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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第80章

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its open; snarling mouth; Pharaun could see red; blue; and green glitters on its tongue…a dusting of the powdered gems that had triggered the spell。
   A greater dispelling was certainly needed…one that was tightly focused; so it wouldn't negate the binding spell。 Taking a deep breath; Pharaun began his incantation。
   Quenthel must have seen the unease in his eyes; for she drew her whip。 Beside her; Jeggred absently picked at the deck's caulking with a claw; scratching out chunks of black; congealed blood。
   Extending the finger on which he wore his magical signet ring; Pharaun touched the demon between the eyes。 The ring flashed a bright silver as the symbol of Sorcere activated; lending its power to the spell。
   As the dispelling took effect; a shudder ran through the demon's body。 Pharaun jerked his hand back。 Quenthel and Jeggred also tensed; but for several long moments; nothing happened。 The only sounds were the muted splash of water against the dome that still held the elements at bay and the faint; curious hissing of the whip vipers。
   Sighing; Pharaun shook his head。 The dispelling had failed。
   〃Try again;〃 Quenthel ordered。
   〃Repeating the spell won't help;〃 Pharaun told her as he stepped forward to inspect the demon more closely。 〃The mage who froze the demon in time must have been an extremely powerful…〃
   He'd half turned as he answered Quenthel; but out of the corner of his eye he saw the demon blink…and that was what saved him。 With a shriek of centuries of pent…up rage; the demon leaped forward; claws lashing at Pharaun's throat。 Pharaun threw himself backward; but his boots were still stuck to the deck。 He crashed onto his back; banging his head。 Blinking away stars; he managed to focus his eyes just in time to see the demon at the apex of a full…out leap。 Still confused from the blow to his head; Pharaun wondered why he was moving away from the demon; then realized that his fall had jerked his feet our of his boots; he was sliding rapidly down the sloping deck。 In that same instant; the demon jerked to a stop in mid…air; then crashed facefirst into the deck on the spot where Pharaun had just been lying。
   Groggily; Pharaun realized that the chain around its ankle had tripped it。
   He also realized that he was still sliding down the tilting deck。 He slapped sticky hands down onto the boards; jerking himself to a halt just before he hit the edge of his dome of force。 Meanwhile the demon leaped to its feet and fell upon the slender chain that held its ankle; gnashing at it with yellowed teeth。
   Quenthel backed up a pace; her whip held at the ready and an undecided look on her face。 Then she gave a grim chuckle。
   The demon gave up gnawing on the chain to glare at her。
   〃You dare laugh?〃 it said in a voice that squeaked like twisting chains; its tiny red eyes bulging。 〃I will feed you to the maw。〃
   Pharaun sat up; rubbing a tender spot on the back of his head。
   〃That's just what we'd like to talk to you about;〃 he told the demon。 〃The ship's mouth。 Tell us where…〃
   He never got the chance to finish。 Jeggred; hackles raised by the insult to his mistress; chose that moment to leap forward。 Howling with rage; he raked the demon with his fighting hands; tearing deep slashes in its chest and thighs。
   Pharaun sprang to his bare feet…which; thankfully; were still sticky from his earlier spell。
   〃Jeggred; stop!〃 he shouted。 〃That's what it wants!〃
   Already he could see what the demon was doing…it fell back under Jeggred's attack in a move that left its bound leg exposed。 The demon could neither harm nor remove the chain that bound its ankle itself; but if a careless swipe of Jeggred's claws did the job。 。 。 。
   Quenthel; for once; thought quickly。 She lashed out with her whip…not at the demon; which was probably immune to her serpents' poison…but at Jeggred; instead。 Her vipers snapped a hand's breath over his bare back; splattering his mane with their venom。
   〃Jeggred!〃 she shouted。 〃Leave him。〃
   The draegloth glanced back over his shoulder; suddenly aware that his mistress was angry。 Instantly he cowered on the deck; ignoring the raking kick the demon gave him。
   Foiled in its escape bid; the demon hunkered down; whiskers twitching。
   Pharaun clambered up the steeply sloping deck。
   〃Now then; demon;〃 the Master of Sorcere said; 〃to get back to my question about the ship's mouth。 I want to know where it is and what we need to feed it to get this ship going。 You're going to sail us out of this whirlpool and into the Plane of Shadow。〃
   〃And you will free me?〃 the demon asked; its watery eyes blinking。
   〃Yes;〃 Pharaun lied。 〃As soon as we reach the Abyss。〃
   The demon's whiskers twitched。
   〃The mouth is in the belly of the ship;〃 it said。
   〃In the hold?〃 Pharaun asked。
   The demon nodded。
   〃How do we reach it?〃
   〃Use her wand;〃 the demon said; flicking a finger at the forked wand in Quenthel's belt。 〃The hatch is hidden by magic; but the wand will show you its location。〃
   Pharaun's eyes narrowed。 He didn't like the sly smirk in the demon's eye。 A wand of location was easy to recognize by its distinctive forked shape; but it was almost as if the demon wanted Quenthel to use it。 Was there some additional property of the wand that Pharaun had missed…something the demon hoped to turn to its advantage?
   〃Just a moment; Quenthel;〃 Pharaun told her。 〃We'll use my wand; instead。〃
   Reaching into the slender case that hung from his belt; he drew one of his four wands and waved it in a slow pass in front of him; level with the deck of the ship。 A hatch that had been previously hidden by magic suddenly became visible; its edges limned with a faint purple glow。 The ring…latch that would open it was recessed into the hatch itself; flush with the deck。 Nodding; Pharaun tucked the wand back inside his case。
   Quenthel chuckled and reached for the latch; then paused as her whip vipers hissed a warning。 She glanced at Pharaun; parted her lips as if to speak; then decided against whatever order she'd been about to give。
   Instead she turned to Jeggred and manded; 〃Open it。〃
   Obediently; the draegloth bent forward。
   〃Jeggred; wait;〃 Pharaun barked。
   He had no love for the draegloth; but Pharaun was still suspicious of the demon's motives。 Waving Jeggred back; the wizard motioned for the demon to open the hatch; instead。 It was just within the demon's reach。 By straining; the uridezu was able to hook its fingers into the latch。
   Be ready; Pharaun signed to the others behind the demon's back; reaching for a different wand。 Somethings going to e out。
   He was right。 As soon as the demon yanked open the hatch; a wave of rats scurried out; tittering and squeaking。 And no ordinary rats but gaunt; half…rotted caricatures of life…a swarm of tiny undead。
   With a speed born of long practice; Pharaun fired his wand。 A lightning bolt exploded from it and careered along the deck; turning nearly a dozen of the creatures instantly to charred flesh and blackened bone。
   Quenthel and Jeggred were equally quick to rea
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