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That was when Tiffa stepped to the outcropping where her grandson and daughter…in…law had disappeared。 She spread her arms like a high…diver; leaned slowly; and melded with the stuff of Spheris。

In another few seconds; people were thronging to the walls of the place; or lying flat to dissolve into the very floor。 Those who doubted or had other reservations found themselves in a dwindling minority。 Many remained behind; but now the sanctuary was a hollow…sounding; mostly deserted place of more silence than sound; more emptiness than life。

Out along the Crystal Highways the folk of Spheris flew; energized by a force before which piezoelectricity and Protoculture and logic itself must bow。 Toward a thousand destinations on the planet's crust and under it they went; to free their homeworld。


This may sound strange; ing from me; but I want to take a moment here to speak in defense of the Ghost Riders…a unit with a long and proud history going back to United States naval aviation…until those events on the SDF…3 mission。
I believe that some of those men and women were swayed by Edwards's Faustian lure…there are bad apples in every barrel。 But I've reviewed the citations and decorations of the Ghosts; going back decades; and I'm convinced that some force beyond mere human fallibility had enslaved them to their general by that night。
It would be a stain on the memory of brave and selfless service members not to point this out: Edwards's greatest crime; among his many; was in making us Banners fight our own。
Justice Justine Huxley; I've Been to a Marvelous Party

The man whose name tag read Isle; L。 knew from the start that Edwards's breakout would be unstoppable at its source。

Hundreds of Inorganic bipeds had flung open the doors of the Royal Hall's underground warren and poured forth; inflicting terrible casualties; in response to the general's silent mand。 It was only good luck that an officious security QIC had insisted that the Plenipotentiary Council evacuate the building after Edwards's escape…she had practically been forced to wrestle some of the council members into armored vehicles。

She was exonerated a few minutes later; when the Crann; Scrim; and Odeon boiled up from their catabs; spreading death。 Justine Huxley; gazing at it in horror through the rear viewslit of an APC; wrote later; 〃Words will not serve to describe the carnage there。 I do not think the REF had a darker moment。〃

A few loyalist VTs brought down death from the skies within minutes; but Edwards's army was already on the move。 Now Flight Officer Isle watched them e toward the REF HQ plex; as he knew they would。

Poor rebuilt Tiresia was being razed again; in a grotesque Mardi Gras of Robotech warfare。 Excaliber Mark IXs and Crann whirled; fighting hand…to…hand in the streets; Spartans and Scrim stood flat…footed and shot it out at point…blank range in alleys; Battloids and Odeon rolled; locked in mortal bat; crumbling buildings and tearing each other to shreds。

What Ghost VTs there were were primarily occupied keeping Lang's security fliers busy。 The conflict was pretty much a ground battle。

The man released the nametag he had ripped from his flight suit。 It fluttered down on the wind as he watched the battle move his way。 Edwards was using his Invid troops cleverly; feinting and redeploying; subtly opening an avenue of attack on the HQ。 REF mand wouldn't consider HQ much of an objective for Edwards; Flight Officer Isle knew; mand would consider it a dead end; and would be watching for an assault on the spaceport。 They didn't know that the most precious thing in the universe was in the headquarters building。

No; mand was busy dealing with diversionary strikes by Edwards's loyal Ghost Riders and shoring up its faltering ready…reaction groups in the western and southern parts of Tiresia。 Edwards was one up on them。

The council acted quickly on Lang's plea to secure SDF…3 against mutiny。 But what they weren't prepared for was a mass desertion by Ghost elements then on the super…dimensional fortress。 And while there were sufficient loyal troops to hold the bridge; power section; and other vital points against assault; there weren't nearly enough to stop Edwards's people from decamping。

Some of the Ghosts headed for the surface of Tirol; to provide air support for their general's escape。 But the bulk of them drove directly toward the new SDF…7 ship; sister to the Tokugawa and the Jutland; that was just nearing pletion。 Since Edwards had to take flight; he meant to do so in a ship with its superluminal drive in place。

Inorganics were already breaking through onto the huge square outside the rocketlike HQ building。 The man who had called himself Isle for so long drew a deep breath and leapt from the parapet on which he stood。

Ten feet below; he touched down soundlessly on the tiles of a balcony; eased himself onto a ledge that ran round the building; and sidled along it; back to the wall。 He negotiated the corner and saw the mecha he had seen fifteen or thirty seconds before: a Scrim lumbering in behind the first wave of Inorganics to assault the doors of the HQ。

He swung himself out with a grip on the evercrete of a flying buttress; his fingers; as strong as steel; finding purchase where few other Humans' could have。 When the Scrim passed under; he made a daring deadfall; clinging to a ridge of armored backplate。 The Scrim stopped and turned; but saw nothing behind it。 It charged after its panions; bringing up the rear; as they breached the headquarters' main doors。

In another instant; the man was inside the building that had for so long resisted his every effort to gain entry。

He saw his chance and sprang; with nearly superhuman strength and precision; to a darkened surveillance camera mast; just as the Inorganic he had been riding came under intense fire from a gun emplacement。 The fighting in the lobby and the halls was hideous and without quarter; the Humans as willing to die as the Invid。 Cool and capable as he was; he was staggered for a moment by the blind; unyielding carnage of it。 Edwards's advantage in numbers and firepower were quickly reduced by sheer Human stubbornness。 The Invid media paid heavily for every inch they claimed。

But there were other things to think about。 He slid away like a flickering shadow; knowing the floor plan from diligent study。 He had waited so long and patiently; so humbly。 And now the moment was his。

Reports had it that Wolff's damnable Wolff Pack were advancing to back up the loyalist Destroids in repelling the Inorganics。 Luckily; only a part of the Hovertank unit had been permitted to make planetfall with their mander; and most of the rest of the troops who had gone to Haydon IV were still in orbit aboard ship; too far away to be of any tactical importance。

Edwards didn't care; just as he didn't care how many lives he had to spend to take the HQ citadel。 Troops and mecha were things that he could replace; Minmei wasn't。

Adams was yammering something in his ear; Edwards looked aside from his screens and readouts。 〃What?〃

〃HQ building partially secured but still putting up resistance; sir;〃 Adams repeated。 〃I think we should stand 
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