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war of the spider queen 4 extinction-第16章

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   〃Matron Mother; I 。。。 My riders saw nothing on the outer wall;〃 he stammered。
   Triel noted the shift of words with amusement。 A magic earring told her the lieutenant was speaking the truth…as he believed it to be。 She could hear none of the echoing quaver that acpanied a lie。
   She toyed with the handle of the whip of fangs that hung from her belt; twin to the one carried by her sister Quenthel。 The vipers hissed softly in anticipation; sensing her desire。 The lieutenant deserved punishment…and would receive it; in due time。
   Her hand fell away from the whip。
   〃Go and fetch your lizard;〃 she said。
   The lieutenant hesitated a moment too long; a mix of relief and puzzlement on his face。 Then; suddenly remembering his place; he bowed deeply and backed from the room。
   The captive smirked; obviously pleased with the concern his intrusion had caused。
   Not liking the look in his eye; Triel drew a wand of braided iron that hung beside her whip。 The tip of the wand was set with a tiny white feather; which she pointed at the captive as she spoke a mand word; No visible force came from the wand; but the effect was instantaneous。 The captive screamed…a sound of acute terror that filled the audience chamber…and drew his legs up to his chest。 Had his hands been free; he would no doubt have wrapped them around his legs。 He rocked back and forth; whimpering。 When Maignith nudged him with the toe of her boot he screamed anew and rolled away; leaving a stain of pungent urine among the blood spatters on the floor。
   Triel sighed; hoping she wasn't wasting her time。 There were so many other matters in need of her attention。 On the outskirts of Menzoberranzan; an army of duergar; tanarukks and other; lesser races were preparing to assault the city proper。 Triel should have been in her war room; municating with the officers who would hold the invaders at bay; but there had been an assassination attempt on her…not nearly the first; of course…and she needed to know who was behind it。
   Had one of her sisters decided that she could do a better job as matron mother? Did Triel need to strengthen her defenses from within? Or had the assassin been sent by one of the other noble Houses? House Barrison Del'Armgo; perhaps? That seemed unlikely; since the second…ranking House was just as badly off as House Baenre just then。 After the disastrous battle at the Pillars of Woe; Mez'Barris Armgo had e straggling back with what remained of her forces…and the sorry tale of how her troops had been driven up a side tunnel and lost one…quarter of their forces and all of their wagon trains。
   As she waited for the lieutenant to return with his lizard; Triel walked to the thronelike chair that had once been her mother's。 Shaped like an enormous spider and forged from solid adamantine; it balanced on eight curved legs。 The chair had been imbued with powerful spells; not the least of which was a magical symbol that would instantly turn any attack directed at the matron mother back upon whomever had been foolish enough to initiate it。 The chair was a symbol of Lolth; but even though the goddess had fallen disturbingly silent; its magic still functioned; since it was powered by wizardry。
   As Triel settled cross…legged onto the chair…her two personal guards shifting to stay on either side of her…she thought of Gromph; and wondered; once again; where the city's archmage had disappeared to。
   The door to the audience chamber opened; and the musty smell of lizard wafted into the audience room。 The lieutenant walked in; leading his mount by the reins。 The lizard squeezed in through the door; the sticky pads on its feet making faint sucking noises as they were lifted from the stone floor。 With a body twice as long as a drow…three times as long; if the lashing tail was counted…it was a formidable sight。 Its leathery skin glowed with a sparkling blue luminescence that faintly illuminated the otherwise dark room。
   As it scuttled past the captive; tongue flickering in and out; it twitched its head to the side; inhaling the man's scent。 The assassin; still feeling the effects of Triel's wand; whimpered and cringed away from it。
   Triel drummed her fingers on the cold metal of the throne。
   〃So;〃 she said; making her observations aloud。 〃The assassin couldn't have climbed the outside of the stalagmite。 If he had; the lizards would have picked up his spoor。〃
   The lieutenant closed his eyes in relief。
   〃Which begs the question;〃 Triel continued。 〃How did he get in?〃
   Beside the lieutenant; the lizard's tongue continued to flicker in and out; licking at the blood smeared across the floor。 Its round; black eyes stared; unblinking; at the captive。
   Triel smiled。
   〃Your mount appears hungry; Lieutenant;〃 she observed。 〃Why don't you slip the muzzle and let it feed…on a non…essential part; of course。〃
   Grinning; the lieutenant did as he was ordered。
   The lizard twitched its tail in anticipation; its luminescent skin darkening momentarily to a。 deeper blue; but it waited tor its master's hand signal before it sprang forward。 Teeth cracked through bone with a loud crunch; severing the assassin's bound legs at the ankles。 The assassin screamed once as his feet disappeared down the lizard's throat; then he fainted。
   Grabbing the lizard's reins; the lieutenant pulled it back。
   Triel looked dispassionately at the blood that was pumping onto the floor。
   〃Staunch those wounds;〃 she ordered。
   Obediently; Maignith stepped forward and tapped each of the assassin's severed ankles with the head of her mace。 The magic possessed by the weapon caused the head to flare brightly; cauterizing the wounds。 When they stopped sizzling; Maignith grabbed what remained of the assassins hair and bent his head back。 She slapped him awake。
   The assassin's one functional eyelid fluttered; then opened。 His burned face; once a throbbing red; had gone gray。
   〃Do you want to live?〃 Triel asked。
   The assassin seemed to have recovered; at last; from the effects of the wand。
   〃You're going to kill me; no matter what;〃 he croaked。
   〃Not necessarily;〃 Triel answered; 〃You obviously have some talent; to get as close to my quarters as you did。 Perhaps I'll recruit you for my House。〃
   〃With no feet?〃
   〃We have regenerative magic;〃 Triel answered。
   〃Not any more;〃 the assassin said; wincing as he tried to smile。 〃Lolth is dead。〃
   Triel shot to her feet; yanking out her whip; and shrieked; 〃Blasphemer!〃
   For a heartbeat or two; the vipers in the whip lashed; hissing their fury。 How dare this male speak to her like that? She; who had been first in Lolth's favor and who was Matron Mother of House Baenre。 A distant corner of her mind recognized that fear was driving her fury。 The lack of a report from Quenthel was filling her with worry; increasing as each cycle passed。 But if Lolth awoke from her silence and learned that Triel had not punished the male for his insolence。 。 。 。
   Then Triel realized she was being goaded。 The assassin was trying to draw her closer to him。 She couldn't see what attack he could possibly mount; wou
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