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the days of my life-第69章

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f the Pall Mall Gazette。 I should say; however; that of late years Mr。 Stead has quite changed his attitude towards me and has indeed bee very plimentary; both with reference to my literary and to my public work。 For my part; too; I have long ago forgiven his onslaughts; as I can honestly say I have forgiven everybody else for every harm that they have done; or tried to do me。
To go back to “Jess。” Being somewhat piqued by the frequent descriptions of myself as “a mere writer of romances and boys’ books;” I determined to try my hand at another novel (if one es to think of it “Dawn” and “The Witch’s Head” were novels; but these had been obliterated by “King Solomon’s Mines”)。 So after I had finished “Allan Quatermain” I set to as I have already described; and wrote “Jess。”
It is a gloomy story and painful to an Englishman; so gloomy and painful that Lang could scarcely read it; having a nature susceptible as a sensitive plant。 I feel this myself; for except when I went through it some fifteen years ago to correct it for a new illustrated edition; I too have never reread it; and I think that I never mean to do so。 The thing is a living record of our shame in South Africa; written by one by whom it was endured。 And therefore it lives; for it is a bit of history put into tangible and human shape。 At any rate; the other day the publishers kindly sent me a copy of the twenty…seventh edition of the work; which of course has been circulated in countless numbers in a cheap form。 I believe that in South Africa they think highly of “Jess”; even the Boers of the new generation read it。 I remember that when some of their trenches were stormed in the last war; the special correspondents reported that the only book found in them was “Jess。”
I returned to England by long sea; avoiding the train journey across Europe。 This I undertook when I went out in order to study the Egyptian collections at the Louvre and Turin。 As it happened I never saw that at Turin。 When I arrived there; purposing to spend an afternoon at the museum; my cabman drove me to a distant circus; and when at length I did reach the said museum; it was to find that on this particular day it was closed。
On my arrival in England what between success and attacks I found myself quite a celebrity; one whose name was in everybody’s mouth。 I made money; for instance I sold “Cleopatra” for a large sum in cash; and also “Colonel Quaritch; V。C。;” a tale of English country life which Longman liked — it was dedicated to him — and Lang hated it so much that I think he called it the worst book that ever was written。 Or perhaps it was someone else who favoured it with that description。 Some of this money I lost; for really I had not time to look after it; and the investments suggested by kind friends connected with the City were apt to prove disappointing。 Some of it I spent in paying off back debts and mortgages on our property; and in doing up this house which it sadly needed; as well as countless farm buildings; and a proportion was absorbed by our personal expenditure。 For instance we moved into a larger house in Radcliffe Square and there entertained a little; though not to any great extent; for we never were extravagant。 Also I became what is called famous; which in practice means that people are glad to ask you out to dinner; and when you enter a room everyone turns to look at you。 Also it means that bores of the most appalling description write to you from all over the earth; and expect answers。
Therefore; although I had the affection of my old friends and made one or two new ones; such as Charles Longman; with whom; to my great good fortune; I began to grow intimate about this time; it came about that I was much envied and not a little hated by many who made my life bitter with constant attacks in the Press; which; being somewhat sensitive by nature; I was foolish enough to feel。 Indeed there came a time when for a good many years I would read no reviews of my books; unless chance thrust them under my eyes。 Therefore of those years there are few literary records。
In addition to much worry; my work at this time was truly overwhelming。 The unfortunate agreement to which I have already alluded; entered into with the firm in which I believe Mr。 Maxwell; the late husband of Miss Braddon; was a partner; had been abrogated without a lawsuit; through the admirable efforts of my friend and agent; Mr。 A。 P。 Watt。 But this was done at a price; and that price was that I should write them two stories; which in addition to my other and more serious work of course cost me time and labour。 The tales that I wrote for them were called respectively “Mr。 Meeson’s Will” and “Allan’s Wife。” Ultimately; after various “business plications;” in the course of which I lost some money that was due for royalties; together with “Dawn” and “The Witch’s Head;” they passed into the hands of Messrs。 Longmans。
Then I began “Cleopatra” on May 27; 1887; and; as the MS。 records; finished it on August 2nd of the same year。 In order to do this I fled from London to Ditchingham; because in town there were so many distractions and calls upon my time that I could not get on with my work。 I remember my disgust when on arrival there an invitation to be present in Westminster Abbey on the occasion of the Jubilee of Queen Victoria was forwarded too late for me to be able to avail myself of it。 Although I do not greatly care for such pomp and circumstance; that was a ceremony which I should have liked to see。
Charles Longman thought very highly indeed of “Cleopatra。” Also; he backed his opinion by buying the copyright of the book for a large sum of money。
By the way; unluckily for myself; I also sold “Jess” outright and not for a large sum。 Messrs。 Smith; Elder; however; behaved extremely well to me; for when the novel proved such a great success they sent me a second cheque of a like amount as that they had given for the copyright; a thing which perhaps few publishers would have done。 Moreover; a dozen years or so later; they offered to give me back a half interest in the book if I would write them another work。 This I was very anxious to do; as both for sentimental and business reasons I should much have liked to regain a part proprietorship in “Jess。” But when I wrote to Charles Longman on the subject he begged me to abandon the idea; and as I could not hurt the feelings of such an old and valued friend; I did so; with many sighs。
I should explain that at the time I published only with the Longmans。 Afterwards to my great sorrow I was obliged to abandon this arrangement; for the reason that I found it impossible to place works serially unless I could give the book rights as well。 For a while I got over this difficulty; or rather Messrs。 Watt; my agents; did; by selling serial rights to the two great illustrated papers。 But in course of time; I suppose as they began to feel the pressure of the petition of the new sixpenny magazines; they gave up publishing serials; or at any rate paying much for them。 So I had to go to those who would run the serial if; and only if; they were given the book rights also。
Lang did not think quite so highly of “Cleopatra” as Longman; at any
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