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还乡The Return Of The Native-第20章

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extinction; was better than a lantern glimmer of the same which should last long years。  On this head she knew by prevision what most women learn only by experience—she had mentally walked round love; told the towers thereof; considered its palaces; and concluded that love was but a doleful joy。  Yet she desired it; as one in a desert would be thankful for brackish water。
She often repeated her prayers; not at particular times; but; like the unaffectedly devout; when she desired to pray。  Her prayer was always spontaneous; and often ran thus; “O deliver my heart from this fearful gloom and loneliness; send me great love from somewhere; else I shall die。”
Her high gods were William the Conqueror; Strafford; and Napoleon Buonaparte; as they had appeared in the Lady’s History used at the establishment in which she was educated。  Had she been a mother she would have christened her boys such names as Saul or Sisera in preference to Jacob or David; neither of whom she admired。  At school she had used to side with the Philistines in several battles; and had wondered if Pontius Pilate were as handsome as he was frank and fair。 
Thus she was a girl of some forwardness of mind; indeed; weighed in relation to her situation among the very rearward of thinkers; very original。  Her instincts towards social non…formity were at the root of this。  In the matter of holidays; her mood was that of horses who; when turned out to grass; enjoy looking upon their kind at work on the highway。  She only valued rest to herself when it came in the midst of other people’s labour。  Hence she hated Sundays when all was at rest; and often said they would be the death of her。  To see the heathmen in their Sunday condition; that is; with their hands in their pockets; their boots newly oiled; and not laced up (a particularly Sunday sign); walking leisurely among the turves and furze…faggots they had cut during the week; and kicking them critically as if their use were unknown; was a fearful heaviness to her。  To relieve the tedium of this untimely day she would overhaul the cupboards containing her grandfather’s old charts and other rubbish; humming Saturday…night ballads of the country people the while。  But on Saturday nights she would frequently sing a psalm; and it was always on a weekday that she read the Bible; that she might be unoppressed with a sense of doing her duty。 
Such views of life were to some extent the natural begettings of her situation upon her nature。  To dwell on a heath without studying its meanings was like wedding a foreigner without learning his tongue。  The subtle beauties of the heath were lost to Eustacia; she only caught its vapours。  An environment which would have made a contented woman a poet; a suffering woman a devotee; a pious woman a psalmist; even a giddy woman thoughtful; made a rebellious woman saturnine。 
Eustacia had got beyond the vision of some marriage of inexpressible glory; yet; though her emotions were in full vigour; she cared for no meaner union。  Thus we see her in a strange state of isolation。  To have lost the godlike conceit that we may do what we will; and not to have acquired a homely zest for doing what we can; shows a grandeur of temper which cannot be objected to in the abstract; for it denotes a mind that; though disappointed; forswears promise。  But; if congenial to philosophy; it is apt to be dangerous to the monwealth。  In a world where doing means marrying; and the monwealth is one of hearts and hands; the same peril attends the condition。 
And so we see our Eustacia—for at times she was not altogether unlovable—arriving at that stage of enlightenment which feels that nothing is worth while; and filling up the spare hours of her existence by idealizing Wildeve for want of a better object。  This was the sole reason of his ascendency: she knew it herself。  At moments her pride rebelled against her passion for him; and she even had longed to be free。  But there was only one circumstance which could dislodge him; and that was the advent of a greater man。 
For the rest; she suffered much from depression of spirits; and took slow walks to recover them; in which she carried her grandfather’s telescope and her grandmother’s hourglass—the latter because of a peculiar pleasure she derived from watching a material representation of time’s gradual glide away。  She seldom schemed; but when she did scheme; her plans showed rather the prehensive strategy of a general than the small arts called womanish; though she could utter oracles of Delphian ambiguity when she did not choose to be direct。  In heaven she will probably sit between the Heloises and the Cleopatras。

8 … Those Who Are Found Where There Is Said to Be Nobody

As soon as the sad little boy had withdrawn from the fire he clasped the money tight in the palm of his hand; as if thereby to fortify his courage; and began to run。  There was really little danger in allowing a child to go home alone on this part of Egdon Heath。  The distance to the boy’s house was not more than three…eighths of a mile; his father’s cottage; and one other a few yards further on; forming part of the small hamlet of Mistover Knap: the third and only remaining house was that of Captain Vye and Eustacia; which stood quite away from the small cottages。  and was the loneliest of lonely houses on these thinly populated slopes。 
He ran until he was out of breath; and then; being more courageous; walked leisurely along; singing in an old voice a little song about a sailor…boy and a fair one; and bright gold in store。  In the middle of this the child stopped—from a pit under the hill ahead of him shone a light; whence proceeded a cloud of floating dust and a smacking noise。 
Only unusual sights and sounds frightened the boy。  The shrivelled voice of the heath did not alarm him; for that was familiar。  The thornbushes which arose in his path from time to time were less satisfactory; for they whistled gloomily; and had a ghastly habit after dark of putting on the shapes of jumping madmen; sprawling giants; and hideous cripples。  Lights were not unmon this evening; but the nature of all of them was different from this。  Discretion rather than terror prompted the boy to turn back instead of passing the light; with a view of asking Miss Eustacia Vye to let her servant acpany him home。 
When the boy had reascended to the top of the valley he found the fire to be still burning on the bank; though lower than before。  Beside it; instead of Eustacia’s solitary form; he saw two persons; the second being a man。  The boy crept along under the bank to ascertain from the nature of the proceedings if it would be prudent to interrupt so splendid a creature as Miss Eustacia on his poor trivial account。 
After listening under the bank for some minutes to the talk he turned in a perplexed and doubting manner and began to withdraw as silently as he had e。  That he did not; upon the whole; think it advisable to interrupt her conversation with Wildeve; without being prepared to bear the whole weight of her displeasure; was obvious。
Here was a Scyllaeo…Charybdean position for a poor boy。  Pausing when again safe from discovery; he finally decided to face the pit phenomenon as t
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