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还乡The Return Of The Native-第47章

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 not wish to go there; but it was the only feasible opening。  Thence he went to London; and thence; shortly after; to Paris; where he had remained till now。 
Something being expected of him; he had not been at home many days before a great curiosity as to why he stayed on so long began to arise in the heath。  The natural term of a holiday had passed; yet he still remained。  On the Sunday morning following the week of Thomasin’s marriage a discussion on this subject was in progress at a hair…cutting before Fairway’s house。  Here the local barbering was always done at this hour on this day; to be followed by the great Sunday wash of the inhabitants at noon; which in its turn was followed by the great Sunday dressing an hour later。  On Egdon Heath Sunday proper did not begin till dinner…time; and even then it was a somewhat battered specimen of the day。 
These Sunday…morning hair…cuttings were performed by Fairway; the victim sitting on a chopping…block in front of the house; without a coat; and the neighbours gossiping around; idly observing the locks of hair as they rose upon the wind after the snip; and flew away out of sight to the four quarters of the heavens。  Summer and winter the scene was the same; unless the wind were more than usually blusterous; when the stool was shifted a few feet round the corner。  To plain of cold in sitting out of doors; hatless and coatless; while Fairway told true stories between the cuts of the scissors; would have been to pronounce yourself no man at once。  To flinch; exclaim; or move a muscle of the face at the small stabs under the ear received from those instruments; or at scarifications of the neck by the b; would have been thought a gross breach of good manners; considering that Fairway did it all for nothing。  A bleeding about the poll on Sunday afternoons was amply accounted for by the explanation。  “I have had my hair cut; you know。”
The conversation on Yeobright had been started by a distant view of the young man rambling leisurely across the heath before them。 
“A man who is doing well elsewhere wouldn’t bide here two or three weeks for nothing;” said Fairway。  “He’s got some project in ‘s head—depend upon that。”
“Well; ‘a can’t keep a diment shop here;” said Sam。 
“I don’t see why he should have had them two heavy boxes home if he had not been going to bide; and what there is for him to do here the Lord in heaven knows。”
Before many more surmises could be indulged in Yeobright had e near; and seeing the hair…cutting group he turned aside to join them。  Marching up; and looking critically at their faces for a moment; he said; without introduction; “Now; folks; let me guess what you have been talking about。”
“Ay; sure; if you will;” said Sam。 
“About me。”
“Now; it is a thing I shouldn’t have dreamed of doing; otherwise;” said Fairway in a tone of integrity; “but since you have named it; Master Yeobright; I’ll own that we was talking about ‘ee。 We were wondering what could keep you home here mollyhorning about when you have made such a world…wide name for yourself in the nick…nack trade—now; that’s the truth o’t。”
“I’ll tell you;” said Yeobright。  with unexpected earnestness。  “I am not sorry to have the opportunity。  I’ve e home because; all things considered; I can be a trifle less useless here than anywhere else。  But I have only lately found this out。  When I first got away from home I thought this place was not worth troubling about。  I thought our life here was contemptible。  To oil your boots instead of blacking them; to dust your coat with a switch instead of a brush—was there ever anything more ridiculous?  I said。”
“So ‘tis; so ‘tis!”
“No; no—you are wrong; it isn’t。”
“Beg your pardon; we thought that was your maning?”
“Well; as my views changed my course became very depressing。  I found that I was trying to be like people who had hardly anything in mon with myself。  I was endeavouring to put off one sort of life for another sort of life; which was not better than the life I had known before。  It was simply different。”
“True; a sight different;” said Fairway。
“Yes; Paris must be a taking place;” said Humphrey。 
“Grand shop…winders; trumpets; and drums; and here be we
out of doors in all winds and weathers—“
“But you mistake me;” pleaded Clym。  “All this was very depressing。  But not so depressing as something I next perceived—that my business was the idlest; vainest; most effeminate business that ever a man could be put to。  That decided me—I would give it up and try to follow some rational occupation among the people I knew best; and to whom I could be of most use。  I have e home; and this is how I mean to carry out my plan。  I shall keep a school as near to Egdon as possible; so as to be able to walk over here and have a night…school in my mother’s house。  But I must study a little at first; to get properly qualified。  Now; neighbours; I must go。”
And Clym resumed his walk across the heath。 
“He’ll never carry it out in the world;” said Fairway。
“In a few weeks he’ll learn to see things otherwise。”
“’Tis good…hearted of the young man;” said another。 
“But; for my part; I think he had better mind his business。”

2 … The New Course Causes Disappointment

Yeobright loved his kind。  He had a conviction that the want of most men was knowledge of a sort which brings wisdom rather than affluence。  He wished to raise the class at the expense of individuals rather than individuals at the expense of the class。  What was more; he was ready at once to be the first unit sacrificed。
In passing from the bucolic to the intellectual life the intermediate stages are usually two at least; frequently many more; and one of those stages is almost sure to be worldly advanced。  We can hardly imagine bucolic placidity quickening to intellectual aims without imagining social aims as the transitional phase。  Yeobright’s local peculiarity was that in striving at high thinking he still cleaved to plain living—nay; wild and meagre living in many respects; and brotherliness with clowns。 
He was a John the Baptist who took ennoblement rather than repentance for his text。  Mentally he was in a provincial future; that is; he was in many points abreast with the central town thinkers of his date。  Much of this development he may have owed to his studious life in Paris; where he had bee acquainted with ethical systems popular at the time。 
In consequence of this relatively advanced position; Yeobright might have been called unfortunate。  The rural world was not ripe for him。  A man should be only partially before his time—to be pletely to the vanward in aspirations is fatal to fame。  Had Philip’s warlike son been intellectually so far ahead as to have attempted civilization without bloodshed; he would have been twice the godlike hero that he seemed; but nobody would have heard of an Alexander。 
In the interests of renown the forwardness should lie chiefly in the capacity to handle things。  Successful propagandists have succeeded because the doctrine they bring into form is that which their listeners have for some time felt without being able to shape。  A man who advocates aesthetic effort and de
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