fight for them; the Spherisians might be difficult or impossible to work into a fighting mood once more。

The Odeon's hornlike energy projectors gushed fiery bolts at him; but Wolff's Hovertank slewed aside; firing a close…in salvo from its own massive main gun。

The Inorganic went up like a roman candle as the rest of the Wolff Pack followed their mander; battling their way through the determined Invid resistance toward the REF HQ building。

The Hovertanks were making only the slowest progress; the Inorganics were being incredibly obstinate。 Something to do with Edwards's control over them and the man's military zeal; Wolff supposed。 The Inorganics had seemed paralyzed for a few moments a while back; and Wolff thought for a few seconds that the general was dead; but the alien mecha had shaken themselves awake and plunged into battle once again。

When the Invid onslaught began; Wolff's first impulse had been to get his Hovers down into the catabs under the Royal Hall; where the Brain that activated them floated in its vat。 But even before the Wolff Pack could get organized for the assault; the Inorganics had established almost…unassailable defensive positions in the catabs。 Detectors said that something big; involving a lot for Protoculture; was going on down there; but nobody could figure out what。

Since Edwards couldn't leave the Living puter behind without losing the bulk of his fighting strength; Wolff deduced that preparations were being made to move it。 But whatever was being done; it was no impediment to the bat capabilities of the Inorganics。

Edwards and a major part of his force had made their break for the HQ building。 Jonathan Wolff and most of his available mecha pursued。 In the meantime word came of the hijacking of the SDF…7 cruiser; Wolff knew time was short。

Much of the Hovertanks' success was due; pure and simple; to the colonel's single…minded determination to get through to the headquarters。 There could only be one reason that Edwards would delay his escape and divert hi
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