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the days of my life-第35章

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land in pany with those of the ill…fated Weatherley’s Horse。
The reason for this change of plan was that of a sudden the Boers; seeing the difficulties of the English Government and knowing that the Zulus were not now to be feared; as their hands were full; began to threaten rebellion so vigorously that it was deemed necessary to retain us for the defence of Pretoria。 To the number of about three thousand men they assembled themselves upon the high veld at a distance of thirty miles from Pretoria and here formed a semi…permanent armed camp。 I was sent out in mand of six or eight picked men to an inn that I think was called Ferguson’s; situated a few miles from this camp。 We were unarmed except for our revolvers; and the object of my mission was to watch the Boers。 I had my spies in the camp; and every night one or other of these men crept out and reported to me what had taken place during the day and any other information he could collect。 This I forwarded to Pretoria; by letter if I thought it safe; or; if I had reason to fear that my messenger would be stopped and searched; by means of different…coloured ribbons; each of which had a prearranged significance。 At different points along the road I had horsemen hidden day and night; and; as my messenger galloped up; the relief emerged to meet him; took the despatch or the ribbon; and in his turn galloped away to the next relief。 In this fashion I used to get in news to the military authorities very quickly; covering the twenty…five miles of rough country in about an hour even on the darkest nights。 Cochrane; I remember; was nearly killed by his horse falling with him in the blackness when engaged upon this dangerous and exciting duty。
I gather from the following document scribbled in pencil by my captain; but undated; that somehow has survived to this day; that my letters were very hurriedly written。 Here it is:
Dear Haggard; — Your last safely to hand。 The only thing meant in my last about writing clearly was that we could hardly make out some of the words。 Colonel Lanyon10 said he could see that you had written in too great a hurry。 It is better to take a minute longer in writing to prevent any word being misread here; which might lead to fatal results。 Would you like me to send a good stock of food? It was no fault of mine that it was not taken with you。 The Landdrost’s instructions were imperative that the men should take nothing。 Parents are wiring into me now and say they hear their sons are starving。 Would you like any of the men relieved? I should not ask; but do it; only they seem to have got so very nicely into the thing that I would prefer them staying on unless you think I should send some fresh ones。 I think that for the next few days it will not be necessary to send very often。 However I leave this to you。 We are not having all beer and skittles here。 What with guards and fortifying; our time is well taken up。 I have sent down for your letters; also Cochrane’s。
Yours very sincerely;
E。 Jackson。
10 Colonel (afterwards Sir Owen) Lanyon succeeded Sir T。 Shepstone when he went home。
After a while the Boers in the camp got wind of my proceedings; and a large party of them; from thirty to fifty men I should say; rode to the inn fully armed; with the avowed intention of shooting us。 In this emergency I; as the officer in mand; had on the instant to make up my mind what to do。 To attempt flight would; it seemed to me; betray the truth as to the reason of our presence。 Moreover we should almost certainly have been captured。 So I determined that we should stop where we were。
They came; they dismounted; they stormed and threatened。 I on my part gave orders that no man was to suffer himself to be drawn into a quarrel or to do anything unless we were actually attacked; when all had liberty to sell their lives as dearly as they could。 I can see them now; standing about and sitting round the large room of the inn with their rifles between their knees。 I sat in my little room surveying them through the open door; pretending to understand nothing and to be engaged in some ordinary occupation; such as reading or writing。
After an hour or two of this things came to a climax; and I began to wonder whether we had another five minutes to live。 It was then that the ready resource of one of my sergeants; a fine young fellow called Glynn; saved the situation。 One of the Boers paused in a furious harangue to light his pipe; and having done so threw the lighted match on to the floor。 Glynn; who was standing amongst them; stepped forward; picked up the match; blew it out; and exclaimed in tones of heartfelt gratitude and relief; “Dank Gott!” (Thank God)。
The Boers stared at him; then asked; “For what do you thank God; Englishman?”
“I thank God;” answered Glynn; who could talk Dutch perfectly; “because we are not now all in small pieces。 Do you not know; Heeren; that the British Government has stored two tons of dynamite under that floor? Is this a place to smoke pipes and throw down matches? Do you desire that all your wives should bee widows; as would have happened if the fire from that match had fallen through the boards on to the dynamite beneath? Oh! thank the Lord God。 Thank the Lord God!”
Now the Boers of that day had a great terror of dynamite; of the properties of which they were quite ignorant。
“Allemagte!” said one of them。 “Allemagte!” echoed the others。
Then they rose in a body; fearing lest we had some devilish scheme to blow them up。 In a few minutes not one of them was to be seen。
Shortly after this dynamite incident I was relieved by my co…lieutenant; a very nice fellow whose name; I think; was Fell。 I returned to Pretoria on a beautiful stallion which I had named Black Billy。 I remember that Black Billy took me from the inn to the town in very little over the hour。 Here with the rest of the corps I was stationed at the Government mule stables; not far from the nek through which I believe the Natal railway now runs。
A few nights later things grew more serious。 Our pickets and scouts; to say nothing of natives; announced that the Boer laager; which; by the way; was now pitched much nearer to the town and practically besieging it; had broken up; and that the Boers to the number of several thousand were marching on Pretoria。 So indeed I believe they were; but something; probably the news that we were more or less prepared to receive them; caused them to change their minds at the last moment; with the result that the attack was never actually delivered。 Of this; however; we knew nothing in our mule…stable。 All we knew was that at any given moment we must expect to bear the first brunt of the onslaught of several thousand men; which would first impinge upon our position。 For some reason which I cannot recollect; my manding officer; Captain Jackson; was away that night; I think that he had been sent on a mission by the Government and taken the other lieutenant with him; leaving me in mand of the corps。
Well; I did my best。 A few candles were all that I allowed; set at intervals on the floor of the long building; that they might not shine through the loopholes and draw the enemy’s fire。 I posted my best shots; Cochrane among them; upon the upper platfor
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