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o be in direct munication with regions unknown to man。 Here in front of him was a wild mallard—just arrived from the home of the north wind。 The creature brought within him an amplitude of Northern knowledge。 Glacial catastrophes; snowstorm episodes; glittering auroral effects; Polaris in the zenith; Franklin underfoot—the category of his monplaces was wonderful。 But the bird; like many other philosophers; seemed as he looked at the reddleman to think that a present moment of fortable reality was worth a decade of memories。
Venn passed on through these towards the house of the isolated beauty who lived up among them and despised them。 The day was Sunday; but as going to church; except to be married or buried; was exceptional at Egdon; this made little difference。 He had determined upon the bold stroke of asking for an interview with Miss Vye—to attack her position as Thomasin’s rival either by art or by storm; showing therein; somewhat too conspicuously; the want of gallantry characteristic of a certain astute sort of men; from clowns to kings。 The great Frederick making war on the beautiful Archduchess; Napoleon refusing terms to the beautiful Queen of Prussia; were not more dead to difference of sex than the reddleman was; in his peculiar way; in planning the displacement of Eustacia。
To call at the captain’s cottage was always more or less an undertaking for the inferior inhabitants。 Though occasionally chatty; his moods were erratic; and nobody could be certain how he would behave at any particular moment。 Eustacia was reserved; and lived very much to herself。 Except the daughter of one of the cotters; who was their servant; and a lad who worked in the garden and stable; scarcely anyone but themselves ever entered the house。 They were the only genteel people of the district except the Yeobrights; and though far from rich; they did not feel that necessity for preserving a friendly face towards every man; bird; and beast which influenced their poorer neighbours。
When the reddleman entered the garden the old man was looking through his glass at the stain of blue sea in the distant landscape; the little anchors on his buttons twinkling in the sun。 He recognized Venn as his panion on the highway; but made no remark on that circumstance; merely saying; “Ah; reddleman—you here? Have a glass of grog?”
Venn declined; on the plea of it being too early; and stated that his business was with Miss Vye。 The captain surveyed him from cap to waistcoat and from waistcoat to leggings for a few moments; and finally asked him to go indoors。
Miss Vye was not to be seen by anybody just then; and the reddleman waited in the window…bench of the kitchen; his hands hanging across his divergent knees; and his cap hanging from his hands。
“I suppose the young lady is not up yet?” he presently said to the servant。
“Not quite yet。 Folks never call upon ladies at this time of day。”
“Then I’ll step outside;” said Venn。 “If she is willing to see me; will she please send out word; and I’ll e in。”
The reddleman left the house and loitered on the hill adjoining。 A considerable time elapsed; and no request for his presence was brought。 He was beginning to think that his scheme had failed; when he beheld the form of Eustacia herself ing leisurely towards him。 A sense of novelty in giving audience to that singular figure had been sufficient to draw her forth。
She seemed to feel; after a bare look at Diggory Venn; that the man had e on a strange errand; and that he was not so mean as she had thought him; for her close approach did not cause him to writhe uneasily; or shift his feet; or show any of those little signs which escape an ingenuous rustic at the advent of the unmon in womankind。 On his inquiring if he might have a conversation with her she replied; “Yes; walk beside me;” and continued to move on。
Before they had gone far it occurred to the perspicacious reddleman that he would have acted more wisely by appearing less unimpressionable; and he resolved to correct the error as soon as he could find opportunity。
“I have made so bold; miss; as to step across and tell you some strange news which has e to my ears about that man。”
“Ah! what man?”
He jerked his elbow to the southeast—the direction of the Quiet Woman。
Eustacia turned quickly to him。 “Do you mean Mr。 Wildeve?”
“Yes; there is trouble in a household on account of him; and I have e to let you know of it; because I believe you might have power to drive it away。”
“I? What is the trouble?”
“It is quite a secret。 It is that he may refuse to marry Thomasin Yeobright after all。”
Eustacia; though set inwardly pulsing by his words; was equal to her part in such a drama as this。 She replied coldly; “I do not wish to listen to this; and you must not expect me to interfere。”
“But; miss; you will hear one word?”
“I cannot。 I am not interested in the marriage; and even if I were I could not pel Mr。 Wildeve to do my bidding。”
“As the only lady on the heath I think you might;” said Venn with subtle indirectness。 “This is how the case stands。 Mr。 Wildeve would marry Thomasin at once; and make all matters smooth; if so be there were not another woman in the case。 This other woman is some person he has picked up with; and meets on the heath occasionally; I believe。 He will never marry her; and yet through her he may never marry the woman who loves him dearly。 Now; if you; miss; who have so much sway over us menfolk; were to insist that he should treat your young neighbour Tamsin with honourable kindness and give up the other woman; he would perhaps do it; and save her a good deal of misery。”
“Ah; my life!” said Eustacia; with a laugh which unclosed her lips so that the sun shone into her mouth as into a tulip; and lent it a similar scarlet fire。 “You think too much of my influence over menfolk indeed; reddleman。 If I had such a power as you imagine I would go straight and use it for the good of anybody who has been kind to me—which Thomasin Yeobright has not particularly; to my knowledge。”
“Can it be that you really don’t know of it—how much she had always thought of you?”
“I have never heard a word of it。 Although we live only two miles apart I have never been inside her aunt’s house in my life。”
The superciliousness that lurked in her manner told Venn that thus far he had utterly failed。 He inwardly sighed and felt it necessary to unmask his second argument。
“Well; leaving that out of the question; ‘tis in your power; I assure you; Miss Vye; to do a great deal of good to another woman。”
She shook her head。
“Your eliness is law with Mr。 Wildeve。 It is law with all men who see ‘ee。 They say; ‘This well…favoured lady ing—what’s her name? How handsome!’ Handsomer than Thomasin Yeobright;” the reddleman persisted; saying to himself; “God forgive a rascal for lying!” And she was handsomer; but the reddleman was far from thinking so。 There was a certain obscurity in Eustacia’s beauty; and Venn’s eye was not trained。 In her winter dress; as now; she was like the tiger…beetle; which; when observed in dull situations; seems to be of the quietest neutral colour; but under a full illuminati