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还乡The Return Of The Native-第77章

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l fortable with them。  She came down the hill to the gate; and looked into the hot garden。 
There lay the cat asleep on the bare gravel of the path; as if beds; rugs; and carpets were unendurable。  The leaves of the hollyhocks hung like half…closed umbrellas; the sap almost simmered in the stems; and foliage with a smooth surface glared like metallic mirrors。  A small apple tree; of the sort called Ratheripe; grew just inside the gate; the only one which throve in the garden; by reason of the lightness of the soil; and among the fallen apples on the ground beneath were wasps rolling drunk with the juice; or creeping about the little caves in each fruit which they had eaten out before stupefied by its sweetness。  By the door lay Clym’s furze…hook and the last handful of faggot…bonds she had seen him gather; they had plainly been thrown down there as he entered the house。 

6 … A Conjuncture; and Its Result upon the Pedestrian

Wildeve; as has been stated; was determined to visit Eustacia boldly; by day; and on the easy terms of a relation; since the reddleman had spied out and spoilt his walks to her by night。  The spell that she had thrown over him in the moonlight dance made it impossible for a man having no strong puritanic force within him to keep away altogether。  He merely calculated on meeting her and her husband in an ordinary manner; chatting a little while; and leaving again。  Every outward sign was to be conventional; but the one great fact would be there to satisfy him—he would see her。  He did not even desire Clym’s absence; since it was just possible that Eustacia might resent any situation which could promise her dignity as a wife; whatever the state of her heart towards him。  Women were often so。 
He went accordingly; and it happened that the time of his arrival coincided with that of Mrs。 Yeobright’s pause on the hill near the house。  When he had looked round the premises in the manner she had noticed he went and knocked at the door。  There was a few minutes’ interval; and then the key turned in the lock; the door opened; and Eustacia herself confronted him。 
Nobody could have imagined from her bearing now that here stood the woman who had joined with him in the impassioned dance of the week before; unless indeed he could have penetrated below the surface and gauged the real depth of that still stream。 
“I hope you reached home safely?” said Wildeve。 
“O yes;” she carelessly returned。 
“And were you not tired the next day?  I feared you might be。”
“I was rather。  You need not speak low—nobody will over…hear us。  My small servant is gone on an errand to the village。”
“Then Clym is not at home?”
“Yes; he is。”
“O! I thought that perhaps you had locked the door because you were alone and were afraid of tramps。”
“No—here is my husband。”
They had been standing in the entry。  Closing the front door and turning the key; as before; she threw open the door of the adjoining room and asked him to walk in。  Wildeve entered; the room appearing to be empty; but as soon as he had advanced a few steps he started。  On the hearthrug lay Clym asleep。  Beside him were the leggings; thick boots; leather gloves; and sleeve…waistcoat in which he worked。
“You may go in; you will not disturb him;” she said; following behind。  “My reason for fastening the door is that he may not be intruded upon by any chance er while lying here; if I should be in the garden or upstairs。”
“Why is he sleeping there?” said Wildeve in low tones。
“He is very weary。  He went out at half…past four this morning; and has been working ever since。  He cuts furze because it is the only thing he can do that does not put any strain upon his poor eyes。”  The contrast between the sleeper’s appearance and Wildeve’s at this moment was painfully apparent to Eustacia; Wildeve being elegantly dressed in a new summer suit and light hat; and she continued: “Ah! you don’t know how differently he appeared when I first met him; though it is such a little while ago。  His hands were as white and soft as mine; and look at them now; how rough and brown they are!  His plexion is by nature fair; and that rusty look he has now; all of a colour with his leather clothes; is caused by the burning of the sun。”
“Why does he go out at all!” Wildeve whispered。 
“Because he hates to be idle; though what he earns doesn’t add much to our exchequer。  However; he says that when people are living upon their capital they must keep down current expenses by turning a penny where they can。”
“The fates have not been kind to you; Eustacia Yeobright。”
“I have nothing to thank them for。”
“Nor has he—except for their one great gift to him。”
“What’s that?”
Wildeve looked her in the eyes。 
Eustacia blushed for the first time that day。 
“Well; I am a questionable gift;” she said quietly。  “I thought you meant the gift of content—which he has; and I have not。”
“I can understand content in such a case—though how the outward situation can attract him puzzles me。”
“That’s because you don’t know him。  He’s an enthusiast about ideas; and careless about outward things。  He often reminds me of the Apostle Paul。”
“I am glad to hear that he’s so grand in character as that。”
“Yes; but the worst of it is that though Paul was excellent as a man in the Bible he would hardly have done in real life。”
Their voices had instinctively dropped lower; though at first they had taken no particular care to avoid awakening Clym。  “Well; if that means that your marriage is a misfortune to you; you know who is to blame;” said Wildeve。 
“The marriage is no misfortune in itself;” she retorted with some little petulance。  “It is simply the accident which has happened since that has been the cause of my ruin。  I have certainly got thistles for figs in a worldly sense; but how could I tell what time would bring forth?”
“Sometimes; Eustacia; I think it is a judgment upon you。  You rightly belonged to me; you know; and I had no idea of losing you。”
“No; it was not my fault! Two could not belong to you; and remember that; before I was aware; you turned aside to another woman。  It was cruel levity in you to do that。  I never dreamt of playing such a game on my side till you began it on yours。”
“I meant nothing by it;” replied Wildeve。  “It was a mere interlude。  Men are given to the trick of having a passing fancy for somebody else in the midst of a permanent love; which reasserts itself afterwards just as before。  On account of your rebellious manner to me I was tempted to go further than I should have done; and when you still would keep playing the same tantalizing part I went further still; and married her。”  Turning and looking again at the unconscious form of Clym; he murmured; “I am afraid that you don’t value your prize; Clym。。。。He ought to be happier than I in one thing at least。  He may know what it is to e down in the world; and to be afflicted with a great personal calamity; but he probably doesn’t know what it is to lose the woman he loved。”
“He is not ungrateful for winning her;” whispered Eustacia; “and in that respect he is a good man。  Many women would go far for such a husband。  But do I desire unreasona
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