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She turned a hateful expression on him。 〃Allies; hell! They're not the first beautiful culture to put up with rot and evil in its midst; just so people could have their aesthetics and their fort and their personal peace。〃

Jack felt the color rising in his face。 She's giving me speeches now?

She looked to the city again。 〃The glory of Greece was built on slavery; did you know that? I don't care what kind of crap they tell us about it; if I'd been there I'd have bombed the Parthenon; smashed everything slavery bought them…〃

Jack felt heat flushing his face。 〃Penn; don't you start preaching history to me! I was just saying…〃

〃Whatever es out of the ashes of Glike will be better than what went before; even if it's Stone Age; because Haydon'll be a free planet…〃

Jack shook a fist at her。 〃Will you shut up and listen? I'm saying I agree with…〃

〃Who抮e you telling to shut up?〃

〃Penn! Baker! Front 'n' center!〃

They were both breathing hard; about to mix it up again; when Rick Hunter's sharp summons cut through the gathering slugfest。 Their training kicked in; and they double…timed over to Rick; rifles at sling arms。

Veidt was standing near the Hunters; and so was Janice Em。 The Artificial Person had resumed the aspect of a Human female。 Rick quickly explained the tactical situation; and Rem's dilemma。

〃There's no time to muster a full…scale strike at the Land Cruiser;〃 Rick finished。 〃But Veidt's ready to try to get a mando team in by carpet。 Colonel Wolff; the Garudans; and the Karbarrans will be diverting the Regent's attention and providing fire support。 Well?〃

〃Count us in; S…〃 Karen had begun answering for them both; by habit; but she stopped; looking aside at the young man who was part friend; part title…fight opponent。

Jack gave a slightly insubordinate smile and touched fingertips to his forehead…more of a wave than a salute。 〃Like she says; count us in; Admiral。〃

Jack; Karen; and Veidt boarded Veidt's poker table…size carpet and lifted away。 Rick didn't even have time to turn around; Vince Grant was standing there。 〃Bad news; Rick: Tesla and Burak are gone。〃

〃What d'ya mean gone! Gone where?〃

Vince was shaking his head。 〃Slipped off while we were getting ourselves organized。 Somebody said there's a skirmisher ship missing。〃

Vince indicated Garak and Pye with a nod of his head。 〃Those two claim they don't know。 I think they're lying; something's got them frightened; even more frightened than the Haydon defenses。 Where would Tesla and Burak go?〃

Rick blew his breath out。 〃I don't know; and we can't worry about it right now。 Just put out an all…points to pick them up。 And don't go after them yourself! I need you right here。〃

Vince showed disappointment。 〃Aye; sir。〃

Rick returned to his wife to find her dealing with another problem。 〃New deepspace blips on the detectors;〃 a Haydonite was saying。 〃We think they're Invid。〃

The skirmisher ship flew low over the contested city; streaking toward the cluster of glowing; shadow…dappled domes that was the Invid hive on the horizon。

Burak held his breath; expecting the antibodies of Haydon IV to hurl themselves into the air at him at any second。 But the words of Veidt came back to him; that intent had everything to do with the responses of the defense system。 And; certainly; Tesla's intent had nothing to do with invasion and conquest…at least not today。

Burak was perched on the scientist's shoulders; gripping his robe and harness for dear life; as Tesla piloted the flier along at breakneck speed; using suicidal maneuvers to avoid the mecha and miniature Zor fire…demons that fought through the air。

Burak had unconditionally accepted that his planet's fate and his own Higher Destiny; his Messiahhood; were tied to Tesla's own。

No interceptors or withering fire rose to incinerate them as they sped toward the hive; Burak felt sure that Tesla's growing powers had taken care of that problem。 Tesla brought the flier in for a landing at the mouth of an opening that led into the central dome。

Burak was beyond any thought of resistance by then。 Tesla led him in through a virtually abandoned hive。 What Invid there were were disoriented and of no consequence; they stepped aside; kowtowing; at Tesla's imperious orders。

Then the two arrived in the most holy place in any hive; the chamber set aside for those Flowers of Life that had blossomed; or held promise of blossoming。 Here; to Tesla's wild exultation; they found plants that had actually borne Fruit。

Burak had begun to recognize a pattern; that the Fruit of each world was different from that borne on any other。 And the Fruit brought forth by the worlds once touched by Haydon himself…worlds the Sentinels were trying to free…were the most pronouncedly varied of all。

In this case; the Fruit were eggplant…purple cylinders; round…bottomed and quiveringly gelid。 Tesla cupped his hands around one gently。

〃See…eee?〃 The word was more a whispered breath than a spoken sound。 〃See how the light shines through them? These are new; just grown! They've bee ripe in the last few minutes…no more than an hour! Not even the Regent has tasted such Fruit as these!〃

Tesla suddenly turned on Burak; who was standing close; watching curiously。 The master scientist struck out at the Perytonian jealously; a blow that would have killed if Burak hadn't ducked。 〃Back! You shall have none!〃

Burak backstepped warily。 〃I want none。 I only want you to keep your bargain。〃

Tesla had seated himself cross…legged on the soft sward of the arborium; a little pile of the Fruits in his lap。 〃Good。〃

Burak squatted on his haunches; to watch Tesla sink his long snout into the Fruit; slurping and slobbering at it; runnels of purple juice flowing down his chin; neck; and chest。 Soon; something pulsed within the Invid。 In moments; a light shone from him that threw Burak's shadow on the dome walls。

Burak hunkered down; shielding his eyes a bit; to witness the next step in Tesla's Flower…induced metamorphosis。


Lang was first among the Humans to notice it; the 〃dovetailing;〃 as he called it; of the worlds specially touched by Haydon and those that held such interest in more recent times for Zor。
He pressed me for details and I had to point out that the Zentraedi are the last ones to query in matters of history。 But nonetheless I expressed my vast yearning to know the truth of it all; and hoped Emil would e to feel the same way。
Exedore; SDF…3 and Me

The land cruiser rocked from the force of a tremendous explosion。 Knocked from his feet; the Regent rose again in an even more furious temper。

〃What was that?〃 Surely the Zor antibodies were not blowing themselves up?

A scientist bowed。 〃It appears that some of the outworlders have joined in the battle; Divine One。 That was apparently a Karbarran shuttlecraft loaded with conventional explosives and sent at us by remote control。 Fortunately; it was of insufficient power to penetrate even our outermost hull。〃

〃Naturally;〃 the Regent snapped。 The cruiser; bigger than an aircraft carrier; was a moving mountain of weapons and armor on treads as wide as a Glike boulevard。 He thought again about ordering his gunners to open
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