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feel the fierce pulse throbbing through to my fingertips。

 “They’re gone;” I whispered through my suddenly chattering teeth。 
I heard Jared swallow。 
“That was… close;” he said。 
“I thought Kyle was going to stop。” 
“Me; too。” 


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“The Seeker bought it。” His teeth were still clenched in anxiety。 
“I wouldn’t have。 Your acting hasn’t improved much。” 
I shrugged。 My body was so rigid; it all moved together。 “They can’tnot believe me。 What I am… well; 

it’s something impossible。 Something that shouldn’t exist。” 
“Something unbelievable;” he agreed。 “Something wonderful。” 
His praise thawed some of the ice in my stomach; in my veins。 
“Seekers aren’t all that different from the rest of them;” I murmured to myself。 “Nothing to be especially 

afraid of。” 
He shook his head back and forth slowly。 “There really isn’t anything you can’t do; is there?” 
I wasn’t sure how to respond to that。 
“Having you with us is going to change everything;” he continued under his breath; talking to himself 

I could feel how his words made Melanie sad; but she was not angry this time。 She was resigned。 
You can help them。 You can protect them better than I could。She sighed。 
The slow…moving taillights did not frighten me when they appeared on the road ahead。 They were 

familiar; a relief。 I sped up—just a little; still a few miles below the limit—to pass them。 
Jared pulled a flashlight out of the glove partment。 I understood what he was doing: reassurance。 
He held the light to his own eyes as we passed the cab of the truck。 I looked past him; through the other 

window。 Kyle nodded once at Jared and took a deep breath。 Ian was leaning anxiously around him; his 
eyes focused on me。 I waved once; and he grimaced。 
We were getting close to our hidden exit。

 “Should I go all the way to Phoenix?” 
Jared thought about it。 “No。 They might see us on the way back and stop us again。 I don’t think they’re 
following。 They’re focused on the road。”

 “No; they won’t follow。” I was sure of this。 
“Let’s go home; then。” 
“Home;” I agreed wholeheartedly。 


 We would take both vehicles right to the caves and unload quickly so they could be hidden before 
morning。 The little overhang by the entrance would not hide them from view。

 I rolled my eyes as I thought of the way into and out of the caves。 Thebig mystery I hadn’t been able to 
solve for myself。 Jeb was so tricky。

 Tricky—just like the directions he’d given Mel; the lines he’d carved onto the back of her photo album。 
They didn’t lead to his cave hideout at all。 No; instead they made the person following them parade back 
and forth in front of his secret place; giving him ample opportunity to decide whether or not to extend an 

invitation inside。

 “What do you think happened?” Jared asked; interrupting my thoughts。

 “What do you mean?”

 “The recent disappearance the Seeker mentioned。”

 I stared ahead blankly。 “Wouldn’t that be me?”

 “I don’t think you would count asrecent; Wanda。 Besides; they weren’t watching the freeway before we 

left。 That’s new。 They’re looking for us。 Here。”

 His eyes narrowed; while mine widened。

 “What have they been doing?” Jared suddenly exploded; slapping his hand loudly against the dashboard。 

I jumped。

 “You think Jeb and the others did something?”

 He didn’t answer me; he just stared out across the star…bright desert with furious eyes。

 I didn’t understand。 Why would the Seekers be looking for humans just because someone had 

disappeared in the desert? Accidents did happen。 Why would they jump to that particular conclusion? 
And why was Jared angry? Our family in the caves wouldn’t do anything to draw attention to 

themselves。 They knew better than that。 They wouldn’t go outside unless there was an emergency of 
some kind。

 Or something theyfelt was urgent。 Necessary。

 Had Doc and Jeb been taking advantage of my absence?

 Jeb had only agreed to stop slaughtering people and souls while I was under the same roof。 Was this 

their promise?

 “You okay?” Jared asked。

 My throat was too thick to answer。 I shook my head。 Tears streamed down my cheeks and fell from my 

chin to my lap。 


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I shook my head again。 I could see well enough。 
He didn’t argue with me。 
I was still crying silently when we got to the little mountain that hid our vast cave system。 It was actually 

just a hill—an insignificant outcropping of volcanic rock; like so many others; sparsely decorated with 
spindly creosote and flat…bladed prickly pears。 The thousands of tiny vents were invisible; lost in the 
jumble of loose purple rocks。 Somewhere; smoke would be rising; black on black。

 I got out of the van and leaned against the door; wiping my eyes。 Jared came to stand beside me。 He 
hesitated; then put a hand on my shoulder。 
“Sorry。 I didn’t know they were planning this。 I had no idea。 They shouldn’t have…”

 But he only thought that because they’d somehow gotten caught。 
The moving truck rumbled to a stop behind us。 Two doors slammed shut; and then feet were running 
toward us。

 “What happened?” Kyle demanded; there first。 
Ian was right behind him。 He took one look at my expression; at the tears still running down my cheeks; 
at Jared’s hand on my shoulder; and then rushed forward and threw his arms around me。 He pulled me 
into his chest。 I didn’t know why this made me cry harder。 I clung to him while my tears leaked onto his 

“It’s okay。 You did great。 It’s over。” 
“Seeker’s not the problem; Ian;” Jared said; voice strained; his hand still touching me; though he had to 

lean forward to preserve that point of contact。 
“They were watching the road for a reason。 Sounds like Doc’s been… working in our absence。” 
I shuddered; and for a moment; it seemed like I could taste silver blood in the back of my throat。 
“Why; those —!” Ian’s fury robbed him of speech。 He couldn’t finish his sentence。 
“Nice;” Kyle said in a disgusted tone。 “Idiots。 We’re gone for a few weeks; and they’ve got the Seekers 

on patrol。 They could have just asked us to —” 
“Shut up; Kyle;” Jared said harshly。 “That’s neither here nor there at the moment。 We’ve got to get this 
all unloaded fast。 Who knows how many are watching for us? Let’s grab a load and then get some more 
I shook Ian off so that I could help。 The tears did not stop running。 Ian stayed close to my side; taking 
the heavy flat of canned soup I picked up and replacing it with a big but light box of pasta。 


didn’t know this path well; but it wasn’t difficult。 Straight down; then straight up。 
We were halfway there when a familiar voice called out from a distance。 It echoed down the tunnel; 

 “They’re back… ack… back!” Jamie was shouting。 
I tried to dry my tears on my shoulder; but I couldn’t get them all。 
A blue light approached; bouncing a
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