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nt reached down to stroke his pet's head; enjoying Cabell's uneasiness。

Cabell had good reason to be wary of the Invid Inorganic mecha called Hellcats。 When the Invid first invaded Tirol; one had tried to tear him limb from limb。

Those sitting on their haunches to either side of the Regent's throne were even larger than the usual; and Hellcats were far bigger than any saber…tooth that ever lived。 They were a glassy indigo; their eyes gleaming like ruby lasers。 They were armed with razor…sharp claws; sword…edged shoulder horns and tail; and glittering fangs。 About their muscular throats were resplendent collars set with gems from many worlds。

Cabell found himself transfixed by the 'Cats' baleful glares; so it was Veidt; looking and sounding serene as he floated there; who spoke。 〃Mighty Regent! Please accept our gratitude for granting us this moment of your attention。 We know what great demands are placed on your time。〃 He bowed solemnly。

〃You have no idea;〃 the Regent contradicted in his growling; gurgling voice; 〃none whatsoever!〃 His mantle flared and the four…fingered hands balled into fists the size of kegs。

〃So do not flatter yourselves。 I'm reconsolidating an interstellar empire; and you ask me to turn my thoughts to trifles。 Still…noblesse oblige; and all that; I want it known that once I hold the universe in my fist; I will not be an unkind overlord。〃 The mantle pulled back a bit。

Veidt bowed his head but looked unperturbed。

The Regent considered the matter with more caution than he would have admitted。 The conflict revolving around Veidt; his mate Sarna; and Sarna's 〃father;〃 Vowad…if such a concept as parentage could fairly be used with regard to Haydonites…concerned the whole planet。 And it was one of the things that had worked to the Regent's advantage; he mulled。

Brute force was the standard Invid method of dealing with the enemy; but here on Haydon IV that was impossible。 But intrigue; like warfare; was an art the Opterans had acquired after Zor destroyed their idyllic existence。 And so; the Regent knew there were certain games that must be played; and played to best effect。 Thus; this interview。

〃No; you will find me most reasonable and benevolent; as I have been here today;〃 the Regent added; knowing the planet itself was listening。 〃And how goes the healing?〃

Cabell had found his nerve again。 He smoothed his flowing; embroidered robes; shrugged to resettle the high; stiff collar that surrounded his head; and stroked the white beard that nearly reached his waist。 〃Rather well; we think; though it's difficult to tell。 The Haydonites are using a sort of therapy employing their arts of nanoengineering。 Prognoses are good。〃

〃How fortunate for them。〃 The Regent nodded; but he was silently angry that the effects of exposure to Garuda's biosphere hadn't killed the Hunters and the rest。 〃And now that you have brought me this report; you may go。〃 The Regent gestured to his bodyguard mander to show the visitors out。

〃Just a moment。〃 Cabell stopped him。 〃There is the question of my apprentice; the young clone Rem。 I ask you to release him to us; that he may undergo the treatments; too。〃

〃I am not finished with Rem quite yet;〃 the Regent said hatefully; glancing down at them。 Even seated; the tyrant overshadowed them like some pharaonic statue。 〃And as for you; you may go。〃

Now it was Cabell's turn to bristle; the anger in his voice quite surprised the Regent。 〃Not until you let me see that boy! Not until we take him for proper care!〃

Hearing his tone; both Hellcats came to their feet; spitting and showing their long fangs。 But Cabell was undeterred; meeting the Regent's fury with fury of his own。

Veidt spoke before Cabell could; though。 〃Great Regent! All the galaxy has heard of your vast intellect and spirit。 Here now is your chance to prove that you can show mercy。 Consider what praise it will win you! Why; word of it would reach even to the Regis herself。〃

Sly; the Regent mused; studying Veidt。 For a race of artificial beings; the Haydonites showed surprising emotion and understanding of motivation。

Veidt had touched a nerve。 Very likely; the Regis's spies would inform her of such a matter as the Regent's showing mercy…or if not; his own agents could see to it that she heard。 More than almost anything; he wanted to win her back。 And while his headlong plunge into deevolution kept him from truly understanding those impulses that guided his onetime mate; the Regent thought that mercy shown to the Zor…clone would certainly please her。

So he said; 〃Rem has already received the treatments I have permitted your panions to undergo; for I am not through with him as yet。 Be that as it may; I will grant you a promise solution: you may visit him in his confinement; provided that you try to get him to see reason。〃

The Regent's subject planetary systems; if they were eavesdropping; would no doubt register that in the Regent's favor。 He was quite proud of himself。 He had turned the bothersome visit of Veidt and Cabell around so that he might profit from it in a number of ways。

And; with a little luck; he had bought enough time to e up with a way of slaying the Sentinels once and for all。

Jack Baker shot yet another of the energy serpents; watching it de…rezz into fast…swirling will…o'…the…wisps of light that dissipated and went dark。 It occurred to him that those flickering pinpoints of light might be fading only to reconverge and e at him again; but there was no time to wonder about that。

〃Jack! Two o'clock!〃 gritted Learna; who stood to Jack's right; still finishing off a writhing; crackling mass that was headed straight for her from her right。 Twelve o'clock was the leader's position; of course。

Jack finished blowing away a bunch of the things to his left that were wriggling at him; then traversed his beam and flamed the two…o'clock snakes。 He caught sinuous movement to his left again and began hosing down a nearby console with a sustained Protoculture salvo; it was thick with energy serpents; like a medusa。

Bela; in the Battloid's rear…now lower…seat; whistled and made ear…piercing war cries; when she wasn't spotting new targets for him。 She seemed to be enjoying herself。

The Battloids' security wheel was surrounded by a sea of undulating glow…shapes; more and more seeped forth by the second; from every crevice and feature of the place。 The mecha swept their constant…fire aim around and up and back; but the snakes closed in relentlessly。 It was as if the technolandscape had e alive。

The Battloids fought with all the strength; power; and precision that Robotechnology had built into them; but it seemed hopeless。 Energy levels were dropping sharply due to the ferocious demands of the weapons systems。

My first real mand。 Jack thought bitterly; and my last; too; maybe。 Perfect record: no wins。

Then he thought of the afflicted…Karen and the others…somewhere above; in Glike。 And Veidt; Cabell; and the rest of the escorts would be there; too; all of them counting on Jack's team to get through。

But it was Karen's face he saw before him; and it made him fight like a man possessed。

But even the awesome firepower of five titan Battloids wasn't enough 
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