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the days of my life-第18章

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rge as they only had a day’s notice to collect the warriors; however some five hundred turned up。
The dance was held in front of our camp。 First arrived a warrior herald dressed in his war…plumage; ox…tails round the shoulders and middle; a circlet of some long white hair round the right knee; a circlet round the head from which arose a solitary plume of the Kaffir crane; in one hand the large white ox…hide shield and in the other his assegais; which however were represented by long sticks; assegais not being allowed at these affairs。
This gentleman was acpanied by a little old woman who rushed about shrieking like a wild thing。 He sang the praises of his chief。
“Pagate! Pagate is ing! Pagate the son of —— who did ——; the son of —— who did ——;” and so on through some scores of generations。
“Pagate’s soldiers are ing! Pagate’s soldiers who drink the blood of their enemies; who know how to kill! Pheasants for whom no other pheasant ever scratched” (i。e。 who could look after themselves); and so on。
Then he retired。 Presently the warriors arrived in panies singing a sort of solemn chant。 Each man was dressed in his fierce; fantastic war…dress。 One half wore heron plumes; the rest long black plumes; each pany had a leader and a separate pattern of shield。 They formed themselves into a half…square looking very fierce and imposing。 Each pany as it arrived caught up the solemn war…chant; which was sung in perfect time and was the most impressive thing I ever heard。
As the chief came up attended by his bodyguard it grew louder and louder; till it swelled to a regular paean; when the old man; fired with martial ardour; flung off the attendants who supported him; and forgetting his age and weakness ran to the head of his warriors。 I shall never forget the sight。
The Governor drew near and was met with the royal salute accorded only to Cetewayo; Mr。 Shepstone and the Governor of Natal — in itself imposing when pronounced by a great number; “Bayete; Bayete!”
The dance then menced and was a wonderful performance。 pany after pany charged past looking for all the world like great fierce birds swooping on their prey。 Assegais extended and shields on high; they flitted backwards and forwards; acpanying every moment with a shrill hiss something like the noise which thousands of angry snakes would make; only shriller; a sound impossible to describe but not easy to forget。 It would vary: — now it is a troop of lions; now a pack of wild dogs hounding their prey to death。
Then forth leaped warrior after warrior: advanced; challenged; leapt five feet into the air; was down; was up; was between his own legs; was anywhere and everywhere; and was met with this sibilating applause which rose and fell and rose again; but always in perfect time。
By this time they were well excited; even the little boys of the tribe had got shields and joined themselves on at the end; while the beauties; and some of them were not unworthy of the name; took hold of long branches and went undulating about (the only word to describe their motion) urging the warriors on。
Presently forth sprang the heir…apparent; and in a moment the air was filled with this fierce sibilation and every warrior roused into wild activity。
It was a splendidly barbaric sight。 The singing was the finest part of it。 The last royal salute was also imposing; it is made by striking the assegais on the shield。 It mences with a low murmur like that of the sea; growing louder and louder till it sounds like far…off thunder; and ending with a quick sharp rattle 。 。 。 。
In a letter dated July 6; 1876; I say:
。 。 。 I stopped three days in Durban and enjoyed the change very much; as it was the first holiday I have had with the exception of a week when I was sick。 。 。 。 There is somewhat stirring news from the Transvaal telling of the first skirmish between the Boers and Secocoeni; a native chief of very considerable power。 If the Boers have to deal with him alone they will be all right; though there will very likely be a good deal of bloodshed。 But Secocoeni is a tributary of and allied to Cetewayo the Zulu king; who has of late been on the worst of terms with the Boers; so that it is more than probable that he and his thirty thousand armed men supposed to be hovering like a thunder…cloud on the borders of Natal; will take an opportunity to have a shot at them too: if he doesn’t he is a greater fool than “Cetewayo the Silent” is generally supposed to be。
On the other side of them; too; are the Amaswazi; numerically as strong as the Zulus and their nominal tributaries。 These have hitherto been friendly with the Boers; not from any natural affection but to protect themselves from the Zulus who are braver and more warlike than they。 But that friendly feeling has been shaken and I hear that the Amaswazi contingent counted on by the Boers to help them in the Secocoeni business has not arrived。 If they patch up their differences with the Zulus and a united attack is made by this threefold power; Lord help the Dutch! War here between white and black is a terrible thing。 No quarter is given and none is asked。 But I shall know more about the business tomorrow when the Transvaal mail arrives 。 。 。 。
In my next letter; dated 6th October; I talk of articles which I am writing; and add in a solemn postscript: “Don’t say anything to anybody about my having written things in magazines。” Evidently the cacoethes scribendi had already taken hold of me。 Also I say:
The war in the Transvaal is at a dead stop for the present。 The Conference in London seems to be rather a lopsided affair: our delegates and Brand appear to be settling the affairs of South Africa between them。 I am delighted to see that they have given Mr。 Shepstone the K。C。M。G。 It is; I imagine; rarely so well deserved。 I got a letter from him the other day; he seems very pleased with England generally。
From the next surviving letter; dated December 2; 1876; I gather that Sir Henry Bulwer at this time was not quite pleased at Sir Theophilus Shepstone’s request that I should acpany him on his special mission to the Transvaal。 However; ultimately the thing was arranged。 I say:
He 'i。e。 Shepstone' wants me to e with him for two reasons。 First; we are very good friends and he was kind enough to say he wished to have me as a panion。 Second; I imagine there will be a good deal of what is called the champagne and sherry policy up at Pretoria and he wants somebody to look after the entertaining。 It will be a most interesting business。 。 。 。
This seems to be the last epistle that can be found of those which I wrote from Natal; so I will return to my manuscript; which now continues as I set it down before their discovery。
At Maritzburg there was a good deal of gaiety and entertaining at Government House; with which; as Sir Henry was unmarried; I had much to do。 In connection with one of our dinner…parties I remember an incident which shows that Sir Henry knew how to escape from a dilemma。 By some chance there had been invited the Roman Catholic bishop (I think his name was Jolivet); a dean of the Church of England; and a very shining Nonconformist light。 Generally it was Sir Henry’s custom if a clergyman were present to ask him to say 
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