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 were silent; just silent。 There was a final scene of Edwards; slinking away and nursing the wrists Lang had bruised so terribly…had only stopped himself short of crushing by an act of will。

Edwards and his staff were on their feet; crying that this was some electronic/Protoculture forgery; but Lang's people were already submitting the authenticated taped originals that would prove differently。

Justine Huxley stood; too; severe and cold。 〃I think it's obvious that there are mitigating circumstances here。 Do I have a consensus?〃

Under her withering glare; with the undeniable evidence of the tapes; and the cries of the crowds rising outside; none of the would…be dissenting council members dared meet her eye。 There was a tacit assent。 All in an instant; Edwards saw that his plans were shattered and that; at least in terms of the council; he stood alone。

Huxley went on; 〃And so all the principals; General Edwards included; will surrender to the custody of the…Stop that man!〃

This; because Edwards had vaulted the railing and sprinted for the door。 Adams was a half step behind him; but the prosecutors froze; and the MPs closed in on them。

Over at the defense table; Wolff was nearest。 He was up on his feet; dashing off after his archenemy。 Vince and the others would have helped; but court officers had already moved in to restrain them。

Breetai came to his feet; but there wasn't any way for him to reach the general short of stepping in among the Humans and trampling some。 And armed guards had fanned out to see to it that he kept his place。

Wolff raced after Edwards like his own namesake; his blood boiling for a fight。 Without warning; a blur came homing in at an angle in an attempt to tackle Edwards。 It was Scott Bernard。 But he lacked the weight to pull it off; and merely swung Edwards partway round just as Wolff was closing in。

Edwards tore Scott off him in a transport of rage and was about to break the boy's neck。 Wolff had the option of going for Edwards and taking a chance that Scott would be killed; or grappling to save Scott。 Everything in him told him to do the former; many lives had already been lost to the general's schemes; and it was worth the sacrifice to stop him。

But he found himself struggling to save the boy; hampered enough by the effort so that he couldn't get in the first blow。 Wolff got Scott partway out of Edwards's grasp; but in the meantime the general landed a vicious flat…handed chop and nearly downed Wolff。

Edwards released Scott and was about to follow up and finish off the colonel; but his all…pervading sense of self…preservation halted him。 Court officers were closing in。 He pivoted and sprinted on。

The guards stationed at the doors were the biggest in the REF military…police contingent; and everyone expected them to grab Edwards and Adams; throw them down; and sit on them until such time as Justine Huxley said to stand up。

But Edwards caught the first MP's hand in some kind of take…away hold; levered her aside; then drew a handgun from beneath his jacket and shot the second; a massive sergeant who was trying to get his own pistol out。

Everyone was milling about; and that made it impossible for the court officers and other MPs to get through。 In a moment; Edwards and Adams were through the inner door and Edwards was firing blasts through it。 Adams was screaming something incoherent; but Edwards took no time to listen。 Instead; he backhanded the man; then seized a fistful of his uniform and dragged him toward the front entranceway。

Ghost Rider sentries and escorts there already knew Edwards's whistled signals。 As other REF troops tried to understand what was going on; the Ghosts got the drop on them。 In another few seconds; Edwards was inside his personal limo with Adams; lifting away。

Adams curled up in a corner of the luxuriously upholstered back seat; whimpering。 Edwards tried to think; though it felt as if his blood vessels would peel the scalp away from his naked skull。 The driver was already headed toward HQ and the armored escort vehicles were falling in before and behind。

T。R。 Edwards smiled in the dark; even as the rivulets of sweat poured down across his face and dribbled over his faceplate。 The council thought it had him cornered。

You've got me where I want you。

Edwards gave a quick mand。 The rest of the motorcade went on; toward the landing areas and the shuttles; along the route the council would expect him to take。

But the limo veered aside and down a ramp; through a recessed hatch that led to the underground levels。 There were loyal troops there to wele him; Edwards emerged and led the way down and down toward the installation that connected him so appropriately with the Regent。

Behind the convoy; the street…access door rolled shut。 No one was there to see a single figure; standing atop a building opposite; watch it close。 Unmoving; the hunter poised and prepared himself。 Tonight the hunt would end。

There were two Humans; a Karbarran; and a Garudan; they were purposely shoving toward the partment hatch despite Gnea's protests。

〃It's not just a request anymore;〃 the Human; a junior officer Gnea recognized as Susan Graham; said。 〃Admiral Hunter says Tesla's to be braced right now; and answer a coupla questions。〃

Gnea looked around at the mixed posse。 〃And suppose I say no? Tesla is unwell; and I've been charged with seeing to it that he lives。〃 She placed herself before them; big…boned and used to fighting; seemingly indifferent to whether she lived or died。 She fingered her halberd and waited; throwing the ball back into their court。

Susan Graham brought up a pistol; and the others leveled weapons; too。 〃Then; you can either let Doc Obu here look at the patient or you can get your bellybutton micro…waved; toots; and we'll still see what we came here to see。〃

Obu; the Karbarran scientist; growled and inclined his head gently。 When he raised his eyes to Gnea's again; there was a frank sanity in his steady gaze。 But there was mayhem on the backburners。

〃I…I see the wisdom of what you say;〃 Gnea got out。 It was very nearly a whisper。 〃But don't you understand? You'll frighten him。 Just when we were doing so well with him。〃

The Garudan; Quias; growled。 〃If we damage him; it's not much loss; is it?〃

〃No! You're wrong!〃 Gnea objected so quickly that they drew back a little。 Something told her that she had made a mistake; and so she looked around to where Jack Baker stepped out of the shadows。

〃We're not sure; but Tesla may be dying;〃 he said quietly。 〃Those two Invid scientists; Pye and whosis; Garak; say they can pull him through…maybe。 But not if you go in there and rough 'im up。〃

While the deputation was wavering; Jack took another step toward them; so that the light fell across his face now。 It was strangely posed and unsmiling; unlike the jaunty young man they knew。

This Jack Baker stood shoulder to shoulder with Gnea; smiling at them with his mouth but frowning with his forehead。 〃And that wouldn't do anybody any good; would it? Put that weapon away; Graham。 Relay my respects to the admiral; and tell him I'll have Tesla on a remote hookup for questioning as soon as he can stand it。 Well? You heard you
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