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war of the spider queen 3 condemnation-第16章

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 her face。
   〃Sil'zet; Vadalma;〃 she hissed。 〃We are not alone。〃
   The two girls halted at once; still stretched out on the cold stone floor。 They glanced about warily。 Ghenni stood carefully; reaching for a wand at her belt。
   〃Who are you?〃 she demanded。 〃Who dares intrude on our devotions?〃
   Nimor made no answer but glided closer。 The matron mother didn't see him; he was certain of that; but just as he drew within sword reach; he felt a presence coalesce in the room。 An unseen demonic force took shape in the air near the top of the dome。
   〃Beware; Matron;〃 a cold voice hissed。 〃An assassin approaches you unseen。〃
   To her credit; the Matron Mother of House Faen Tlabbar did not quail。 As her daughters scrambled to their feet; Ghenni took two steps back and quickly gestured with her wand; snapping out a word of mand。 A sphere of roiling blackness hurled forth from the wand and burst behind Nimor in an inky blot of frigid shadows that lashed out like living things hungry for prey。 The assassin ignored the spell; as he was already leaping forward。 With a precise thrust; he ran the Faen Tlabbar through with his rapier。 The blade was as black as night; a long stiletto of intangible shadowstuff that simply glided through the matron mother's mail shirt as if the armor wasn't even there。 Its effect on the priestess was as lethal as one might expect。 He twisted the blade in her heart and grinned; though she still could not see him。
   〃Greetings; Matron Mother;〃 he hissed aloud。 〃Perhaps you will find the answers you were seeking when you reach Lolth's black hells。〃
   Ghenni gasped once and coughed blood。 She staggered back; clutching at the blade in her heart; and her eyes rolled up in her head and she toppled to the floor。 Nimor withdrew his rapier and whirled on the daughter on the left; Sil'zet; while the demon took shape over Ghenni's body。 It was a skeletal creature wrapped in green flames; armed with a black…glowing scimitar of pale bone。
   The demon evidently could see him perfectly; for it set on Nimor at once。 It aimed a ferocious cut at his head; which he simply ducked; but the creature reversed its blade with surprising speed and backhanded a second cut waist high。 Nimor scowled and skipped back; momentarily thwarted。 Behind the demon; he saw Sil'zet unrolling a scroll to read; while Vadalma held her ground; stooping to retrieve her mother's wand while guarding herself with a dagger。
   〃You will not escape this room with your life; assassin;〃 Vadalma cried。 〃Guards! To me!〃
   Nimor heard the guards outside fumbling at the chapel door。 He ducked and darted; keeping away from the bone demon; but unwilling to engage it。 Slaying a guardian demon was pointless; after all。 He had only a few moments more; and he wanted to make the most of them。 The assassin took one quick step and rolled beneath the demon's guard; ing up beside Sil'zet as she declaimed the words of her scroll。 He rammed his dagger into the small of her back while parrying the bone demon's scimitar with his own black rapier。 Sil'zet shrieked in agony and wrenched away; but Nimor tripped her expertly。 She sprawled to the ground and writhed。 Nimor followed her and sank the point of his rapier into the notch of her collarbone。
   This time; the demon made him pay for ignoring it。 Screeching in rage; it flailed at him with its bone sword; cutting a long; burning gash across his shoulder blade as he tried to spin out of the way。 Nimor gritted his teeth against the pain and rolled away before the creature could cut him in two。
   Vadalma barked out the mand word for her mother's wand and blasted blindly with the shadow sphere in Nimor's direction; flaying the assassin's flesh with ebon tendrils as cold and as sharp as razors。
   The door guards burst in with blades bared; their faces cold and expressionless。 They closed with uncanny swiftness; sword points weaving as they groped closer to Nimor; following him with quick jerks of their heads as if the scuffle of his boots and panting of his breath betrayed him。
   I've done what I came for; Nimor decided。
   Ghenni was dead; and Sil'zet clearly dying。 Her heels drummed on the marble floor as she drowned in her own blood。 He would have liked to have killed Vadalma as well; but the demon and the door guards…whatever they actually were…simply plicated matters beyond practical resolution。
   With a grimace of resignation; Nimor backed off several steps and blinked away with the power of his ring; emerging an instant later near the balcony where he had first entered the castle。 The forbidding kept him from escaping in a single dimensional leap; but the assassin simply seized the body of the Tlabbar wizard he'd left by the door and darted outside again。 The cut across his shoulders burned abominably; and his legs ached where the icy tendrils of the sphere had lashed him; but Nimor drew in a deep breath and allowed himself a feral grin of triumph。
   〃Fortunate fellows;〃 he said to the dead males at his feet。 〃When the Tlabbars determine that you guarded the door through which I came; you will be glad that you are dead。〃
   The bodies made no response; of course。 They never did。
   He glanced out at the faerielight glimmering over the battlements of the castle; listening to the alarms and cries of dismay rising from within。 He would have liked to savor the sounds for a long time; but pursuit could not be far behind。 With a sigh; he clenched his fist around his black ring and willed himself away。
   Halisstra and Ryld played two games; using a small traveling board the weapons master kept in a pouch at his belt。 Ryld Argith won both games; though Halisstra pressed him hard in both。 She'd always had a knack for sava; though she could tell early on that she was playing a master。 Long; silent hours passed in the darkness; with no sign that the lamias had discovered their hiding place。
   I can't believe they haven't followed us; Halisstra remarked at the end of the second game。
   We slew many of their favorite thralls; I guess。 The lamias were careless of the lives of their slaves; and perhaps do not have enough left to do a proper job of searching the city for us。 Ryld smiled coldly。 For that matter; we slew a few lamias; too。 Perhaps they're not very anxious to find us。
   As long as they leave us be; Halisstra replied。
   With the sava game no longer holding her interest; she realized that she was dreadfully hungry。 They'd eaten a thin breakfast before sunrise from the few supplies they'd brought from Ched Nasad; but Halisstra was certain that the day was drawing down。 Drow could stand privation better than most; but hard bat followed by hours of vigilance had left her physically exhausted。
   I'm starving; she flashed at Ryld。 Things seem quiet。 I'm going to slip back to the camp and break out some stores。 Stay alert。
   The weapons master nodded; and whispered; 〃Hurry back。〃
   Halisstra rose and wrapped her piwafwi close around her。 The hall was still and dark; as it had been for hours。 She stole quietly back to the chamber where the others waited for Pharaun to ready his spells; using all the stea
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