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Bela looked down at him。 He was already; in size and form; a being resembling a Terran nearing the end of his teens。 Baldan wore only a brief waistclout。

He was not translucent; but rather seemed to give off light that he had gathered from sources around him。 His facets; convexes; concaves; and planes without number had made him a being almost too beautiful to believe; shining with the youth that was in him。

Bela's voice; usually a hearty shout; was now only a husky near…whisper。 〃You must learn those things from others; no male is allowed here。〃

He was ready for that。 〃By your own laws; you cannot refuse entry to a godchild。〃

Bela looked up sharply; eyes wide; shock and anger and a sort of involuntary tenderness mixed together。 〃Godchild?〃

〃You saved my life; you and Miriya Parina。 By your own laws; that makes me your godchild; and your responsibility。〃

A Chinese obligation; Lisa thought。 She was thinking back on the moment when Bela emerged from Miriya's VT; cradling the quartzlike egg that was to bee Baldan II。

Lisa figured that Bela's sudden lack of balance had nothing to do with the biology…as…destiny or melting…mama theories of instinctive female behavior。 But it had everything to do with a feeling of connectedness; and a satisfaction in having done the right thing。

The amazon looked him over。 〃But…are you sure you won't shatter?〃

He turned and did a diving roll along the deck; the singing of his shifting facets and angles sounding like celestial music。 ing to his feet in the same move; he faced her with a luminous smile。

〃If I were breakable; I'd have been broken long since; Godmother。〃

Bela threw her head back and laughed; and other Praxians joined in; first a few; then all。 Lisa stood to one side with Karen Penn; looking on as Bela handed her godson a plete suit of pads and a helmet。 〃Things have to change with the times;〃…Bela shrugged…〃even Praxian rules。〃

There are things ing out of this war; byproducts; that are almost as important as victory; it occurred to Lisa。


You're free to be THE BEST 〃YOU〃 THAT YOU CAN POSSIBLY BE! You're OKAY! So take charge of your life and learn how to be YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND!
Also; get PERSONAL POWER over your POTENTIAL and LEARN HOW TO ASSERT IT!! Grok yourself fully during QUALITY TIME!! Dare to be great! Remember: TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!
Kermit Busganglion; The Hand That's Dealt You

The REF had always been intimidated by the stupendous Royal Hall of the Robotech Masters on Tirol…had never in their total muster been able to fill more than a portion of it。

But now the Royal Hall was lit from one end to the other; thanks to amblers and floating illumination drones。 For an evening at least a corner of it was free of the tyrants' echoes。 There; among ranked mecha; a court of inquiry had been convened。 The Plenipotentiary Council sat ready to discharge one of its gravest functions; defendants and accusers waited silently or held quick conferences behind cupped hands。

It was going out to just about every outlet and terminal under REF purview…with one special exception。 In the prairielike square outside; the throngs looked at the screens; as people were doing elsewhere on Fantoma's moons; and on SDF…3。

Most of the accused…Wolff; Vince Grant and officers of the expedition that had been sent to bring back the Valivarre…sat at the defense table。 Breetai was the lone Zentraedi there; seated off to one side in a monumental chair。 Kazianna Hesh and the rest of the giants were still aboard the Valivarre; and while no one had made much mention of it yet; so was the monopole ore。

There had been some surprises for the returnees; the chief among those being that Wolff had been charged with the murder of the Regent/simulagent。 But that charge had been set aside with their news…and indisputable proof in the form of sworn reports and battle recordings…that the Regent still lived。

The group had also brought back word of Janice Em's true identity。 Vince feared that it would prejudice the case; since it might make people pletely mistrustful of Lang; but that did not seem to be the case。 Vince figured that Lang was so far outside of Human norms…a Merlin of Robotechnology…that people simply were not very surprised by anything he did。

And; since no one who had remained behind on Tirol (except for Lang) had any firsthand experience with Janice in her android persona; people seemed to take the news matter…of…factly。 There was no sudden outbreak of paranoia。

For his part; Lang refused any ment once he had assured himself that Jan was in no danger。 But Wolff thought he detected something more in the man's manner than a mere concern that an invention was functioning; or that a strategem might have backfired。

Counsel for the prosecution had been summing up his case when Edwards; no longer able to restrain himself; leapt up and intervened。 No one was sure what transpired then; it was in low tones。 The lawyer sat down with a look in his eyes like a hound called to heel; and Edwards stood forth to take up the argument。

〃You have every documentation;〃 he said to the silent council; 〃every citation; every particular。 There is no doubt here! These people; and the others who've temporarily evaded capture; have defied and subverted duly constituted authority; and conspired to stage a mutiny。 Or more precisely; a coup。〃

Edwards was about to throw his arms wide; but knew that grand gestures had long since lost their effect on the sort of people who made up the council。 Instead he paused; pensive。 〃These were my brothers…in…arms。 Don't you suppose this very scene is agony to me? But right is right; and treason is treason。 And these people you see here。。。are guilty。〃

Wolff and the others were watching Edwards's grandstand play; but Vince Grant was keeping an eye on Lang。 And when Edwards was finally done with his stemwinder speech (to some considerable applause both within the hall and from outside); Lang stood up。

Most of the onlookers and viewers were braced for an impassioned plea。 Vince winked at Exedore; and Exedore winked back。

Scott Bernard stood to one side; looking proud。 Once people found out his part in tripping up Edwards; he figured; a lot of folks were going to know his name。

In an altogether neutral voice; Lang rattled; 〃Hereby…submitted under my seal as council member; the following recorded data; pertinent to these proceedings。〃

There were REF screens rigged everywhere in that corner of the Royal Hall。 They were all abruptly alight with the scene between Lang and Edwards; the scene Edwards had been so sure his scramblers would render private。

Edwards had been given to understand his interference devices…the ones in his epaulets and so on…would keep him safe from surveillance。 They had done so in the past; hadn't they? But now he saw that that had only been because Lang wished it so; in order that Edwards be drawn into this trap。

Forewarned; certain council members had caused riot police and MPs to be stationed in strategic points; but throughout the playing of the recording; the Royal Hall and the streets outside were silent; just silent。 There was a final scene of Edwar
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