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Burak looked subdued; almost frightened。 But he bowed; his long horns dipping。 〃We wondered when you would e。〃

Jack waffled; torn between the urge to get to the bottom of things and the impulse to call for backup。 Then something moved in the shadows of a corner。

〃Yes;〃 a voice said。 〃We looked forward to it。〃

Two slits of red light; like miniature furnace mouths; opened。 Laserlike beams leapt out at lack and Gnea。 Jack tried with all his might to pull the Badger's trigger; even though the muzzle was pointed away from Tesla; he was hoping the sheer shock of the assault pistol's report would free him up; let him slew the gun around at the Invid。

Gnea had raised the sword high; a very image of war; but she was as immobile as Jack while the rays from Tesla's eyes played across them exactingly; almost intimately。

Rocked as he was by the numbing impact of Tesla's will; Jack still saw that the scientist had undergone profound changes。 He now resembled the artists' sketches that had been made to the Praxians' descriptions of the Regis。

The snout had pulled in; the mouth was now conventionally humanoid。 Tesla was much bigger; though that was tough to judge precisely since he was sitting in a kind of lotus position。 He was hairless; his musculature so well defined that he might have been a figure from an anatomy text; his nerves and blood vessels visible in a way that suggested he had no skin; no epidermis at all。

〃Gaze upon me。〃

Jack and Gnea found that they had no choice。 The emanations from the Invid's eyes saw to that。 〃You will be my eyes and ears in the ship; and among the councils of the Sentinels; and on Spheris;〃 Tesla said。 It sounded to the dazzled Jack like something that was his own idea。

〃Keep the others at bay;〃 the thing sitting on the deck said。 〃I need time to plete my Transformation。 And then。。。〃

The being in the corner of the partment began to rise; like a Robotech mechamorphosis shape…shifting; until it stood with the top of its skull nearly touching the overhead。

A thread of saliva was dangling from Gnea's chin; Jack Baker's eyes seemed about to roll up in his head。 But both of them made acknowledging sounds。

〃Make yourselves available for the most important missions and find access to the most sensitive data;〃 Tesla said。 〃Your lives are of value only in that they serve me。〃

Lisa considered her fighting stance and wondered if she shouldn't be a little lower; a little more straddle…legged。

After all; Bela was…what?…six six or so? And yet her stance was as low as Lisa's own; solid and yet fluid。

Not to mention those big hands; and the sheer muscle of the Sentinels' number…one amazon。 Still; Lisa had learned to look for certain hints and signs of vulnerability; possible avenues of attack; that she would never have been able to spot a few months before。

Lisa faked a hand bination and came in low for a foot sweep。 Bela leaped over it; kicking in turn; but Lisa wasn't where she was supposed to be; she had reversed course; her spinning foot catching Bela right over the ear。

There was a solid thwack; and even though Bela's sparring helmet and Lisa's footpads were thick; the Praxian was brought up short…more by surprise than by pain。

Nonetheless; she had Lisa's foot in those big…boned hands before Lisa; a fraction slow on the recovery; could withdraw it。 In another second; Lisa was on the mat and slapping it in surrender; as Bela exerted pressure on the leghold she had gotten。

They rose and clasped one another's forearm; to signal the end of the match; then moved toward the sidelines as they removed their pads。 Another amazon and Susan Graham; the young munications and public…info officer; were squaring off; a number of the REF women had followed Lisa's example and asked the Praxians to tutor them in bat arts。

〃You faked me out;〃 Lisa grated; cross with herself for falling for it。 〃I thought I finally had you。〃

〃You did。〃 Bela patted her shoulder。 〃But part of the fighting arts is to keep on ing at your opponent; no matter what。〃

She regarded Lisa for a moment。 〃But then; you already know that。〃

Karen Penn was sitting back on her heels at the edge of the mat; like other Humans and Praxians; waiting for her turn to spar。 She was one of the few REF members there who could hold their own against an amazon opponent…could give as good as she got and; often; win。

There were no males of any species present。 The Praxians didn't object to more general training sessions and tournaments; and in fact weled the chance to pete with and learn from their Sentinels rades。 There had been some monumental clashes; and the Karbarrans; in particular; demonstrated how much they loved a good…natured brawl。

But certain classes and workouts were reserved for females alone。 Karen seemed to find a kind of serenity in them。 Lisa had thought about confronting Karen with the real problem; but had more than enough mand time to know that unless it was somehow impairing that person's professional performance; a subordinate's love life was best left for her or him to handle。

Certainly; the physical; mental; and emotional wringer of the Sentinels' campaigns seemed to have worked a change in Jack; anyone with eyes could see that he was more open and giving with Karen。 But the two had worked up determined defenses against one another; and Karen was loath to drop hers。

If Penn and Baker never admitted to themselves or each other that they were in love; it would be too bad; but a matter that others would be well advised to keep out of; Lisa decided。

The next bout was as good as Lisa and Bela's or better: two Praxian middleweights; veteran fighters and as fast as rattlers; were mixing it up。 Blocks and parries came as fast as kicks and punches; the amazons at the sidelines began rooting and cheering。 Neither woman on the mat could score a point on the other; though they were using everything they knew。

In the midst of it all; nobody noticed a newer enter the hold。 Then the ref shouted the winning point as a blow landed; and somebody became aware of who was; against all tradition and decorum; standing there。

The amazons were less offended or outraged than amazed。 Baldan II took advantage of the sudden silence that fell over the partment to walk toward Lisa and Bela; who stood watching him。

His feet were bare; and yet they didn't make the glassy tinkling Lisa would have expected on the hard deckplates。 Instead; there was a kind of steady rising and falling vibration; like someone running their wetted finger around the rim of a crystal goblet。

Lisa saw that the Spherisian wasn't looking at her; and stepped aside as Baldan came to stand before Bela。 Bela held her padded sparring helmet in her long…fingered hands; her strange avian eyes as wary as a hawk's。

〃You know the plan for scouting Spheris;〃 Baldan said。 〃There are some few days yet; before I have to leave。 I ask you to teach me some of the fighting skills you know; for I know none。〃

The amazons murmured; some of them holding their halberds uneasily or putting a hand to a shortsword hilt。 No male was permitted to invade the sequestered training places。

Bela looked down at him。 He was already; in size and for
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