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fect on the enormous figure of Zor that stood blocking his way。

〃Have my flagship lift off and open fire!〃 he shrieked。

As the order was relayed; a tech said; 〃All…Powerful One; there is an unidentified flying object approaching!〃

The Regent looked at the monitor to which the tech was pointing。 Sure enough; something was racing forward right along the upper hull; weaving in between gun and missile batteries; too close to the cruiser to be fired upon。

〃I…I…〃 The Regent felt his head spin。 He saw a Haydonite flying carpet with several figures riding it。 As it zipped past the bridge; two resplendent objects were tossed and bounced off the forward hull just in front of the viewport。

The Regent shoved aside the crew members who were trying to see what had been dropped; and had a look for himself。 There on the deck lay the two mighty collars; mounted with gems from all the Invid…dominated worlds; that his pet Hellcats had worn。 The Regent let out a piercing screech; and was about to direct all fire at the fleeing carpet; when yells of horror burst from his crew。

The giant Zor was moving。

The fiery image strode forward; straight for the Land Cruiser; even as the flagship rose from the nearby starport and began firing at it with all guns。 The Regent bleated in pure dread and hurled techs out of his way; charging for the bridge's hatch。

The towering; demonic Zor dove at the cruiser in apparent slow motion; arms spread and fingers curled; as if to enfold it。 The collision sent waves of light racing outward like waves in a pond when a rock is thrown in。 Multicolored flames flared up along the cruiser's bow as the figure began to merge with it。

High on the hull; an emergency ejection port opened and a metallic shape shot straight up like a sub…launched missile。 Riding the propulsive power of his augmentation modules; the Regent arrowed away toward his flagship。

Below him; the cruiser was already half engulfed in the destructive force of Haydon IV's defensive system。 A series of explosions ripped the war machine apart like an overtaxed boiler and leveled that part of the city。

In that moment; gazing down as he ascended on his suit jets and reflecting upon the sum total of defeats and reversals; the Regent retreated into uttermost devolved depths。 While his powered armor's automatics made the linkup with the flagship and guided him into its airlock; and the vessel itself lifted away from Haydon IV at maximum boost; the Regent abandoned temper tantrums and frustrated rantings for the impersonal malevolence of a serpent。

The Regis would never understand his choice of deevolution; but then she had never sampled it。 She had never known how; in its purest form; the devolved state took away the pain of introspection; of reflection; of shame and regret and misgiving。

She would never know the mindless hatred and untainted hostility and the personal peace that state could bring。 But for her mate; it was a chosen way of life。

His defeats were forgotten now that he had submerged his higher self; he luxuriated in a rancor so all…embracing that it satisfied him like a drug。 But in that trance; contrary to the accustomed blankness; a Vision appeared。 It defined itself; ing into mental focus; thrown up before the Regent's eyes by the depths of his loathing and his thirst for revenge。 It was an answer to his dilemma。 It was the face of General T。R。 Edwards。

Like other worlds the Sentinels had visited; Haydon IV had its shrine to the godlike being after whom it had been named。

This one did not occupy a mountaintop or city plaza or polar ice cap。 Rather; it stood at the center of a burnished alloy plain three hundred miles in diameter; the only feature of a landscape that was otherwise as smooth as a looking glass。

Unlike other worlds'; Haydon's icon wasn't carved from ice or hewn from the living rock of a peak。 Instead; a projected; ghostly image of the legendary figure stood nearly a mile high。 It bore a resemblance to a Haydonite in that the features were smooth; anonymous; the arms were within the high…collared cape; so that Haydon looked very much like the inhabitants of that world。 Only the hint of flowing hair contradicted it。

The Terrans had been surprised to realize that; by Haydon's own decree; no precise image of him had ever been made。 And so he remained shrouded in mystery just as the projection stood wrapped in its long cape。

The Sentinels and the freed Praxians had offered to provide an honor guard for Sarna's funeral; but Vowad and Veidt declined。 Together; they boarded a small carpet and undertook the journey with the body of the beloved mate and daughter。

Soon the leveled city was left behind and the idyllic countryside of Haydon IV rolled by beneath。 But the two kept their gazes straight ahead。 During that long flight not a word was exchanged between the two; each being lost in his contemplation。

When at last they hovered before the projected figure; there was no need to say anything aloud。 They had already muned their sorrow to the very planet; and to one another。

Nevertheless; Veidt; having picked up new customs in his travels and travails; bade the figure of Haydon; 〃Take her into your keeping; she who was everything in this life to me。 Grant that her words were true; and that we will be together again!〃

He wasn't praying to Haydon; but rather addressing a higher power that even the Haydonites only dimly understood and could not fathom by any application of mere logic。

Still; the image of Haydon moved; as the living Awareness of the planet willed it。 Arms appeared from beneath the cape; and eyes; like Human eyes; or Tiresian; came into shadowy resolution。 The open palms beckoned。

Sarna's body rose from the carpet; poised and erect as though she lived once more。 As the father and the husband watched; she was drawn into the valley of Haydon's cupped palms。

Vowad struggled within himself; moved by the words Veidt had spoken and by the wretched grief of the moment。 Sarna was gone; her essence having passed to some other plane of existence; therefore it was illogical to base decisions on what would please her。 And yet。。。

Sarna's body had vanished into the cupped hands of Haydon。 A glow rose from between them; lighting Haydon's smooth face and the sky above。 The two mourners heard many voices raised in wordless music as the light intensified。 Then all at once it was unbearable; and they had to look away。

When they turned back; Haydon was lowering vast; empty hands。 In moments; the projection stood as it had when they appeared。 They stood looking at it for long minutes。

〃Veidt; I…I would like to be friends with you from now on; if you will it。〃

〃Thank you; Vowad。 It will give her great joy。〃


So it's eloquence or violence;
'Cause no one believes in coincidence!
The Robotones; 〃Protoculture Junction〃

The call from his secret facility under the Royal Hall didn't awaken Edwards; he slept less and less nowadays; animated by his relentless hunger to wrest control of the REF; and by his frustration that Minmei; still in solitary confinement; was steadfast in her refusal to so much as speak to him。

His first impulse was to call his s
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