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Jack stepped back to watch as she was bathed in radiance。 He thought he could sense conversations being held all around him; and the flow of rivers of information。 He spun to see how the other raiders were weathering。

Bela and Gnea were unafraid; but had closed ranks。 Lron and Crysta had their weapons in their hands; but didn't look like they were going to blow holes in anything; their service in the Sentinels had taught them a certain self…control。

Kami and Learna were looking about them in rapture; and Jack wondered what they were seeing and hearing。 They were inhaling through their breather masks; drawing the atmosphere of Garuda; with its myriad microscopic symbiotes; into their lungs。 He knew they were in the expanded mindstate of hin; and wished he could know how the systemry of Haydon IV was manifesting itself to them。

The two lesser Invid POWs; Garak and Pye; were cringing in a corner; but Tesla had drawn himself up to his full height; hands reaching into the air imploringly。 He lurched toward a stack of control panels and indicators like a long…lost lover。

Jack squeezed off a short burst into the decking in the scientist's path; tracers drawing bright warning lines; ricochets glancing away into the distance。 Tesla stopped as if someone had slapped him out of a trance; gazing down at the dully gleaming bullet…smears of lead at his feet。

Jack had the submachine gun up to his shoulder; Tesla bracketed in the sight blades。 Tesla moved back a step; and then another; until he was back where he had been standing。 Jack stole a quick glance aside at Burak; who was fingering his Garudan small arm; a thing that looked like a grappling hook。

Burak looked indecisive; but it was plain that he was furious with Jack's intervention。 Then a hand fell on Burak's shoulder。 Bela had shouldered her crossbow and held her shortsword in her other hand。 Gnea held her halberd ready。 There was no struggle; only an understanding that Burak was to lower his weapon and stand his ground; or else see his head fly from his shoulders。 He chose the former option。

Wise decision; Jack thought。 Otherwise those ladies would probably have your horns on their living…room wall; kid。

〃Look!〃 Jack pivoted; seeing what Crysta was bellowing about。 His jaw dropped。

Janice Em was still wrapped in a strobing aurora; but she was changing appearance。 One moment; she was the Janice who had sung with Minmei and later joined the Sentinels。 The next; she was the Artificial Person she had revealed herself to be。 Then she was something even more disturbing…a transparent Human being or a Spherisian。 And after that she flickered; seeming to be a Haydonite; with their smooth lack of features; an ectoplasmic robe flowing around her as she hovered above the decking。

The brilliance grew more intense; so that they could barely endure it。 Jack thought about spraying a burst into the machinery or turning a random control; but decided that might get them into even worse trouble。

A wind swept through the mammoth chamber; and somewhere in the center of the light Janice was shifting through various forms…some Human; some not。 Kami was baying in hysteria; and Tesla was screaming; while Lron had both hands clapped to his ears。 Gnea and Bela; arms outspread; swords lifted; were war goddesses howling a banshee challenge to the elements。

Just when it seemed they couldn't bear it anymore; the light faded and the sound died away。 The air lost every breath of movement。 In the stillness that followed; the raiders collected themselves and blinked away the dazzling lights circling before their eyes。

Janice Em stood once more in her Human form; the disconnected interface jack in her hand。 〃Are you all right?〃 Bela ventured。

〃Yes; quite; thank you。〃 She sounded distant; but then she beamed at them in a very Homo sapiens smile。

〃I'm fine; and I found out what we need to know。〃

〃But。。。〃 Jack realized his submachine gun's muzzle was pointed her way and quickly lowered it。 〃What was all that shape…changing about?〃

Janice looked up at the web of light。 〃You might say that Haydon IV has been teaching me a few things about my own capabilities and potential。 The Tokyo project teams and even Dr。 Lang; I'm afraid; didn't quite realize them all。〃

She collected herself; turning her attention to matters at hand。 〃But that's beside the point now。 We must be on our way。〃

She had bent to pick up her own weapons and equipment。 〃And we must hurry。 The others are in danger; up above in Glike; and we have to get to them at once。〃

〃Huh? Hey!〃 Jack trotted after to catch up; as Jan started for a nearby column of instrumentality。 The others fell in behind; Gnea and Bela in particular making sure the Invid kept up and got into no mischief。

The column was the circumference of a spaceport control tower; stretching from the floor to the ceiling。 As Jan approached it; a section of flickering indicators slid aside; revealing a small partment。

Jan turned on her panions; silencing their objections; demands; and threats。 〃Listen: I'll answer any question you want; explain everything I can; on the journey。 Only; we must start now; and this is the first step on the road to Glike。〃

Jack blew his breath out; cheeks bulging like a bugler's。 〃If I survive; I'm never volunteering for anything again。 Okay; let's march。〃

The place wasn't too cramped; they had about as much room as in a half…filled elevator。 None of them was particularly surprised when the partment closed up again and there was a feeling of movement; straight up。

〃First question;〃 Jack said tiredly。 〃D'they have rest rooms on this flight?〃

〃You should've thought of that before we left。〃 Janice Em grinned back at him。

The medics had injected her with something calculated to speed along her sobering…making her neurotransmitters block the acute depressant effects and raising her P3 waves。 But Minmei was still writhing between a pair of Ghost Rider security people as she was dragged before Edwards in his office on the top floor of Base Tirol HQ on Fantoma。

She had tried to bite; scratch; and kick; but the REF people were used to hand…to…hand bat; and even though they were under orders not to retaliate; they had kept her from inflicting any significant damage。 Exhausted; she was pushed forcefully into a chair and kept seated。

Her face was smudged with dirt and tears。 Through a sort of blur; she saw a figure move and heard Edwards's voice。 〃Wait outside;〃 he told his troops。

She heard the brittle fury in his voice and became truly afraid for the first time。 She had seen his moods before; knew he was capable of anything when he was like this…even of murdering her on the spot。

She wiped her eyes and tried to stop crying。 Edwards was standing behind his desk; hands clasped at the small of his back。

〃Who was the pilot who helped you escape?〃

〃Go to hell;〃 she choked。

He walked unhurriedly from behind the desk。 〃Where did you think you were going?〃

〃God damn you!〃

He moved with stunning speed; grabbing a fistful of her hair and winding it painfully; making her cry out; holding her in her seat with his other hand。

〃Do you really think you can ever be free of me; Minmei? I nev
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