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“Shh;” Doc murmured。 “Summer? People call me Doc。 No one’s going to do anything to you。 You’re 

going to be fine。” 
I eased away from them; into the shadows。 
“Don’t call me that!” the woman sobbed。 “That’s not my name! It’s hers; it’s hers! Don’t say it again!” 
I’d gotten the wrong name。 
Mel objected to the guilt that washed through me。It’s not your fault。 Summer is a human name; too。 
“Of course not;” Doc promised。 “What isyour name?” 
“I—I—I don’t know!” she wailed。 “What happened? Who was I? Don’t make me be someone else 

She tossed and thrashed on the cot。 


 “Who are you?” she demanded。 “Who’s she? She’s like… like I was。 I saw her eyes!”

 “I’m Doc。 And I’m human; just like you。 See?” He moved his face into the light and blinked at her。 
“We’re both just ourselves。 There are lots of humans here。 They’ll be so happy to meet you。”

 She cringed again。 “Humans! I’m afraid of humans。”

 “No; you’re not。 The… person who used to be in your body was afraid of humans。 She was a soul; 

remember that? And then remember before that; before she was there? You were human then; and you 
are again。”

 “I can’t remember my name;” she told him in a panicked voice。

 “I know。 It’ll e back。”

 “Are you a doctor?”

 “I am。”

 “I was… she was; too。 A… Healer。 Like a doctor。 She was Summer Song。 Who am I?”

 “We’ll find out。 I promise you that。”

 I edged toward the exit。 Trudy would be a good person to help Doc; or maybe Heidi。 Someone with a 

calming face。

 “She’s not human!” the woman whispered urgently to Doc; her eye caught by my movement。

 “She’s a friend; don’t be afraid。 She helped me bring you back。”

 “Where is Summer Song? She was scared。 There were humans。…”

 I ducked out the door while she was distracted。

 I heard Doc answer the question behind me。 “She’s going to a new planet。 Do you remember where she 

was before she came here?”

 I could guess what her answer would be from the name。

 “She was… a Bat? She could fly。… She could sing。… I remember… but it was… not here。 Where am 


 I hurried down the hall to find help for Doc。 I was surprised when I saw the light of the great cavern 
ahead—surprised because it was so quiet。 Usually you could hear voices before you saw the light。 It was 
the middle of the day。 There should have been someone in the big garden room; if only crossing through。

 I walked out into the bright noon light; and the giant space was empty。 


 I stood very still; trying to hear something。 The huge cavern was silent; and the silence was ominous。 
Where was everyone?

 Had they evacuated without me? A pang of fear and hurt shot through me。 But they wouldn’t have left 
without Doc; of course。 They would never leave Doc。 I wanted to dart back through the long tunnel to 
make sure Doc had not disappeared; too。

 They wouldn’t go without us; either; silly。 Jared and Jamie and Ian wouldn’t leave us behind。

 You’re right。 You’re right。 Let’s… check the kitchen?

 I jogged down the silent corridor; getting more anxious as the silence continued。 Maybe it was my 
imagination; and the loud thumping of my pulse in my ears。 Of course there must be something to hear。 If 
I could calm down and slow my breathing; I’d be able to hear voices。

 But I reached the kitchen and it was empty; too。 Empty of people。 On the tables; half…eaten lunches had 
been abandoned。 Peanut butter on the last of the soft bread。 Apples and warm cans of soda。

 My stomach reminded me that I hadn’t eaten at all today; but I barely noted the twist of hunger。 The 
panic was so much stronger。

 What if… what if we didn’t evacuate soon enough?

 No!Mel gasped。No; we would have heard something! Someone would have… or there would be… 
They’d still be here; looking for us。 They wouldn’t give up until they’d checked everywhere。 So 
that can’t be it。

 Unless they’re looking for us now。

 I spun back toward the door; my eyes darting through the shadows。

 I had to go warn Doc。 We had to get out of here if we were the last two。

 No! They can’t be gone!Jamie; Jared… Their faces were so clear; as if they were etched onto the 
insides of my eyelids。

 And Ian’s face; as I added my own pictures to hers。 Jeb; Trudy; Lily; Heath; Geoffrey。We’ll get them 
back; I vowed。We’ll hunt them down one by one and steal them back! I won’t letthem take my 

 If I’d had any doubts where I stood; this moment would have erased them。 I’d never felt so fierce in all 
my lives。 My teeth clenched tight; snapping together audibly。

 And then the noise; the babble of voices I’d been so anxiously straining to hear; echoed down the hall to 
us and made my breath catch。 I slid silently to the wall and pressed myself into the shadow there; 


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Sounds like a large group。 
Yes。 But yours or mine? 
Ours or theirs;she corrected。 
I crept down the hall; keeping to the darkest shadows。 We could hear the voices more clearly now; and 

some of them were familiar。 Did that mean anything? How long would it take trained Seekers to perform 

an insertion? 
And then; as I reached the very mouth of the great cave; the sounds became even clearer; and relief 
washed through me—because the babble of voices was just the same as it had been my very first day 
here。 Murderously angry。

 They had to be human voices。 
Kyle must be back。 
Relief warred with pain as I hurried into the bright sunlight to see what was going on。 Relief because my 

humans were safe。 And pain because if Kyle was already safely back; then…

 You’re still needed; Wanda。 So much more than I am。 
I’m sure I could find excuses forever; Mel。 There will always be some reason。 
Then stay。 
With you as my prisoner?

 We stopped arguing as we assessed the motion in the cavern。

 Kylewas back—the easiest one to spot; the tallest in the crowd; the only one facing me。 He was pinned 
against the far wall by the mob。 Though he was the cause of the angry noise; he was not the source of it。 
His face was conciliatory; pleading。 He held his arms out to the sides; palms back; as if there was 
something behind him he was trying to protect。

 “Just calm down; okay?” His deep voice carried over the cacophony。 “Back off; Jared; you’re scaring 

 A flash of black hair behind his elbow—an unfamiliar face; with wide; terrified black eyes; peeked 
around at the crowd。

 Jared was closest to Kyle。 I could see that the back of his neck was bright red。 Jamie clung to one of his 
arms; holding him back。 Ian was on his other side; his arms crossed in front of him; the muscles in his 
shoulders tight with strain。 Behind them; every other human but Doc and Jeb was massed in an angry 
throng。 They surged behind Jared and Ian; asking loud; angry questions。

 “What were you thinking?” 


 “Why’d you e back at all?”

 Jeb was in the back corner; just watching。

 Sharon’s brilliant hair caught my eye。 I was surprised to see her; with Maggi
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