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〃Do you really think you can ever be free of me; Minmei? I never yield anything that's mine; you should know that by now。〃 His voice was very soft; as if it calmed him to be hurting her。

Minmei resisted ineffectually for a moment; then gave up。 〃Go ahead! Do what you want! You think being cruel makes you strong? I've known real men; and pared to them you're a pitiful excuse for a Human being and a miserable failure as a lover…〃

Her own scream cut her off; as he gave her more pain。 He had her wrist in a hold that felt like he was about to break it; and he shook her head back and forth slowly to emphasize each word。 〃Your Jonathan Wolff's dead by now; like Hunter and the rest。 Were you going to join the Zentraedi? They got in my way; too; they're finished。〃

He knelt; pulling her face around to his。 〃I told you there are things I know; things I've learned since we got to Tirol; that will give me unlimited power。 Unlimited control。 You may not love me willingly; but you will love me。〃

Nothing Minmei had ever heard had terrified her like those words。 She could feel his hot breath on her; it sickened her。

〃Now; you're going to tell me everything I want to know; and all the rest of it。 And in the meantime we'll just keep you nice and calm。〃

The general reached out with his free hand and buzzed for the guards。 All her blathering about awakening the dead…it had to be mad raving; of course; he told himself; but it still bothered him。 And yet a search of the area had turned up no sign whatsoever of the pilot who had spirited her off SDF…3; nor could Edwards's agents produce any clues。

The dead might mean a number of things; but Edwards suspected he knew whom she meant。 Preposterous。。。

He flung her at the guards。 〃Lock her up; dry her out。 I want no one to get word of this。 plete cover…up。 Tell the interrogators to keep me updated。〃

After the guards had dragged her out; Edwards gazed out the window。

He could hardly know that; far across a distant landing…site hardtop; a man in a pilot's suit was staring back through a telebinoc at the silhouette so far away that was a mortal enemy。

Lieutenant Isle lowered the telebinoc。 All the elaborate security systems and plex equipment and weaponry between him and Edwards were just an abstract problem in mission planning now; just a layered project requiring the proper application and strength of will。

But the battle itself was joined。


If Sartre's right and the history of every person is the story of failure; then something's outta whack here。
mander Vincent Grant; quoted in The Sentinels; by Le Roy la Paz

If Glike was enchanting from the landing stages and spires of the city; it was overwhelming from the vantage point of a Haydonite cone…flier。

Vince; mesmerized by the fantasyland view; blinked in surprise to realize that the cone was hovering; with its disk…rim up against a landing stage; over the summit of a skyscraper that suggested an inverted icicle。 The transparent dome under which he; Jonathan Wolff; and Max had been standing now parted; providing a debarkation gate。

But the landing stage was empty。 Max turned to their Haydonite pilot suspiciously。 〃You said you were taking us to Sarna。〃

The Haydonite was smaller and more slender than either Veidt or Sarna and had an emerald cast to her skin。 In the center of her forehead was a star…sapphire pattern of light that came from no apparent source。 Her features were no more pronounced than those of any other Haydonite the visitors had seen; and yet there were contours that somehow gave her face an individuality。 The offworlders had learned that the Haydonites were far from anonymous。

She bowed serenely。 〃She will be with you presently。 You will; after all; wish some privacy for your consultations。 There are dangers in this city; as well you know。 And now; if you will pardon me; I have other pressing matters to which I must see。〃

Vince led the way out of the cone…flier; and in another few seconds it was lifting away into the sky of Glike; among the flying carpets and lolling sky barges。

It was windy and chilly up there; but the view made it worthwhile。 Jonathan Wolff unlimbered a telebinocular and looked around。 Max glared out angrily at the Oz…like urbanscape; he was worried about Miriya and the rest; wishing some direct action were possible。

Vince said; 〃What I don't get is this business with Vowad; Sarna's father。 I mean; jealousy; from a Haydonite?

The emotions of the synthetically spawned Haydonites were usually too subtle for the other Sentinels to detect; or were deeply suppressed。 And certainly their family ties were tenuous by outsiders' standards。 But the situation between Sarna; Vowad; and Veidt was apparently the exception。

Haydonites didn't so much reproduce as literally create their offspring; as a sort of art form。 The young incorporated characteristics of the elders and selected innovations; as esthetic essays; as well。

Wolff lowered the telebinocular。 〃From what I've been able to pick up since we've been here; Vowad is the ultimate expression of Haydonite development; their Number One;〃 he said。 〃And Sarna was; sort of; his crowning achievement。 Except; she didn't behave quite the way she was supposed to。 Got all enthused over Veidt and some radical ideas he had; like resisting the Invid encroachment。〃

〃Where've we heard that before?〃 Max murmured。

〃Thing is;〃 Wolff Went on; 〃I get the impression that if anybody could keep the Invid from having their way on Haydon IV; it's Vowad。 Only; he doesn't seem inclined to do it。〃

〃The whole thing's a little slippery by Haydonite standards; I suppose;〃 Vince said。 〃The Invid ease their way in with trade arrangements and diplomatic missions; cultural exchanges and all that; and the next thing you know; they're entrenched。 Bribed the officials; intimidated or blackmailed the bureaucrats…they've got all the leverage they need around here; more or less。〃

And if the planet's vaunted defense system ever really existed; the three had e to realize; it found the Invid infiltration/subversion operation too nebulous to deal with。 So long as the Invid made no overt moves; they were safe from retribution。 And violent transactions between offworlders were; so it seemed; exempt from interference by planetary defenses。

Wolff raised the telebinocular again; scanning。 〃Heads up;〃 he said softly。

A flying carpet was approaching; a hooked…rug size。 In another few seconds; Sarna alighted next to them。

After receiving news that Rick; Lisa; and the others had recovered; she said; 〃We haven't much time。 Matters here are much worse than Veidt and I ever thought when we proposed this plan。 We have to get you all off Haydon IV as soon as we can。〃

Before they could press her for details; she hastened; 〃You brought your seeing devices? Good; look over there; at the juncture of the Sky Road and Silver Way。〃

Eventually they focused on the point she was indicating。 Vince watched for a moment; then breathed an uncharacteristic; deliberate string of obscenities。

〃Yeah; this changes things;〃 Wolff added sardonically。

Far away and below; a slave coffle was being moved along by Inorganic guards toward a rea
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