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 “But… why?” I whispered。 “I’m really not that hurt。 I don’t want —”

 “We have to take you back inside;” Ian said; cutting me off; his voice low; as if he didn’t want it to carry 


 “Blindfold me again。” 
Doc pulled the little syringe from his pocket。 It was already depressed; only a quarter left。 I shied away 
from it; toward Ian。 His hand on my shoulder became a restraint。

 “You know the caves too well;” Doc murmured。 “They don’t want you having the chance to guess…”

 “But where would I go?” I whispered; my voice frantic。 “If I knew the way out? Why would I leave 
“If it eases their minds…” Ian said。 
Doc took my wrist; and I didn’t fight him。 I looked away as the needle bit into my skin; looked at Ian。 

His eyes were midnight in the dark。 They tightened at the look of betrayal in mine。 
“Sorry;” he muttered。 It was the last thing I heard。



 Igroaned。 My head felt all swirly and disconnected。 My stomach rolled nauseatingly。 
“Finally;” someone murmured in relief。 Ian。 Of course。 “Hungry?” 
I thought about that and then made an involuntary gagging sound。 
“Oh。 Never mind。 Sorry。 Again。 We had to do it。 People got all… paranoid when we took you 

“’S okay;” I sighed。 
“Want some water?” 
I opened my eyes; trying to focus in the darkness。 I could see two stars through the cracks overhead。 

Still night。 Or night again; who knew? 
“Where am I?” I asked。 The shapes of the cracks were unfamiliar。 I would swear I’d never stared at this 

ceiling before。 
“Your room;” Ian said。 
I searched for his face in the darkness but could only make out the black shape that was his head。 With 

my fingers; I examined the surface I lay on; it was a real mattress。 There was a pillow under my head。 My 
searching hand touched his; and he caught my fingers before I could withdraw them。 


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“It used to be ours—Kyle’s and mine。 Kyle’s being… held in the hospital wing until things can be 

decided。 I can move in with Wes。” 
“I’m not taking your room。 And what do you mean; until things can be decided?” 
“I told you there would be a tribunal。” 
“Why do you want to know?” 
“Because if you’re going through with that; then I have to be there。 To explain。” 
“To lie。” 
“When?” I asked again。 
“First light。 I won’t take you。” 
“Then I’ll take myself。 I know I’ll be able to walk as soon as my head stops spinning。” 
“You would; wouldn’t you?” 
“Yes。 It’s not fair if you don’t let me speak。” 
Ian sighed。 He dropped my hand and straightened slowly to his feet。 I could hear his joints pop as he 

stood。 How long had he been sitting in the dark; waiting for me to wake? “I’ll be back soon。 You might 
not be hungry; but I’m starving。” 
“You had a long night。” 

 “If it gets light; I won’t sit here waiting for you。” 
He chuckled without humor。 “I’m sure that’s true。 So I’ll be back before that; and I will help you get 
where you’re going。”

 He leaned one of the doors away from the entrance to his cave; stepped around it; and then let it fall 

back into place。 I frowned。 That might be hard to do on one leg。 I hoped Ian truly was ing back。 
While I waited for him; I stared up at the two stars I could see and let my head slowly bee 
stationary。 I really didn’t like human drugs。 Ugh。 My body hurt; but the lurching in my head was worse。

 Time passed slowly; but I didn’t fall asleep。 I’d been sleeping most of the last twenty…four hours。 I 


 Ian came back before the light; just as he’d promised。

 “Feeling any better?” he asked as he stepped around the door。

 “I think so。 I haven’t moved my head yet。”

 “Do you think it’syou reacting to the morphine; or Melanie’s body?”

 “It’s Mel。 She reacts badly to most painkillers。 She found that out when she broke her wrist ten years 


 He thought about that for a moment。 “It’s… odd。 Dealing with two people at once。”

 “Odd;” I agreed。

 “Are you hungry yet?”

 I smiled。 “I thought I smelled bread。 Yes; I think my stomach is past the worst。”

 “I was hoping you’d say that。”

 His shadow sprawled out beside me。 He felt for my hand; then pulled my fingers open and placed a 

familiar round shape in it。

 “Help me up?” I asked。

 He put his arm carefully around my shoulders and folded me up in one stiff piece; minimizing the ache in 

my side。 I could feel something foreign on the skin there; tight and rigid。 
“Thanks;” I said; a little breathless。 My head spun slowly。 I touched my side with my free hand。 

Something adhered to my skin; under my shirt。 “Are my ribs broken; then?”

 “Doc’s not sure。 He’s doing as much as he can。”

 “He tries so hard。”

 “He does。”

 “I feel bad… that I used to not like him;” I admitted。

 Ian laughed。 “Of course you didn’t。 I’m amazed you can like any of us。”

 “You’ve got that turned around;” I mumbled; and dug my teeth into the hard roll。 I chewed mechanically 

and then swallowed; setting the bread down as I waited to see how it hit my stomach。

 “Not very appetizing; I know;” Ian said。

 I shrugged。 “Just testing—to see if the nausea’s really passed。” 


 I looked at him; curious; but I couldn’t see his face。 I listened to a sharp crackle and a ripping sound… 

and then I could smell; and I understood。

 “Cheetos!” I cried。 “Really? For me?”

 Something touched my lip; and I crunched into the delicacy he offered。

 “I’ve been dreaming about this。” I sighed as I chewed。

 That made him laugh。 He put the bag in my hands。

 I downed the contents of the small bag quickly; and then finished my roll; seasoned by the cheese flavor 

still in my mouth。 He handed me a bottle of water before I could ask。

 “Thank you。 For more than the Cheetos; you know。 For so much。”

 “You’re more than wele; Wanda。”

 I stared into his dark blue eyes; trying to decipher everything he was saying with that sentence—there 
seemed to be something more than just courtesy in the words。 And then I realized that I could see the 
color of Ian’s eyes; I glanced quickly up at the cracks above。 The stars were gone; and the sky was 
turning pale gray。 Dawn was ing。 First light。

 “Are you sure you have to do this?” Ian asked; his hands already half…extended as if to pick me up。

 I nodded。 “You don’t have to carry me。 My leg feels better。”

 “We’ll see。”

 He helped me to my feet; leaving his arm around my waist and pulling my arm around his neck。

 “Careful; now。 How’s that?”

 I hobbled forward a step。 It hurt; but I could do it。 “Great。 Let’s go。”

 I think Ian likes you too much。

 Too much?I was surprised to hear from Melanie; and so distinctly。 Lately; she only spoke up like this 
when Jared was around。

 I’m here; too。 Does he even care about that?

 Of course he does。 He believes us more than anyone besides Jamie and Jeb。

 I don’t mean that。

 Whatdoyou mean?
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